Chapter 114 Messenger

  In the distant Taihao Sect, Wang Yi just woke up from meditation.

  A summoning talisman floated in from the door, and Wang Yi stretched out his hand to beckon it.

   "Senior Brother Wang! Please come to the mountain gate, someone is looking for you." A man's voice came from the messenger talisman.

  Wang Yi got up and walked out of the room. Compared with Wang Hong's house, it was much more grand and luxurious. There were rockery mountains and waters inside, and a clump of bamboo was planted in the courtyard.

  Among Taihaozong's qi training disciples, it can be regarded as extremely high treatment.

  Wang Yi walked all the way to the mountain gate, and the disciples he met on the way greeted him one after another.


  Because he ate too many white crystal fruits, his cultivation base has declined, and he has not established a foundation yet.

  When he walked to the welcome building at the mountain gate, he was shocked to find that there were three foundation-establishing cultivators waiting there.

   "Junior Wang Yi pays homage to the three seniors."

   As long as he fails to achieve the foundation establishment for a day, no matter how talented he is, he still has to perform the junior ceremony when he meets the foundation establishment monk.

   "You are Wang Yi?"

  A Foundation Establishment cultivator in the lead asked, he was curious who this Wang Yi was.


  That day, when he was preparing to accept the task, he suddenly jumped out of a task, requiring a foundation-building cultivator to personally send a letter to Tai Haozong, and the task reward was 3,000 contribution points.

He didn't hesitate at the time, so he took this task down. He ran a trip, and there was almost no danger. He could get 3,000 contribution points. There are not many good things like this. There are not many masters who are generous .

  After he got the mission and left the mountain gate, he met two fellow disciples, and after chatting with him, he found out that they both received the same mission.

  He didn't know what important letter he was sending, but he had three Foundation Establishment cultivators send it at the same time. Thinking of the high rewards of this task, even if they thought with their toes, they could guess that what they sent was definitely not simple.

   This also led to what they thought was an easy task. They walked on the road like walking on thin ice, for fear of encountering any sudden danger.

   Fortunately, there was no danger along the way, and there was no interception, and now I finally arrived at Taihaozong safely.

  But they can't relax yet, the task also requires them to bring a letter back, maybe the danger happened on the way back.

   "The junior is exactly Wang Yi."

  Wang Yi took the three jade boxes from the three of them, and dripped a drop of blood on the seal of the jade boxes in front of the three of them.

  This kind of seal can only be opened by the blood of a specific person. If other people try to open it, the entire jade box and the contents inside will be blown to ashes.

  The jade box was opened, revealing three identical jade slips inside.

  Wang Yi took out three jade slips from inside and checked them. The contents inside were all exactly the same.

  Wang Yi knew his brother's style of work, so he wasn't surprised by it.

  The letter mentioned that there is a shadow killing organization, which may be against him, so let him be careful, it is best not to leave the sect.

  Wang Yi carved three jade slips in front of the three of them, put them into the original jade box, and sealed them with the same seal.

  The three Foundation Establishment cultivators took the jade box and carefully returned together. After this time, it is estimated that they will have demons about the task with high rewards.

  After the three of them left, Wang Yi suppressed his anger towards Shadow Killer, and went back to retreat to prepare to break through the foundation building. Without strength, it was useless to have any ideas.

  At this time, Wang Hong picked a green peach and was about to eat it.

  The current Bi Lingtao is much bigger than the one Wang Hong ate back then, it is already the size of a head.

  But it is still immature, the whole body is still dark green, but the fluff on it seems to be less.

   "Crack!" The taste of the green peach is very light and crisp. It no longer has the green and astringent taste of last time, and the taste has become much more delicious.

  After eating the whole Bi Lingtao, a powerful spiritual power rose from his abdomen, rushing into his meridians, causing pain in his meridians.

  He tried his best to calm down this powerful spiritual power, let it calm down slowly, and poured it into the spiritual power vortex in the dantian, and the spiritual power vortex in the dantian continued to grow.

   Soon, Wang Hong broke through the ninth level of Qi training and reached the tenth level of Qi training, but this did not stop.

  His cultivation base is still rising steadily, and finally reached the peak of the Qi training period, and he can no longer make progress.

   Then Wang Hong guided the spiritual power in his body to attack several times, but there was really no way.

   This is the bottleneck between Qi training and foundation building, and ordinary monks cannot break through it by themselves.

  Maybe the ripe green peach has this kind of effect, but I don't know when it will happen until the green peach is ripe.

   In the next period of time, eat some white crystal fruit to purify the spiritual power in the body.

   Then it’s time to prepare the foundation, but he intends to build the foundation quietly. After the foundation is successful, he will go through Guizang to hide his cultivation base, and it will still appear as the ninth level of Qi training outside.

  This matter must be concealed, and no information can be leaked, and the Zongmen's Foundation Establishment Pill has not been refined yet, and it cannot be exchanged yet.

  He was wondering if he could refine the Foundation Establishment Pill first, and build the foundation before the Zongmen distributed the Foundation Establishment Pill, so as to better conceal his cultivation.

   When necessary in the future, go to the Zongmen to exchange for a few Foundation Establishment Pills, and then pretend to establish a foundation again.

   Doing this can confuse the enemy, let the enemy deal with him in the same way as he dealt with the ninth-level monk of Qi training, and then he can catch himself by surprise.

  The main reason is that the enemy is too powerful. If the opponent knows that he has established a foundation and sends a powerful master to deal with it, wouldn't he be dead.

   Just do it when you think about it, because the main medicine of Zhuji Dan and other medicinal materials are not many, the medicines he cultivated later have not yet reached the age of medicine.

  Building Foundation Pill belongs to the second-order elixir, he needs to be familiar with the refining of the second-order elixir, the golden body pill refined before is only close to the second-order, but not the real second-order.

  He decided to practice by refining Yangyuan Pill. Yangyuan Pill is a second-order elixir, and it is the most commonly used elixir for foundation-building monks to improve their cultivation.

  Because of the second-order Nourishing Grass, the main drug, it takes at least 150 years to be used as medicine, and there are not many places where this second-order elixir can grow.

  This has also led to the price rising all the way over the years, from dozens of spirit stones a thousand years ago, to two to three hundred spirit stones now.

   Many foundation-building cultivators couldn't afford it. In recent years, there have even appeared some cultivators who speculate on Yangyuan Dan.

  They bought a lot when the price of Yangyuan Dan was at a low point, and then sold it when the price was high.

  In fact, the price of elixir above the second level has been increasing in recent years. Due to the scarcity of elixir supply, rich monks are willing to spend more spirit stones to buy.

  Today you give out five spirit stones, tomorrow he gives out six spirit stones, and the day after tomorrow he gives out seven pieces, and each time this happens, the price of the elixir gradually increases.

   Most monks can no longer afford the pills, and a few wealthy monks can use spirit stones to buy some of the pills they need.
