Chapter 122 Scran's Mage Daughter

  Of course it’s still too early to say these things. After all, building a city doesn’t happen overnight, and it requires a lot of money.

Before Corey runs a business and earns enough money, Charlemagne's remaining gold coins can only be used for some initial investment, but Lor'themar is very active in planning to use his share of inheritance to help eldest brother build his own family fief.

   "After all, this is our Theron family's real fiefdom. As a member of the Theron family, what's wrong with me investing money in construction?"

  Although Charlemagne still couldn't get his head around it, he finally agreed to Lor'themar's capital injection under the persuasion of Li Reza, Alleria and others.

  Although the Theron family had made some achievements in the past, the biggest award Sigma received during his lifetime was nothing more than a baron.

  Because of Charlemagne's strong rise and Anastrian and some high-level officials' optimism about his future, his achievements have now surpassed those of his ancestors.


By the way, the Windrunner family, as generations of ranger generals, of course also has titles and fiefdoms. The hereditary duke title granted by Taranas has been passed down to this day. Now this title is on the head of Charlemagne's mentor Li Reza, but only the past generations The ranger generals don't take this title seriously,

  Windrunner's territory is just south of the Eversong Forest, southwest of the coastline. The entire Fengxing Village and the vast southwest forest where the Windrunner's Tower is located are all fiefs of this family, much larger than the small fiefdom of Baron Charlemagne.

When the discussion of the fief was basically over, Li Reza, who had been watching the discussion of the juniors, suddenly reminded, "By the way, your fief also includes the Tower of Morning Star, right? You should find a chance to say hello to the tower owner." It's better, we're all acquaintances anyway."

  Charlemagne smiled and nodded, "Okay, I'll go with Uncle Scala tomorrow."

   The retired former agent leader of the Far Travelers, Scran, has a surname of Morning Star, and the owner of this Tower of Morning Star is his daughter Lena Morning Star.

The Chenxing family is not strict with their offspring. At least Sclan has never had too many demands on his children. His son Su Te inherited his father's career and became a ranger. However, unlike his father, Su Te chose to join Among the regular ranger troops.


It's a pity that in the ambush more than ten years ago, Suter, who had surpassed his father in strength, unfortunately died in battle with General Ranger under Zu Jin's hands. Gradually the idea of ​​retirement came into being.

   Fortunately, he and his grieving old wife also have an outstanding daughter. Lena Morningstar did not choose to become a ranger like her father and brother, but embarked on the path of arcane magic under the leadership of a garrison mage in Taquilin.

   Contrary to Sclan's expectations, Lina actually has a good talent in arcane arts. Now she has become a 7th-ring hero-level mage and built her own mage tower in the southern part of the forest.

Lena, who grew up in the southern forest, was very displeased with those compatriots in Silvermoon City who were dreaming and dreaming all day long. When she met Osis, the president of the Arcane Association, he chose to build the Morning Star Tower in the southern part of the forest where she was born and raised. .

   It is also relying on the assisted defense of the Morning Star Tower that the Farstrider camp has been standing outside Zul'Aman to block the progress of the trolls.

In the last war against the trolls, Charlemagne relied on Lina's assistance in the rear to help Sylvanas with peace of mind. Afterwards, he took the opportunity to thank this girl under the introduction of Sclan... Strictly speaking He should be called Aunt Lena Morningstar.

   But as I said before, the elves don't value seniority. Under Lena's first statement, Charlemagne brazenly called this 2,000-year-old 7-ring mage her sister.

  Since the Sun King has assigned the Tower of Morning Star to Charlemagne's fief, of course he has to find an opportunity to say hello to this sister. After all, the construction of the fief will still need the help of Lena's "sister".

None of the group went back to Fengxing Village to rest that night. Charlemagne and Lor'themar had business to do tomorrow. Like Charlemagne, Aurelia, who left the chocobo in Aluneth, planned to accompany her. together with his monitor his sister by the way.

  Li Reza and Cirvanas are Ranger Generals, and they need to keep a certain amount of vigilance against the group of nightfallen elves from outside. They also decided to stay in Taquilin's camp.

Valeira, who originally planned to stay, was persuaded by Aurelia and finally returned to Jinwu Village where her parents lived by riding a chocobo. After all, this girl has been away from home for many years, and her parents should also hope Can spend more time with her.

The mother and sisters didn't go back, and Vereesa and Lilas stayed smoothly. The two little guys who lived out for the first time were obviously over-excited. Shrimp suppressed.

That night, Charlemagne summoned up his courage and tremblingly asked Alleria about the result of the discussion between her and Cirvanas, but the female elf did not give a positive answer, and looked at him with complicated eyes for a while. Angrily, he turned around and went to sleep with his head covered.

   Charlemagne, who failed to get the answer, could only fall asleep with doubts in his heart.

  Early the next morning, he took Alleria and Valeira who had come earlier in the morning to say hello to Ke Lixia and Luti, and told them the current situation by the way.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Quel'Thalas is not decided by the great magister like Suramar. Our political system is more complicated. The alliance needs to be voted and approved by the Silvermoon Council. It can only be done with the consent of both kings."

Ke Lixia expressed her understanding of Charlemagne's apology, "Don't worry about it. In fact, we Nightborn are similar. The consultants of the great magister also have a lot of power to speak. If the consultants unanimously oppose a certain resolution, even Elisande You also need to think more about it.”

After entering Quel'Thalas yesterday, Kelisha, Luti and the others' spirits have obviously improved a lot. Although they can't absorb the magic power of the Sunwell temporarily before obtaining the permission of the Sunstrider family, but in Eversong Forest. The pure arcane breath emanating from the sacred tree Sas'ara has eased their magic addiction a lot.

In fact, this is also the biggest difference between the compatriots in the southern part of Eversong Forest and those near Silvermoon City. Due to the existence of the holy tree Sas'ara, most of the rangers and citizens in the southern forest who do not need magic power do not need to absorb it from the Sunwell. magic.

  This is also the reason why there are few lost souls among rangers in the later generations. The magic addiction is not very strong, of course it is much easier to overcome it.

   After finishing the pleasantries with Kelisha and Luti, the three of Charlemagne found Sclan and planned to go with him to the Tower of Morning Star to meet Lena.

By the way, the old dwarf Lianghammer has not come out after a year of retreat. I heard from the receptionist that the quality of the weapons he produced recently was uneven. The hammer weapon is like playing a gamble.

  Ouhuang can even buy excellent level weapons for the same money, as for non-chiefs... welcome to gray rough level weapons.

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