The stalls that have been set up for several days in a row, the first thing to sell out is the body wash, and the bug repellent spray shared by pets. Those snacks that look like pure dried meat are also selling fast, and he sells them. One bag, one hundred and thirteen bags, because it is real meat that can be seen, so for those who think that these are eaten by cats and dogs, the acceptance is slightly higher. In the end, there were still a few bags of dog food left, and the two hundred bags were all sold to the two brothers who took four bags on the first day.

After all the goods had been cleared out, Jianchu began to share the money equally, because there were more body washes and the price was higher, but there were also more people who bought them, so they made a lot of money these days, and the family could share 12,000.

Mu Nan couldn't help but sighed as he watched the money coming in from his mobile phone: "The money hasn't been spent yet, and I've made another fortune."

Qin Huai said: "Why don't you go buy some painting books and some paintbrushes, food and daily necessities are expensive now, but these things are very cheap, I remember there is a stationery store in our community, ask him if he sells there. "

Before Mu Nan prepared things for future disasters, he didn't spend the money on his hobbies, but now he can't buy too many things, and there is still a lot of money left, and those ordinary paintbrushes can't be bought How much money, maybe you can buy some canvas paints, but he doesn't seem to be very interested in oil paintings.

Mu Nan really didn’t buy these things. The pens for drawing recipes were all stock that he bought before. Later, when he had money and didn’t know where to spend it, he didn’t think about buying these things. After all, all he thought about was the difficulties in the future. There is no place to paint in a leisurely way, so now that Qin Huai proposed it, he was naturally a little moved, buying some paintbrushes is not expensive, isn't this another unexpected harvest: "Then why don't you ask the price first? "

Seeing that he wanted it, Qin Huai searched in the community group, found the WeChat account of the stationery shop owner, and added him privately. It is estimated that there are quite a few people who want to buy stationery privately, and the boss and friends pass through very quickly. After all, there are many families with children who cannot go to school now, but they always think that they will recover one day in the future, and their studies cannot be delayed, so they will buy some exercise books and either teach them by themselves or enroll in some online courses. There is always a need for classes, so there is also some market.


Although these things are not necessities of life, they are basically shut down now. Even for this kind of stationery, there is no place to buy them, so the price has risen slightly, like the seventy-two colors of colored pencils in the past, which are cheap A box of more than 100, now it is about 150 to 200, but you can still buy it now, and the price is not bad.

Qin Huai asked the boss about the inventory. There are not many colored pencils for painting books, and there are not many boxes of goods in total. Offered a discounted price. However, online transactions are not accepted, and they do not deliver goods to the door. It is estimated that there have been too many delivery accidents in some transactions recently, so I am more cautious, so I made an appointment and asked Qin Huai to go directly to the stationery store and wait for them to go directly to the stationery store. The store picks up the goods.

When Qin Huai was pushing the small trailer and Mu Nan was waiting at the door, seeing a few people messing around with a shared bicycle, Mu Nan said: "I don't see this kind of shared bicycle now, and I don't know Where did these people come from?"

Since the bus exploded in the hot weather, the public transportation on the road has been suspended. Later, when the temperature was unbelievably hot, the subway was also suspended. Only some lucky cars can still travel at night, but As the price of oil has gone from high to not being sold to private individuals, only the community can report to buy oil, and there are not many cars on the road. Those energy vehicles that were not widely accepted by the public in the past instantly became popular, but at this time, energy vehicles are no longer available to ordinary people. When it is difficult to travel on the road, this kind of shared bicycle is Being watched. Now Mu Nan can no longer see the shared bicycles parked on the side of the road on the road, and basically they are all taken as their own.

He also prepared a bicycle in his space. It was a gift from someone when he bought the oven so that he could cook some food at home. It was still new, and the foam film wrapped on it had not been torn off.

Qin Huai said: "Maybe it's luck, I just met you by chance."


As soon as he finished speaking, the owner of the stationery store came over, covered in sweat, Mu Nan subconsciously hid behind Qin Huai. Although it smelled of sweat, his brother smelled better than others.

The boss directly opened the big iron chain, opened the gate of the stationery store, and led them into the store. He was not afraid of any malicious intentions from them. They were all made of pens and paper, and they could not eat or drink. , but one of them looks white and harmless, and doesn't look like a villain.

While rummaging through the cabinet for what they wanted, the boss said, "You guys have got your point. In two days, you will have nothing to ask for."

Qin Huai said: "There are so many things here, are they all sold out?"

The boss sighed: "Where are they sold out? Even food is a problem now. No matter how important it is to study, it is important to have enough to eat and live. Not many people buy it. The city can't survive it. So I’m ready to go back to my hometown, which still has a piece of land.”

Qin Huai smiled and said: "That's good, there are still rural areas to go to. Now the rural areas are more popular than the cities. Many people have no way to go if they want to go."

Speaking of this point, the boss can't tell whether he should be proud or depressed. At the beginning, he worked hard to pass the exam in the countryside. During those years of hard work, he did not know how many ups and downs he had suffered. Qian opened this store, worked from dawn to dusk, paid off the debts, saved up money, struggled for so many years and finally bought a house that belonged to the young couple. Although it was a second-hand house, there was still a place to settle down of bricks.

Originally, I thought about working harder, saving more money, selling the house here, replacing it with a bigger one, and taking out my parents from my hometown to take care of them, but now, I went back and forth to find a way out, but Compared with some people in the city, it is really a very lucky thing to have a way of life in the countryside now.

"I don't know when the current situation will recover. I hope it will come back one day."

Qin Huai said: "Yes, if you want to leave, boss, if the things here are cheaper, my brother and I will buy some more."

Although these are not like food, but those books are easy to turn yellow after being left for a long time, and they will be eaten by bugs if left unattended. What, it’s cheap for you.”

Qin Huai thanked him and asked Mu Nan to choose.

Mu Nan picked up some pens, some notepads, a few boxes of tape, ink, and erasers, and all kinds of scattered things filled almost a box, plus his drawing books, colored pencils, and various watercolor pens , There are also a few boxes.

In the end, the boss only charged them 3,000 yuan, and he could sell some of them before leaving, purely as a travel expense.

Qin Huai pulled the trailer home, and Mu Nan followed beside him with longing, "It would be great if our family had a rural one, then I would definitely go back early to buy a house, install solar energy on the roof, and build a big house." In the yard, there are two big wolf dogs, and the iron gate of the yard is still electrified. If anyone has malicious intentions, they will be electrocuted to death, and then a deep well will be dug in the back, and the deepest one will be dug, and a hot kang will be built, just like the one in the northeast , once it burns, the house will be warmed up, how nice it is.”

Qin Huai smiled and said, "Farming is very hard."

Mu Nan: "Nowadays, farming is mechanized, and I can't grow fields that are afraid of heat." He couldn't help but sighed again: "I don't know what the future will be like in the world."

He didn't live long in his last life, he only survived one winter, and he didn't even survive the summer of the next year, so he didn't know what happened next.

Qin Huai rubbed his head with one free hand: "What are you thinking about so much, let's count it as a day."

On the way home from the stationery store, they would pass by the junior high school they attended, Mu Nan pointed to a blind corner of an alley: "Brother, do you still remember there?"

Qin Huai glanced sideways and couldn't help laughing: "Of course I remember."

At that time, Mu Nan graduated from elementary school and had no summer homework. He played like crazy throughout the summer vacation. He was promoted from the second year of junior high school to the third year of junior high school, so the school was tight, and he started making up lessons shortly after the summer vacation. He didn't have much time to accompany him in class. Looking at Mu Nan, Mu Nan climbed over the courtyard wall from that corner with a stack of waste cardboard boxes to bring him iced milk tea every day.

Once he came to get milk tea and was seen by the teaching director. At that time, Mu Nan hadn't cut his hair for the whole summer vacation. His hair had grown to a doll's head that could be braided. It was white, his eyes were big, and his stature had not yet begun , I thought it was a little girl at first glance. Thinking that he had caught a student who had a puppy love, the dean ran over bluffing. Mu Nan was so frightened that he turned around and was about to climb over the courtyard wall, but he was so panicked that he didn't climb up. Fortunately, he continued below and fell into his arms This time, the dean was very irritated, and it was in front of her.

In the end, he was severely criticized and educated, and asked the parents angrily. After a fuss, he found out that Mu Nan was a boy. He just climbed over the wall and came in to give him a milk tea, which made his homeroom teacher speechless.

Mu Nan said: "You don't know. Later, I was afraid to meet that director. Sometimes she was checking in at the door in the morning, and I wished I could disappear because I was afraid of meeting her eyes."

Qin Huai chuckled: "You don't know, after that time, the director wandered around the school every day when he had nothing to do, and later he really caught two couples secretly dating."

Mu Nan sighed: "Sin, sin." This is really their sin.

When the two walked downstairs in the community, their clothes were already sweaty, but in the past few days, they came out almost every day, either setting up stalls or fetching water to get supplies, or going to the supermarket to get things purchased online, so the heat is about the same. I got used to it, but I didn't know whether to say they were lucky or not.

As soon as they entered the building, the elevator came. However, several members of the Zhang family stood in the elevator. Although there was room for a small cart and the two of them, Mu Nan didn't want to go up. It wasn't that he hated the Zhang family. He has no enmity with the members of the Zhang family, not to mention hate, but simply can't stand the smell of other people in the confined space of the elevator, and he smelled a suffocating smell before he got on the elevator Sweat sour.

Qin Huai, who knew Mu Nan very well, didn't get on the elevator, but said to the people inside them: "Let's wait for the next trip."

There were elevators on both sides, and the other side was about to come down, but when they reached the fifth floor, there was a bang, and the whole building was dark.

Mu Nan stretched out his hand towards Qin Huai subconsciously: "Brother."

Qin Huai held his hand, took out his phone and looked at the time, it was only two o'clock in the morning, and it was not yet time for the power outage: "Let's go out and wait, maybe a call will come later." You can spend a little time outside There is a bit of natural wind, and there is no wind at all here.

Mu Nan said: "Should we take advantage of the darkness and put away our things first?" Even if we have to climb the stairs later, it would be more comfortable to have empty hands.

Qin Huai saw that there was no one around, and there was no need to worry about the camera when the power was off, so he said, "Okay, you put it away first."

As soon as the words fell, he felt that his hands were empty, and the entire trailer was put away by Mu Nan.

The entire community was cut off, and it was dark outside without moonlight. Mu Nan followed Qin Huai and sat on the small flower bed. Seeing that there was no one around, he pretended to take out two fans and a bottle of cold water from his small backpack: "Brother, hurry up and drink."

Qin Huai took the fan in his hand and fanned him: "You drink first."

Mu Nan didn't argue with him, and took a few sips by himself, which dispelled some of the heat from his body, then took the fan in Qin Huai's hand, and asked Qin Huai to drink some too, while he fanned the two of them. wind.

After drinking a bottle of water, Mu Nan put the empty bottle in his bag. This bottle can still be filled with water and kept on ice. This kind of container is also a very important material and should not be thrown away.

They sat downstairs for a while, and other people came back from the outside. Seeing that the community was so dark, they naturally guessed that there was a power outage, so they complained one by one. They were already tired and hot, thinking about receiving supplies Hurry up to go home and turn on the air conditioner. There is still a power outage, and I don’t know what time the call will come. If you can’t come at night, and you dare not turn on the air conditioner during the day, you will really die.

Many people in the group are the person in charge of the Aite community. The phone in the community has been ringing, but the power outage is not just their community, but the whole area. It took a long time to find out that it was their community. The power supply equipment in the entire area was broken, unable to withstand the high temperature and supercapacity load, and finally went on strike. As for when the call will come, this is really uncertain. After all, they have no way to ask the detailed situation, but obviously it will be in a while There is no way to fix it.

The number of people coming back from the outside increased, and there were ten or twenty at random, but none of them planned to climb the stairs. They all gathered together and waited for the call. Even at night, it was as hot as an oven. The air-conditioning in the room without electricity can't last long. Climbing upstairs at this time may really kill people with a slightly weaker body. So someone called the community, and after a long conversation, he said to everyone: "Everyone, wait, the community is trying to find a way to use a generator to generate electricity, first run the elevator."

Someone asked: "Is there anyone in the elevator? If you are trapped, you won't die from the heat, right?"

Qin Huai, who was sitting silently by the side, said at this moment: "There are people, seven or eight people."

One or two is enough stuff, and there are seven or eight. I can't take a shower diligently and my body smells bad. Now I'm stuffed inside, I'm afraid I will really suffocate.

So someone quickly called the community again and told them that someone was trapped in the elevator, and if they didn't generate electricity quickly to open the elevator door, they might have to drag out several corpses later.

Mu Nan was next to Qin Huai with lingering fears: "It's a good thing we didn't get into the elevator just now." Otherwise, there are so many people in the elevator, and he wouldn't be able to get things out of the space, but if he doesn't, it might really kill him if he gets bored in it. Simply incomprehensible.

Qin Huai looked at Mu Nan's face with the light of the phone: "Is it hot? Is there any discomfort?" He was afraid that Mu Nan would not be able to bear it if it was too hot for a long time.

Mu Nan shook her head: "It's just that I'm a little panicked."

Qin Huai took out a wet towel and wiped it for him. It wiped off the sweat and cooled down the temperature. The small fan kept blowing, which could relieve the heat a little bit.

After a while, people from the community ran over sweating profusely. There are seven buildings in their community, and there are four elevators on the left and right sides of a building. First of all, it is necessary to confirm which elevator has people in it, and first determine the elevator with people Generate electricity, otherwise time will be delayed and something will really happen.

Seeing that there is not enough manpower in the community, someone stepped forward to help. Fortunately, in order to prevent this from happening, the community has enough generators and oil reserves, but the engineers who can use them are not in the community. Wait for the community to prepare everything The engineer came here on a bicycle, and almost half an hour had passed before and after.

Of course, the people in the half-hour community were not just waiting. They checked each building. Some buildings were lucky. Someone happened to be waiting for the elevator, so they could not only confirm whether there was anyone in the elevator, but also determine which floor the elevator stopped on. , if it is a low floor, then directly try to force open the elevator door, and first rescue the people inside.

At this time, the WeChat group in the community also played a very important role. Some people are in the community groups of their respective buildings. I hope that someone can knock on the elevator on each floor to see if there is anyone in the elevator. , or which floor to stop on. After all, the lower floors can be checked a little bit, and the staff on the higher floors cannot climb up.

By the time Mu Nan and the others finally generated electricity to run the elevator down, an hour had passed. As soon as the elevator door opened, the people inside ran out as if fleeing for their lives. Nowhere was dry, and there was a puddle of water on the floor inside the elevator. Those who could move a little ran outside, and after two steps, they limp on the ground with their mouths open like stranded fish, and those who could not move fell inside, and the community members hurriedly carried them out.

Although an ambulance was called when the power went out, it has been so long and there is still no ambulance. Fortunately, the people in the community are able to cope well, and they have already started to prepare vehicles, but Mu Nan and his building have elevators. After the door was opened, the car to the hospital hadn't returned, so the fainted person could only be carried outside, and a group of people sprinkled water and helped fan the wind.

The woman who fainted on their side was a woman in her forties, her son was not very old, he looked less than 20 years old, kneeling beside him with a flustered expression and a pale face, calling for his mother while spraying the fan with water, The hoarse voice was full of crying, and someone beside him couldn't help comforting him: "Don't worry, if you can still feed the water, you will be saved. The car in the community will be back soon, and you will be fine when you send it to the hospital." .”

The comforting words seemed to reassure the boy. Although the hand feeding his mother was still shaking, it was obviously much calmer than when his mother was just carried out. Someone also advised him to drink a little. I was locked up for more than an hour, don't worry about my mother now, and I will collapse by myself the next time.

After waiting for about three or four minutes, the car came back, the fire was still alive, and everyone rushed to help the boy carry his mother into the car.

As a result, within two minutes of the car leaving, there was an exclamation, and someone fell down again. Everyone saw that it was an elderly man who had just come out of the elevator. Someone said just now that the old man was in good health and was locked up. After talking for more than an hour, the young man couldn't stand it anymore. He was fine, but before the heat of the words passed, he collapsed.

As soon as the person fell, the people around naturally dispersed quickly, not because they were afraid of causing trouble, but to make room for the air to circulate as much as possible. As soon as the crowd retreated, Mu Nan saw who the fallen person was, it was Zhang The grandfather of the family had a fight with Jian Chu a few days ago. Just now, their whole family was in the elevator, and the little grandson of the Zhang family was also sitting on the ground with a pale face and limp body. When he saw his grandfather collapsed, Even rushed over in a hurry.

But the car just left not long ago, unless the ambulance came, even the fastest way to go to the hospital would take at least 20 minutes to go back and forth. If there is no way to send them to the hospital in time, it is natural to try their best to rescue them on the spot first.

Everyone downstairs was busy, but those who should go home still had to go home. When Qin Huai and Mu Nan walked inside, Zhang Jianwen's face was already pale and gray.

Looking at the elevator, Mu Nan even subconsciously hesitated to go up. If it was locked, those people outside would suffer.

Qin Huai took his hand to reassure him: "It's okay, it's electricity, it won't stop anymore."

Returning home in shock, although there was no electricity in the house, the air-conditioning was still there. As soon as he entered the house, Mu Nan sat on the ground in fear: "I was scared to death, almost."

Qin Huai turned on the rechargeable lighting in the house, went into the bathroom to get a towel, then went into the kitchen and took a bottle of ice water and poured it on the towel, first wiped Mu Nan's forehead, then gave him a cold compress on the back of his neck: "Yes Is there any discomfort?"

Mu Nan hummed: "A little dizzy."

Qin Huai said: "You take out the swimming pool and take a dip in the water."

Although I was a little dizzy, I was still able to move, so I got up, took out the pool that had been filled with water, and then went to the bathroom to take a shower. After I got out, I soaked in the water for a while before I recovered.

Qin Huai is more resistant to heat than him, and probably has a higher psychological endurance than him, so the reaction was not so big. After confirming that Mu Nan had recovered and his face was not so pale, he went to take a shower and washed off the sweat on his body. Then they came out and soaked in the pool together.

The air conditioner at the side was blowing, and Mu Nan was pawing at the edge of the inflatable swimming pool. He might be sleepy, or he might be exhausted after being frightened. He looked at Qin Huai drowsily: "Brother, if we When I got on the elevator, and it was unbearably stuffy inside, would you let me take things from the space?"

Qin Huai said: "Yes, nothing is more important than life."

Mu Nan: "What happens after the secret is revealed?"

Qin Huai: "Naturally, I will take you out of here and hide before the order completely collapses. After the order collapses, change to a place far away from here."
