Chapter 4 Jiu Jin Jin Dan ()

"Someone drowning?"

Fang Han quickly jumped into the water and saved the man.

"No gas, this is a floating body." After the rescue of the person, Fang Han heart tightened fiercely. The scene in front of me is indeed a bit astounding.

This person has completely died, his body is soaked in water, a long scar on his body, turned over, and the wound is actually burnt.

"Is this person being thundered?" Fang Han saw the wound and remembered that some people who had been struck by lightning in the countryside were also stinking.

This dead body, dressed in a very gorgeous, dark gold clothes, water drops on it, like the lotus leaf skin is generally dripping down, not contaminated a little, and touched in the hand is very soft, smooth, square cold in the square I have seen a lot of people in my family, but the fabrics like this have never been seen before.


"What to do? Is it a newspaper officer, or what? A person's life is not the same!" Fang Hanzheng is preparing to drop the body to report to the official, but in a blink of an eye, he hesitated: "The clothes worn by this person are a big man, how? Will you die here? If you are involved with him, after the newspaper officer, trace it down, I am afraid that it will be troublesome, but it is better to bury him, to be buried in the peace, as nothing has happened. More than one thing is less. ”

After thinking about it, Fang Han dragged the body and prepared to find a place to bury it.


At this moment, the body of the body, a gold-like gold, iron-like non-iron box fell out. The size of the box is slap, it seems to be a downfall, very heavy.

At the same time, there is a picture of the ancient scroll that has fallen.



Fang Han picked up the gold iron box and unfolded the scroll picture. He found the background above, dark and dark, faintly crouching with a shadow of a dragon, as if this was not a painting, but a A window, a window that leads to an unknown space.

"This picture is a treasure, the water is soaked, the ordinary paper, soaked and rotted." Although Fang Han does not know calligraphy and painting, but according to common sense, it is also judged that this is a treasure.

Later, he took the gold iron box and watched it in his hand. I saw it, and a small gold lock was locked.

Curiosity made him pick up the stones by the river, knocking hard, and the gold lock was broken.

"This is real gold, one or two gold, one or two official silver, this golden lock is also full of four or five. But this is the object of the dead, take or not take it? As the saying goes, the gentleman loves money, take it道.........." Fang Han pondered for a while: "Hey, I am just a slave, what kind of gentleman is not a gentleman, what kind of identity, what kind of thing, the book is not In a word, don't you do it, don't you manage it? Accept it."

Fang Han grabbed the gold and went to his arms.

After receiving the gold. Hey, the box is open.

This opened, the things inside were revealed.

A thumb-sized gold-colored medicinal herb, strangely, there are nine holes in the medicinal herb. Among the nine holes, the scent is slightly scented, and when the chill is heard, it feels refreshing. The whole body is light, and the fatigue of the whole body is swept away.

What is especially magical is that the nine cockroaches, like the nine cockroaches of the people, contain airflow, and they keep breathing and breathing. It seems that there is a strange vitality.

"This medicinal medicine, compared to Fangjia's best Ganoderma lucidum pill, Xueshen Pills must be wonderfully thousands of times." Fang Han saw those Fangjia children practicing martial arts, occasionally swallowing health pills, those are The exquisite things that are tempered, but compared to the medicinal herbs that have nine scorpions in front of them, they are simply incomparable.

"I also listened to those disciples who have said that there are some panacea in the rumors. They can dredge the bones, regulate the internal organs, clean up the blood, activate the spirit, and swallow a grain. This can save many years of hard work and improve the vitality. Could it be this kind of medicine, this kind of medicine, I smell a little smell, I feel refreshed."

Fang Han pinched this Jiu Jin Jin Dan as if holding a diamond drill, think about whether it is swallowed.

However, after thinking for a long time, he did not swallow, and the medicine could not be eaten.

Those disciples who take health care every day are on time, quantitative, discretionary and discretionary.

Fang Han is not a fool. Of course, knowing that even if it is a panacea, it will be damaged if it is taken improperly.

"This adult, your body has been picked up by me. I want to bury you and get into the earth. These two things are the rewards for me. We don't owe each other."

Fang Han put Jiuyi Jindan back into the box and confronted the dead body.

While talking, he dragged the body with his hands and feet.

Where did you know the corpse, the corpse actually slammed up and sat up, "the mysterious secrets, it is really different! The feather door is one of the top ten sects of the world. Fang Qingxue, you are not an outstanding disciple, it seems that the world is more A strong person. Just see if you can find the longevity secret with the magical way! The mysterious mystery, after a hundred years, is also dying. After entering the longevity secret, it is the real detachment........ .."

"Cheats! No, rumors, zombies can't talk, this is a bright day, zombies will not come out." Where did you know that the body actually sat up and spoke to himself, Fang Han was shocked. Not the same small.

"Have you saved me?" The "corpse" heard the movement, turned over, and saw Fang Han, his eyes sinking and asked.

"It turns out that you are still alive." Fang Han set the mind and calmed the road.

"I don't think you are calm like this? Look at your dress and dress up. It's a slave. Generally, after you find me, you will go to the newspaper. You know, if you report me, you can get a thousand dollars." It is cold and the tone is erratic. It seems to be watching the reaction of Fang Han. If it is slightly wrong, set a poisonous hand.

"It's not as good as one thing. It's not a good thing to get a silver medal. It's not a good thing to be remembered. I got two treasures on you, and it's a king." But since you are still alive, these two treasures It will be returned to you."

Fang Han took the Jiuyi Jindan, which was taken up by Huang Quantu. He was a slave in Fangfu. The most important thing was to observe the words, otherwise he would offend the master. He didn’t know how to die.

This person in front of him is obviously a strange person, and he is afraid that he can take his own life.

"It’s the king who is sulking and making a fortune.... This sentence is very good. I feel the same in Baihai Zen. Which is the slave in the house?" Baihai Chan remembered that he got Jiuyi Jindan, 蛟Fu Huangquan was chased after being leaked by occasional news.

"Longyuan Province, the slave of the Fang family." Fang Han licked his lips.

"The slave of the Fang family?" Bai Haizen's face sank, then eased over and looked at the ground around him: "I must be a person who is not willing to be a slave. So here, secretly practice martial arts, you ground. The footprints on the square are the method of refining the Fang family. You can steal school. A slave, stealing martial arts, and making taboos, presumably you are also a restless person."

"This person is so powerful, just look at it and you know so much." Fang Han felt that he was all over the body, and under the eyes of Baihai Zen, there was no secret.

"The restlessness is good, the restlessness is good, the slaves of Fangjia........ Fang Qingxue of the mysterious mystery...." On the face of Baihai Zen, there was a sneer.

His face is a bit stunned, this sneer, extraordinarily embarrassing, like a ghost.

"You are a slave, no money, no power, and you want to practice martial arts. It is impossible. Exercise the flesh, get out of the sea like silver flowers, and regulate your body. But if you meet me, it is your luck! I give You have a chance to make a difference, as long as you promise me to do a few things." Baihai Chan calmly voices.

"How do you give me a chance?" Fang Han police asked.

"This Jiu Jin Jin Dan has incredible ability to help you reborn, sweep away your weakness and give you a solid foundation that no one can compare. I will teach you superior martial arts. You will definitely advance by leaps and bounds. As for whether you can step into the mystery of the magical powers, then look at your own chances." Baihai Zen body sat up for a while.

"Shentong secret? You can help me cultivate to the mysterious secret!" Fang Han shocked.

"You also know the mysterious secrets? It seems that you have stolen a lot of things." Baihai Chan once again looked at each other.

"It’s just a matter of stealing. I also know that the tenth realm of the tenth realm of the flesh is a change of the gods. The physical body is cultivated to the extreme, and the brain has the support of a powerful body, and it will produce mana, and by virtue of mana, it will be made into various magical powers." Fang Han rehearsed what he heard in the hand of the giant spirit, one hundred and fifty.

"Yes, the human body, the brain is the most mysterious organ. Any martial arts practice can not cultivate the brain. This is the source of magical power." Baihai Zen said: "I want you to do something, there is nothing else, first worship. I am a teacher, and then after you have cultivated, the first is to find opportunities to join the Yuhua Gate in Fangjia, you must learn the "Yuhuafei Shengjing", and the second is to kill Fang Qingxue!"

"Yuhuamen, Miss Fangjia, Fang Qingxue!"

Fang Han was shocked again. He knew that Fang’s ancestors were legendary. A disciple of Yuhuamen’s immortality, who was separated from Taizu a hundred years ago, wiped the world. Fang Fangda, Fang Qingxue, has been studying in Yuhuamen, and she is practicing the fairy.

"But it seems that joining the Yuhua Gate does not seem to be a leader. The princes will be like each other. I would rather have a kind of seed. If I am a leader, I can take charge of the world, and also flatten the world and become the emperor."

Fang Hanma is courageous, and his mouth spits out a language that is incomprehensible. He knows that in the face of Bai Haichan and other strange people, the more the words are not surprisingly endless, the more they can get the appreciation of the other party.

"You see this kind of insight? In the end, it is still a mortal one." Where did you know that Bai Haichan heard this from his words, but he sneered: "The real excuse is the longevity secret after the cultivation of the mysterious mystery, the ten sects of the fairy tales." The master of teaching! Master one, Wei Zhenyu! Wan Guochao." Baihai Zen seems to see through the thoughts of Fang Hanxin: "Da away from the dynasty, although the territory is vast, the population is hundreds of millions, in fact, in the eyes of the Ten Gates of the Fairy Road, but It is a plaything. Just like the magic road, there is no magic emperor. If the congenital emperor is worried, he will be dissatisfied with the great dynasty. He can always destroy the whole dynasty one hundred times. The disciples of the congenital emperor mastered the moon dynasty. Dynasty, the beginning of the dynasty .... and so on dozens of dynasties, which one of the dynasty's land, are not under the dynasty."

"There are so many dynasties in the world! Congenital emperor, what is it? Actually dare to call the emperor."

Fang Hanru was shocked at the end.

He is a slave in Fangjia, and his vision is not bad, but he also knows that under the heavens, it is the king of the earth. He thinks that the whole world is far from the dynasty, but he does not know that there are so many dynasties in the world! country! How big is the whole world?

"The world is big, the sky is big, and the void is big. How big is the heart, how big the world is! I have to help you open your eyes. The congenital emperor is the emperor of the magic road, and the top ten gates of the fairy road Wanshou Wannian. The emperor of the dynasty, known as Long live, in fact, he can live long live, and the congenital emperor, can live a long live! The Ten Great School of Xiandao, which disciple who cultivated to the mysterious secrets came to the Great Dynasty The princes and nobles have to be regarded as the guest, and they are afraid of hospitality. This time, Fang Qingxue practiced in the mysterious secrets, and I was afraid that he would soon be a princess by the great dynasty, and he would die. I got this crouching Huang Quan, It is also a magic weapon left by Huangquan Mountain after the emperor Huangquan Emperor became immortal. The power of Baihai Zen looked at Fang Han’s eyes, as if looking at a fool: “If you step into the magical mystery, you can really touch it. These things have also stepped into the world of immortality. If you don’t step into the mysterious world, you will mix in the dynasty for a lifetime, be a locust, but unfortunately, I have hope. Into the mysterious secrets, but it is a loss. Well, these are the things that open your eyes to you, you really have to touch these things, then you have to rely on the Fang family, enter the feather door and say. Well, you are now apprentice! I There is not much time left."
