Chapter 17 sect welfare ()

Without the weapons, the "Shenli 傀儡" made by the devils of the underground was killed by the fists. The children of the gates who were present felt that Fang Han was too mighty and overbearing.

At the same time, for the strong bones of Fang Han's muscles, they all evoke a feeling of incredulity.

However, it is not surprising that any big family door valve has its own secrets. Perhaps there is a tyrannical method of cross-training the bones and bones in the Fangjia, but it will not let the disciples of this group of valves be ruined.

At this moment, Fang Han established his position in their minds, not being despised, but also showing that he has enough value to be drawn.

This is not, Zhenyuan Xiaohou Liu Kang, Hongyi County owner immediately discovered the value of Fang Han.

The disciples of the door family are good at attracting talents, and after becoming a foreign disciple, there is a series of competitions every year, which is more **** than the official court of the court.


Think about it, hundreds of thousands of foreign disciples have to compete for the number of thousands of inner disciples. The cruelty of this competition is self-evident.

Fang Han is confident, he can mix himself like water, gradually improve his strength, and eventually become a true disciple like Fang Qingxue.

At that time, even if he wants to be a slave to the family, Fang Fang does not have the courage to do it.

"To each other, I just cultivated some cross-training skills, so the bones and muscles are stronger. But the swordsmanship of the county owner and Xiaohouye are all self-contained, each with style, killing moments, much better than me. Now we are all outside disciples, and in the future, we should pay more attention to each other."

In the face of the "Hongyi County Lord" and "Zhenyuan Xiaohouye" came forward, Fang Han naturally knew what he should say, and this one "has a lot of care in the future" is quite interesting.

He had long known that the foreigner disciples were very competitive. They could not live without being a group. Moreover, he knew too little about the world. He had to acquire knowledge from other people to enrich his understanding of the world. .


For example, what is "underground magic man", he does not know what it is.

Birth determines the knowledge, what can a little horse-raising servant know?

Fang Han is also very clear about this.

"It's all the same door, naturally it should be taken care of each other." "Xiangyuan Xiaohouye" Liu Kang nodded.

"When the assessment is over, let's go to the door to send out the things." Red Yi County's main talk, but his eyes are staring at the center of the venue to continue assessment.

In the next assessment, some people were eliminated and some people passed.

In particular, several of them, the identity seems to be the emperor's grandson of the dynasty, the shot is fierce, the hand is also a weapon of the gods, almost destroyed, and the "divine force" is solved, showing a profound strength.

This made the Fang Han heart secretly vigilant.

After one day passed, the assessment was finally over. There were hundreds of thousands of disciples and disciples, and only over 20 passed the assessment and became foreign disciples.

"Today's assessment is over, people who have not been tested, waiting in the hall, wait for us to send the cranes to send you out of the Feather Hill. In addition, the disciples who have passed the exam, please come with me, pick up the necessary items of the martial art, we emerge The door will provide you with a place to live. From then on, you are the person of the feather door, the immortal disciple, the identity is extraordinary, and you must act in strict accordance with the rules.

An appraisal officer screamed loudly and led Fang Han and others who had participated in the assessment to go inside the "Tianxianyuan".

"Required items, I heard that it is a variety of implements, I don't know what it is?" Fang Hanxin said in the dark.

In a short while, a group of people went to the large storage room in the inner courtyard, where dozens of mouth boxes were placed, which was just one person.

Hey, the examiner who led the way opened a big box, only to see a feather coat, a few jade carvings, a shark skin sword, and a few books carved in jade.

"This coat of clothing is a vestment, woven with silkworms, silkworms, goldworms, silverworms, and black silkworms. It is a kind of soft medicine. After wearing it, you can walk through the mountains and avoid the hundred insects. The snake worms and ants will not invade, they can avoid a hundred poisons, all kinds of suffocating gas, but they are invulnerable, unless the implement can be destroyed. These first signs are net clothes, which contain water, as long as the body is dirty. The mind is moving, the law is turned into a mist, and the whole body can be taken around, so that the body can be cleaned and cleaned. The second is the dust-proof character. The third is the soul fire symbol, which can be used at any time. The fourth is True water, all the time, can absorb the moisture in the air, clean and store in the symbol, you will go to the desert to perform a variety of martial missions, experience and repair, these things can be used. Fu, the hemostatic symbol, which contains medicine, can treat all kinds of flesh wounds. You are cut by a sword, and he can stop bleeding, stop pain and heal wounds immediately."

The examiner said the clothes and the remarks once, and then took out a sword. The slamming sound was pulled out, and the brilliance flashed, such as the dragon screaming, and the sword flashed an inch of inch.

"This is the scorpion sword created by Yuhua Xianmen. Although it is not a flying sword, it is cut into iron, and it contains masculinity. It can kill the ghosts and ghosts and avoid the evil spirits. It is also a musical instrument. As long as you can , promoted to an inner disciple, when the martial art will give you a real sword of the flying sword, the monks will open in dozens of miles.

"Also, these books are the three basic martial arts of Yuhuamen, Songhe Wanshou Boxing, Feiling Soft Body, Dragon-shaped Flying Tiger Steps, and others, which are my feather door rules. The rest of the sects, the beasts, the abyss, the overseas, the things of the great dynasties, the astronomy, the geography, are all in it. Your daily affairs are to study and practice carefully."

I introduced an article in the box and the examiner sent it one by one.

"Good things, my swords are not so sharp! If these instruments can be taken out and auctioned in Beijing, I am afraid that every piece will be worthless."

"Hongyi County Lord" took the "斬魔劍" in his hand and waved it a little, and he felt the sensation of Sensen.

"Of course, our sword is actually no worse than this scorpion sword, even better, but this sword has the magical blessing of the magical masters in the refining." Liu Kangdao.

Even if it is a piece of iron, if you add to the magic power of the magical masters in the forging, it will become a weapon of the gods.

Fang Han did not speak, but collected these things one by one, according to the examiner's instructions, found the room where he lived in the "Wo Xian Yuan".

"Wo Xian Yuan" is very large, 50 times bigger than Fang Fu, and there are thousands of courtyards in one and another.

There are hundreds of thousands of foreign disciples in the Yuhuamen. They live in this mountain plain. They live in the places of "Wo Xian Yuan", "Yu Xian Yuan", "Qing Xian Yuan", "Jing Xian Yuan" and "Sheng Xian". The hospital "...........etc. dozens.

The size of each of the "Xianyuan" inhabited is equivalent to a palace, grand and arrogant.

"Great courtyard, room."

When Fang Han arrived at the place where he lived, he saw his own yard. There were a few acres of squares. The house was built with pavilions and swaying bamboos. The courtyard was full of trickles and goldfish. The kingfisher is coming, the air is in the air, and it is really a fairyland.

"No wonder, you have to sharpen your head as a disciple of the feather door. The benefits of being a disciple are too much."

Closed the courtyard door, sitting in the big bed in his room, Fang Han sat down and kneel down, first put the clothes on, and suddenly the whole body was full of energy, and the clothes had a fresh air and rushed.

This dress, avoiding poisonous suffocating, avoiding snake worms and ants, is not afraid of ordinary swords. Between the secular, it is a treasure that cannot be found by the two golds. In the feather gate, it is only the welfare of the foreign disciples.

Subsequently, Fang Han took the "Jing Yi Fu", "dust-repellent", "soul fire", "true water", "hemostasis" five jade pieces, all of which were blood-stained, and suddenly felt that the mind and these symbols have Contacted.

There was a flame on the soul of the soul.

"Good things, these symbols are simply essential items to go out."

Later, Fang Han opened the few books of the book.

One of the jade books, which reads "Songhe Wanshou Boxing", opens, and suddenly, on the top of the jade book, a Taoist dressed in white, actually flickers in it, moves up, moves one stroke, and constantly exercises martial arts. The small voice, conveyed from the jade book, is to explain the mysteries of this set of boxing methods.

The details are a hundred times better than when Fang Han was stealing school.

"How can this book still have images, but also make a sound?" After studying for a long time, Fang Han did not see why this jade book can show the principle of human figure and vocalization. Even if it is done, it can be understood naturally.

Open the other two books, the same is martial arts, "Flying Ling Bone Boxing", "Dragon-shaped Flying Tiger Steps", Fang Han opened both books, watching the above explanation, the actions of the white clothes, one by one to study .

Smooth breath!

Full body spirit!

Jiuyi Jindan's potency is integrated into the bone marrow!

Fang Han felt that his martial arts were refined.

Today, the battle with "Shenli 傀儡 ,", hard hit, let him benefit a lot, completely consolidate the atmosphere, ** more solid, full.

When the movement is slight, the bones are sizzling, and Fang Han is facing the mirror. He finds his whole body muscles, like steel casting, and the skin of the whole body is smooth and soft, like the most delicate satin.

"The inside is dirty, the organs are like iron!"

He took a sigh of relief, swallowed it in his stomach, twirling, cold and visceral, and kept running.

Today's "Shenli 傀儡" seems to be iron-making steel, beaten his whole body, and then re-calcined the impurities, which greatly stimulated the power of Jiu Jin Jin Dan, making his physical body repair, and once again leaps and bounds.
