Chapter 175 "Who dares to be worse than me!"

Hearing Farodin's words, Charlemagne had an expression of enlightenment. It is likely that Emeril had returned to Mount Hyjal on Corey's ship to inform Fandral and Tyrande of the Burning Legion. Fandral just entered the dreamland. The lieutenant passed the news to his teacher Malfurion.

  Although he wanted to go back to the material world, it was very important to discuss the issue of the Burning Legion with Malfurion. If he could win the approval of the archdruid, then the possibility of the night elves sending troops to help would be much greater.

Charlemagne suppressed his inner anxiety, calmed down his emotions, and followed Farodin to the largest root in Nordrassil, where a night elf-style outpost was built. It is said that members of the Cenarion Council Just here waiting for myself.

The Cenarion Council is a druid organization led by the first druid, Malfurion Stormrage. The original intention of this council is to maintain the natural balance of the entire Azeroth world, and it also shoulders the responsibility of foreign enemies. resistance.

  In the war of quicksand thousands of years ago, it was the members of the Cenarion Council who investigated the water and soil of Silithus who first discovered something was wrong, and then warned the tribe to start the war between the night elves and the Ahn'Qiraj.

Fandral Staghelmet, who commanded the battle in that war, lost his only son Valastan. Although thousands of years have passed, this archdruid who dotes on children is still immersed in grief. Thanks to the comfort of his sensible little granddaughter Estalia, Fandral managed to survive the millennium.


  That’s right, granddaughter, Valastan was married and had a daughter before his death. His wife is called Leiana, and she is a certain flame druid in the cataclysm version of the game...

  Originally, although Fandral was taken advantage of by the ancient gods because of the World Tree he had planted with his own hands, and Enzos used the resurrection of his son as a bait to lure him into corruption, but he himself did not have much resentment towards the whole world.

  But the tribe's second great chief, Brainless Roar, completely ruined all of this. Garrosh's crazy attack on Astrana in Ashenvale involved the local Estalia in the war and unfortunately died.

Fandral, who had been imprisoned by Malfurion to reflect on his behavior, heard the news... went completely mad, and he and his daughter-in-law, Leiana, completely fell into the camp of the ancient gods and became the two of the flame druids. Determined to destroy the world, but in the end he was hammered to death by a footman adventurer and scraped his body.

The life of Fandral Staghelmet was a complete tragedy. His wife died of dystocia, his only son died in the battle of quicksand, and his little granddaughter, who was his last sustenance, was also killed by the brainless roar. Not many people can stand it...

When I saw Fandral for the first time, this tall night elf druid with green hair and beards was just like Charlemagne remembered, with his muscular upper body bare, wearing only simple shoulder armor gloves and Druid dress.


  As the number two figure in the Cenarion Council under Malfurion, Charlemagne's heart trembled because of the majestic temperament revealed by his whole person.

However, Malfurion Stormrage is different from Fandral Staghelmet. Although this archdruid with antlers on his head, wings on his hands, and cheetah-like feet looks vicious at first glance, his own The calm temperament revealed made Charlemagne feel less difficult to get along with.

Originally, the members of the Cenarion Council were more than the two of them, but Remulos, the guardian of the woodland, was going to guard the Moonglade, and the other members were going to help manage the druids in the material world when the two entered the dreamland, so when Charlemagne After entering the hall, I only saw these two big men.

   I have to admit that the night elves are worthy of being a powerful family that has existed for tens of thousands of years. After receiving the blessing of Nordrassil, they have an eternal lifespan. The number of strong people they have in the upper echelon is not comparable to that of other families.

Under Tire's reminder, Charlemagne learned that the two people in front of him were out-and-out epic powerhouses, and among them, Malfurion had reached the peak of epic mortals. Although Fandral was slightly weaker, he It has also reached the epic intermediate level.

In addition to Tyrande Whisperwind, Illidan Stormrage and Maiev Shadowsong, who are also predictably epic, and the suspected epic Shandris Feathermoon, the background of this race is indeed in the entire Azeroth. Unmatched among the mortal races.

As soon as Charlemagne walked into the hall, the weird and scrutinizing gazes of the two big druids kept turning around him. Malfurion was fine, but Fandral's sharp needle-like eyes almost made him feel a little nervous. An urge to run away.

The extremely strong archdruid was the first to ask directly after Farodin stepped back, "You are the Charlemagne Theron mentioned by Emeril? Are you sure that your news about the Burning Legion is true? "

   Originally, Charlemagne was still thinking about saying hello to the two of them, but Fandral's vigorous style brought the matter to the point at once, and it happened that Charlemagne didn't bother to bother to be polite, so he nodded directly.

   "It's true, you two should know the existence of Titans. I found a platinum disc in a Titan ruins, which recorded the abnormal behavior of the two guardians, Aegwynn and Medivh."

   Malfurion frowned. If Charlemagne wasn't lying, it was almost certain that Sargeras had really found a chance to enter Azeroth.

"Titans... Although I don't know much about the Medivh you mentioned, even we night elves who live in Kalimdor have heard about the guardians of Tirisfal. The previous guardian Aegwynn fought in Northrend. We also paid close attention to Saragos from a distance, but we didn't expect..."

  Fandral suggested at this time, "Master, if what this Highborne elf said is true, then we should start preparing for the battle as soon as possible. If there is a chance, it is best to kill this new guardian named Medivh, so as not to..."

"it's useless."

Fandral was interrupted by Charlemagne before he finished speaking, "Every generation of guardians of Tirisfal has demigod-level strength beyond the limits of mortals under the infusion of inherited power, and Medivh only needs to stay in Karazhan His strength will be further improved, even if the two epic-level combat powers of the night elves go together, I am afraid it will not be enough."

Fandral didn't care about Charlemagne interrupting him, he was concerned about the current problem, the arch druid frowned and asked, "Then what do you think we should do, could it be that we just sit back and watch Saragos find a way to open it?" A portal to the Twisting Nether?"

   "No, the space barrier of the planet Azeroth has been observed by our Quel'Thalas astrologer and has been intact. Even if Sargeras wants to find a way to open the portal, it will not be so easy."

"Now that the Well of Eternity is annihilated, it is impossible for him to let his body enter Azeroth through the space barrier, but it is possible for his subordinates Kil'jaeden and Archimonde to pass through the powerful fel artifact and The call of a great source of energy has entered our planet."

   Malfurion and Fandral's expressions changed when they heard this.

   "You mean?"

Charlemagne nodded, "That's right, it's hard to say about fel artifacts, but there are only three huge energy sources in the entire world today, one is the Nightwell that now covers the city of Suramar, and the other is what our high elves have. Sunwell, there is only one left..."


   Thanks to the book friend "Xing Yuqiang" for his reward and support.
