Although he said he was going to go to City B, it would take at least a little time before he could go out and the traffic returned to normal. If you want to completely lift the ban, you have to wait for the higher authorities to be 100% sure that the poisonous mycelium has dissipated, otherwise the blockade in the past few months will all fall short.

On the third day after the sun came out, various provinces and cities began to carry out disinfection at different times, from high altitude to carpet spraying in various areas. It is not unheard of when the smog was shrouded, but after the completion, the concentration of poisonous mycelium in the smog did drop, but it quickly increased again, and the smog did not dissipate. It's as if it can't be extinct.

Although after the sun came out and the smog dissipated, no trace of poisonous mycelia could be found no matter where the air samples were taken from, the higher authorities still dared not be negligent. , Only the cities that have been eradicated can gradually resume work and production.

Seeing that this kind of closed-door days is coming to an end, many people who are closed at home are starting to move around. The community that has been quiet for several months has been extremely lively these two days, and the broadcast outside is repeated several times a day. Notice, let everyone wait for the notice, don't rush out, but some people still can't wait, because they know that they may be driven back by people in the community when they leave the building, so some older people think that even if they die, they will die. It's enough to live, and I have to go to the rooftop for a few laps every day. Even though the weather is hot now, the high temperature outside has already exceeded 35 degrees, but every morning and evening, some people still go to the rooftop to bask in the sun, saying that they have to be grounded because they have been locked at home for so long.

Every day, Mu Nan can see from the balcony of his house that on the roof of the opposite building, three or two groups of people gather together, presumably chatting, some of them are still wearing masks, some of them don’t even wear masks anymore, but now It doesn't matter whether you wear it or not, because when the smog disappears, the poisonous mycelium also disappears. It's just that the country dare not be negligent for the safety of the people, so it has been continuously researched for several days, and it is not confirmed before the virus completely disappears , dare not easily lift the ban.

Mu Nan is not in a hurry about lifting the ban on going out, anyway, it's only been a few days, and people can still live a stable life, and there is not much left, taking advantage of the ban not being lifted yet, Mu Nan emptied the refrigerator, Most of the ingredients that can be made are made into finished products. Originally, after the daily production and consumption in the past few months, there is not much stock left in his hoard. In the last few days, he has been cooking almost continuously, and he has finished the last bit of stock.

Feeling that the space was full of cooked food, Mu Nan felt that even if he hadn't been able to cook on fire in recent years, he and Qin Huai would have enough to eat.


On September 3rd, the ban was lifted across the country. Although there is still no specific medicine that can treat lung swelling, and there is no progress in overcoming the virus of poisonous mycelia, people should not worry about when the virus and smog will reappear. Don't dare to go out, at least for now, people don't need to be bothered by the virus anymore. The lifting of the ban in foreign countries was faster than that in China. Almost on the day when the smog dissipated, most people walked out of their homes.

It is the threat of death, not the government's control, that makes them dare not go out at will, so when they feel safe outside, they don't need to check whether the government allows them to go out, and they come out. After coming out, the first thing is to find trouble with the government. Those who are unemployed and have no income at home for several months, because of the virus, those who have negative equity, no matter whether it is a natural disaster or not, they blame all their losses on the government. , wanting the government to pay for them. Therefore, in foreign countries, the lifting of the ban also means the beginning of another chaos.

In China, however, there has been a lively wave of resumption of work. Although there are many unemployed and bankrupt, the government can at least control the stability of the general situation. This alone cannot be compared with many countries.

The country has experienced such a pandemic that can be said to be unprecedented in history. Now that it has recovered, it is necessary to do some commemorative and mourning actions. The number of people who died of the disease this time is less than one million, but there are more Many people died at home before they even had time to enter the hospital gate. Those people didn't even get the statistics. Among the people who died, if they were divided by occupation, the medical staff were undoubtedly the most.

Perhaps the people who choose the profession of medical care at the beginning may not all have the mentality of saving lives and helping the world, but after wearing a white coat and feeling the weight of other people's lives, no matter what the original intention of choosing this profession is, the With more and more life and death contacts, the mentality feels more and more responsibility, and when countless lives need their rescue, it is this responsibility, this sense of mission gradually integrated into the flesh and blood, that makes them It has become the most sacrificed existence in this epidemic.

Looking at various reports on the most beautiful doctors on the Internet, and various touching stories in this large-scale epidemic, it is said that each province will build a monument to commemorate all the medical staff who died in this epidemic. Everything looks so normal now, people are walking in the process of getting their lives back on track, everyone thinks that the future will return to the same as before, and Mu Nan at this time in the previous life also felt the same way. It's a pity that there will never be a chance to erect that monument.


Looking at some of the reopened stores downstairs with the words "free for medical staff," Mu Nan turned to Qin Huai who was sorting things out and said, "As a family member, I'm glad you didn't become a doctor."

When he was young, his health wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t good either. He always had a cold and fever a few times a year. When he grew up, he could just turn his face away from injections and the like, but he couldn’t stand it when he was very young, and he struggled and cried naturally. Often, he still remembers that every time he got sick when he was a child, Qin Huai would coax him and say, "When I grow up, I will become a doctor, and when the time comes, I will give you injections gently so that you won't hurt at all." Qin Huai heard Yan smiled, if it wasn't for the man who forcibly took him away in high school, he really planned to study medicine in college, and later went abroad, of course that man would not let him study medicine, he wanted it A capable heir, not just a son.

After tidying up all the things at home, the automatic feeding machine in the other room is also set up. If it is fast, it will be back in two or three days, and if it is slow, it will be back in three or five days, so the chickens over there don’t need to worry too much. Looking at the time, counting the time on the way to the station, it was almost time for them to go out.

Mu Nan found two hats. The black one was put on Qin Huai's head, and the white one was put on his own head. It was very sunny outside. If he didn't wear a hat, it would be difficult to open his eyes: "The air conditioner over there Is it on? Don't come back, the chicken is too hot."

Qin Huai said: "It's open, let's go, go early and come back early."

Just as he was about to go out, Mu Nan quickly took out a bottle of sunscreen spray from the space: "Wait, spray it again." They don't need sunscreen, they only prevent sunburn, although the sun is not as poisonous as it was later, but later The poisonous sun really caused a lot of psychological shadow on Mu Nan. After going out for three minutes, it would be light to peel off a layer of skin, so you have to guard against it.

When they went out, the neighbor next door happened to be waiting for the elevator. Seeing them, Yu Zibai took the initiative to say hello: "You guys go out too."

Qin Huai said: "Well, let's go out and do some errands."

Jian Chu on the side couldn't help sighing: "I thought I would really coexist with protective clothing in the future. I didn't expect such a big epidemic to end like this. It's too dramatic."

At the beginning, he bought a set of protective clothing with the money raised by the loan software. He just wanted to seize some opportunities and go out early to make money. Unexpectedly, it didn't take long for the smog to dissipate like that. Of course it's a good thing to dissipate, but he went out a little late, if he could go out earlier, he could earn more.

Fortunately, the borrowed money has been repaid, and there are still thousands of dollars in savings. Now everything is back to normal. It depends on when the school will issue the graduation certificate, and then look for a job. Get to work as soon as possible, feeling like you're going to get rusty.

Before Qin Huai could speak, Mu Nan said first, "This incident tells us the importance of hoarding goods, so we must prepare more rice noodles at home in the future, so that if something happens again, we won't mess up our hands and feet."

Mu Nan saw Qin Huai looking towards him after finishing speaking, so he smiled and leaned over: "Yes, brother."

Qin Huai hummed and pushed down the brim of his hat. Mu Nan thought that Qin Huai was playing tricks on him, so he reached out and patted him, and straightened his hat again.

As soon as the elevator door opened, there were already several people standing inside. Three of them were aunts who had lived here for many years. They were excitedly talking to each other about how they spent the time being confined at home, and they also talked about who The family is gone, and there are only a few lonely, widowed and pitiful people left, and the tone of the voice inevitably contains some gratitude and pride for the rest of the life.

One of the aunts mentioned the young couple on the fifteenth floor. It seemed that the family of three never came back. The child must have disappeared. I just don’t know whether the couple disappeared or left sadly. With a look of unbearable emotion: "Such a young girl, she still calls grandma when she meets her. Ouch, it hurts to think about it."

At their age, the family's grandchildren are almost as old as that little girl, so it's natural that they can't bear to mention this.

Mu Nan couldn't help turning his head to glance, but was quickly pushed back by Qin Huai's hand on his shoulder. As soon as the elevator door opened again, everyone went out, probably because they were still a little uneasy facing the outside, and put on masks as soon as they left the building. Mu Nan and Qin Huai also followed the trend in wearing them. Although it was hot, Mu Nan bought some thinner ones, so they didn't fit so tightly and didn't feel too stuffy.

Yu Zibai and Jianchu were going in the opposite direction to them, so they waved goodbye to them quickly. After they left, Qin Huai led Mu Nan to the place where the car was waiting for the hailed car and asked, "Did you talk to them before?" Have you met?"

Mu Nan shook his head: "No, what's the matter?" There was an intersection, but it was a matter of the previous life, and he didn't even know that they were neighbors in this life.

Qin Huai said: "I see that you seem to like them a lot."

Mu Nan smiled and said, "You said that we are neighbors who live close together, and they are all young people. We can help each other when necessary, so it's normal for us to make friends."

Qin Huai reminded: "Some reminders can't be given casually. We live close together. If we have any wrong thoughts, we will be near the water."

Remind this sentence today, in case life is difficult in the future, thinking about Mu Nan’s reminder today, you may suspect that their family has a lot of things. If you are a good person, you are lucky. trouble. Especially since there were only two of them in the first place, Mu Nan was easy to deal with at first glance. Qin Huai never minded guessing the most malicious things about things like people's hearts.

Mu Nan knew what Qin Huai meant, and if it was someone else, he wouldn't talk too much, but it wasn't because he had helped him in his previous life, and it was also possible that he had seen Qin Huai and his shadow in those two people, so he instinctively I have a good impression, but what Qin Huai said is also true, he sailed carefully: "Okay, I promise I won't talk nonsense anymore."

Qin Huai poked him on the forehead: "It's best." It's so stupid, what else can he do except pay close attention to it.
