Chapter 170 Lord Isarios

   Tens of thousands of years ago, in order to eliminate Galakrond, the ferocious and powerful proto-dragon king, Tire specially selected the five most powerful individuals from among the progenitor dragons to help him.

  The five proto-dragons are the black dragon Neltharion, the red dragon Alexstrasza, the green dragon Ysera, the blue dragon Malygos, and the bronze dragon Nozdormu.

After an extremely difficult battle, Tire killed Galakrond with the help of five proto-dragons at the cost of losing his left arm. Feeling the great potential of these mortal races, Tire specially persuaded several The guardian of the titans bestows upon them the power of protection.

   Azadas, Freya, Raiden, and Loken prayed to their creators for the protection power of the five proto-dragons.

Neltharion the Earth Guardian, Alexstrasza the Life Guardian, Ysera the Dream Guardian, Nozdormu the Time Guardian, and Malygos the Arcane Guardian (Weaver) And thus the dragon was born.

  With the help of the Titan Guardians, the groups they led each evolved from the Progenitor Dragon to the Guardian Dragon Clan, and together with their own Dragon King, they took on the important task of guarding Azeroth.


But the actions of the five titan guardians aroused the dissatisfaction of the chief manager Odin. He believed that these reptiles could not take on the heavy responsibility of guarding Azeroth, so he locked himself in a side hall of Ulduar to plan his own army. This also laid the groundwork for Odin's fate of being sealed later.

The Emerald Dream is a subspace located at the edge of the material world of Azeroth. It reflects the scene of the original Azeroth. If there are no intelligent races on Azeroth, the whole world will undoubtedly be like the Emerald Dream It has also developed into a prosperous and primitive huge forest.

  Simply speaking, the Emerald Dream is a mirror space of ancient Azeroth. When certain species with a deep connection with the dream are located in certain areas of Azeroth, they can enter the same place in the Emerald Dream.

The sacred woodland of Valsharah is the area closest to the Emerald Dream in the material world of Azeroth. It was here tens of thousands of years ago that Malfurion met the demigod Cenarius for the first time. Under the guidance, he embarked on the way of druids.

Due to the close connection with the Emerald Dream, druids can enter the dream almost anywhere in Val'sharah, and at the same time, some powerful beings in the dream can also clearly sense what happened in the woodland of Val'sharah. some situations.

  Charlemagne guessed that Ysera should have felt Tyr's breath when he entered Val'sharah, and that's why On'hara invited him.


   After all, Ysera had fought side by side with Tyr back then, and she was very clear about Tyr's aura.

   Regarding the fall of Tyr, although it was very regretful and sad when they learned about it, Ysera and other brothers and sisters have gradually accepted it after tens of thousands of years.

  Now he suddenly felt the aura of this titan guardian again. The Green Dragon Queen didn't send an adult dragon to capture herself back, even Charlemagne felt that she respected him.

Among the five guardian dragons, Neltharion has already rebelled. Malygos, the blue dragon king, was almost beaten to extermination because of his old brother's betrayal. In the various timelines of Xerath, the dragons see the beginning but never the end.

  The one who is closest to mortals is undoubtedly the life-binder Alexstrasza who respects all life, followed by the dream dragon Ysera who has established a good relationship with the night elves since ancient times.

  But because the Green Dragon Queen has to manage the Emerald Dream, her consciousness is in the dream world almost all the time, which means that Charlemagne must enter the Emerald Dream to meet him.

   "The Emerald Dream? I've heard you mention it before, but what does the mirror world of the original Azeroth look like?"

  Aurelia is very curious about the Emerald Dream mentioned by her boyfriend, but she just wonders if she can have the opportunity to enter this magical dream world together this time.

   " should I put it? Just imagine it as a large forest that hasn't been transformed by any intelligent creatures."

Of course, it is definitely not that simple in reality. The Emerald Dream also has terrains such as jungles, hills, and mountains. But to be honest, Charlemagne himself has never really entered the Emerald Dream. He is really not very good at answering questions about lovers. .

  After all, what he enters in the game is not so much a dream, but a nightmare, and the red scene in it looks uncomfortable.

  Fortunately, in this era, because Fandral Staghelmet has not planted World Trees everywhere, and the ancient gods have not yet entered the Dreamland through the erosion of the World Tree by the Saronite veins, the Emerald Dreamland should still be extremely safe now.

The two arrived in the sky above Lora Hill that afternoon under the high-speed flight of the giant eagle. Although the arrival of the giant eagle attracted some attention from the night elves, they were already used to this kind of secret passage and used flying mounts. Too much fuss.

But the calm mood of the night elves only lasted until the giant eagle landed. As soon as Charlemagne and Alleria got off the giant eagle's back, they were surrounded by a group of sentries and druids holding sticks. The Druid of the Claw has even transformed into a beast form.

  Charlemagne and Alleria raised their hands at the same time to signal that they were harmless, but the night elves around them still didn't show any intention of letting go of their vigilance.

  A bear with beautiful patterns on its fur and wearing armor came out first, and asked the two of them cautiously.

   "Quel'dorei, descendants of the highborne from the eastern continent, why did you come to Val'sharah?"

This bear with a big **** has purple fur all over its body, and she can still see the shining natural magic lines on her face with vigilance in her eyes. This familiar shape and deep female voice make Charlemagne feel a little familiar, no surprises This should be Archdruid Ikoda Steelclaw of the Claw.

   Just as Charlemagne was about to answer, a pleasant male voice suddenly came from behind a group of druids.

   "Ms. Keda, they are guests invited by Her Majesty the Queen, and I will vouch for their identities."

   The two of Charlemagne looked up and saw a male high elf with long golden hair walking over, but Charlemagne and Aurelia could always feel a sense of disobedience from him.

  Keda's giant bear looked at the high elf with a puzzled expression. She moved closer to the high elf, twitched her nose slightly and sniffed twice, and then made an expression of sudden realization.

   "Isarios, how did you become this form?"

  The male elf smiled elegantly, "Hehe, isn't it natural to become a guest race to show respect? And I think this form is pretty good."

   Immediately, he reached out and gestured to Charlemagne and Aurelia, "You two, I'm sorry for frightening you, please come with me, the queen is waiting for you in the dream."
