Chapter 12 Crane Fairy ()

"Million animal card" floats in the air with his own mind, magical and incomparable, so that Fang Han's mind is also alive.

"Blood blood sacrifice" can make people in the flesh use various magic weapons, which is an unparalleled advantage. Only those who practice martial arts know that no matter how powerful they are, they cannot exert their strength by virtue of the flesh.

The flesh cannot fly, the flesh is afraid of a knife and a gun, and the flesh is afraid of poison, water, fire, thunder, etc. In short, even if the body of the flesh is cultivated to the realm of the ten "deaths", with the power of five horses, it can not escape the fate of mortals.

Unless you cultivate into the "mystery secret", the brain develops, repairs mana, and possesses magical powers.

But how hard is the magical secret? Among the 10,000 masters, one has succeeded in cultivation, that is, the blessings of the ancestors, the opportunity of Tianda.

At this time, the role of the magic weapon came out.


If a person who is still in the flesh, has a flying sword? You can swear by a thousand steps, after the blood drop, you can fly freely, what about the lethality?

If this person has a "amulet", cloth into a wall, and the guns and guns do not enter, then what is the human weapon?

A master of the realm of divine power, I am afraid to kill the master of "God change."

Even if it is a low-level instrument such as the "Million Animal Card", Fang Han knows that if he uses it well, he will only be able to control the spirit beast to attack the enemy.

"Try it? Put the blood on the top of the crouching yellow spring map? No, I am afraid there will be changes. If the crouching Huangquan map can be drenched with blood, I am afraid that Baihai Chan has already done this before, and it is not for me. Well, in case something happens, I will die."

Fang Han is a cautious person. Knowing that "the crouching of Huang Quan Tu" is a strange thing, in case the blood sacrifices make mistakes, ignites what is different, and it is difficult to die.


Therefore, he still tries to test what the "wan beast card" looks like, and can communicate with the beast for himself.

If thirty-six cranes are able to listen to their own commands, then the "devil" master can not help himself.

Going to the front of a crane that is obviously the leader, this crane, compared to other cranes, is obviously rich and handsome, and the head is still taller. The top of the crane is also brightly lit like a flame, so everyone sees it. It is concluded that this crane is the leader.

The crane looked at Fang Han and gave a long shout.

Immediately, Fang Han felt that a "women's card" conveyed a woman's delicate voice: "Boy, hurry up and open the net, put the girl out to fly, active bones!"

"Well?" Fang Han was shocked and observed from all sides.

"Hey! What do you see, it is the voice of the girl. You drop the blood on the card of the beast. The voice of the girl can be conveyed on the card of the beast, changing the language of the adult so that you can understand. ”

This crane was a long shout, and a heartfelt voice was clearly conveyed from the beast card.

"What, this girl? You are the crane that is talking?" Fang Han understands the specific role of the beast card. "Okay, then I will let you out, you will fly me up."

"Hey! Let the girl serve three meals a day, comfortably, this girl can also consider, help you a little, if you are not serving this girl, this girl will not listen to you. You think, mastered 10,000 Can the beast card command the girl? The beast card is just a musical instrument that can communicate with us. We are equal."

The crane crane started to look up, and a pair of crane eyes looked down and looked at Fang Han with pride.

"It turned out to be the case. I thought that the beast card could command this group of cranes. It turned out to be just a communicator. It seems that it is not an easy thing to raise a beast."

Fang Han knows that his own control of thirty cranes and the hope of defeating the "God Change" master is only frustrated.

"Heyed fairy, Xiaosheng is polite." After Fang Han understood this, his face changed, he smiled and sang a fat floating astronomy.

The tornado smashed and the tornado smashed out. These cranes flashed their wings and rushed out. They glided and glided in the sky.

"You are a very good person, very good, it seems that we can be friends. And your breath is still very strong. The strength is very good." The "Heose Fairy" flew for a while, suddenly a dive, fell to the face of Fang Han, The strong wind blew him to hold his breath, but his footsteps did not move: "From now on, I will let them help you more."

"Thank you for the crane fairy, don't know what the crane fairy wants to eat, Xiaosheng prepare for you?" Fang Han nodded.

"Of course it is roast pheasant, roast rabbit, I went to other mountains, grab some hare, pheasant came over, you gave us a roast, salt, mustard, put a little more, hey, I want to eat roast It’s a pity, but it’s a pity that it won’t use fire, so you don’t have to burn the feathers. You can only rely on you. Baked rabbits, pheasants, good incense..........”

"Heose Fairy" was talking between, and the water in his mouth kept going down and dripped onto the ground, giving off a burst of fragrance.

"This is a crane, a very expensive medicine.........."

Fang Han looked at the cranes that had fallen to the ground. It was a pity that I wanted to find something to collect. A hundred years of cranes, are good things to regulate the internal organs, nourishing yin and yang, nourishing the lungs. Not to mention the millennium cranes, the treasures of the martial arts, the cultivation of the innermost things, the strong things inside. One or two gold one money.

The cranes of the feather gate are all heterogeneous, and the cranes are afraid of being comparable to the old cranes for a thousand years.

"Go, let's catch the game!" After the "Heose Fairy" drooled, it threw up and greeted another crane, and a group of cranes flew out to the mountains outside the Yuhua Mountain.

"You, build the grill."

Seeing that the group of cranes flew away, Fang Han quickly told the men and women of more than two hundred servants, built many grills and prepared for barbecue.

In a short while, the group of cranes flew back, and the cranes caught some wild game. In addition to pheasants and rabbits, there were big fish in the river, wild wolves, foxes, and even sika deer, tigers, leopards. Antelope, wild boar, bear. What is even more powerful is that the crane fairy actually grabbed a full-bodied big python and threw it on the ground, and shocked all the slaves.

"It really is fat, just let these cranes go hunting, I don't know how much money I can earn every day. Tiger skin, bear skin, fox skin, snake gall, bear paw..........."

Fang Han looked at all of this and knew in his heart why Fang Fang, Fang Rui and Fang Lie had their eyes on their position.

The slaves under the command were busy for a long time, peeling the wild animals, and then selecting the meat barbecue. Fang Han went in battle personally, and made the big python caught by the crane fairy scented, trying hard to serve, even if he was still waiting. Let the slave get some good wine and drink it for the crane fairy.

These cranes, one by one, were served with enough food, flew into the sky for a while, landed, and went back to their place of residence to sleep.

"These cranes are not as complicated as the waiters, and their minds are relatively simple." After serving these cranes, Fang Hanxin breathed a sigh of relief.

For dozens of days, Fang Han, in addition to secretly practicing martial arts, really served this group of cranes, and gradually, and the crane crane fairy "hooked".

After his boxing method, after practicing in the realm of "divine power", the "Nine Miles of Golden Dan" in the heart seems to be running a lot slower, as if the cultivation of the flesh has reached a limit.

However, Fang Han is not slack, still practicing hard every day, and the devil-style training is persevering. He believes that one day, he will break through again.

On this day, Fang Han let the crane fairy drink a little wine, and when he was riding the head, he proposed the taste of flying to the sky.

"Flight is not an easy thing to do. You grab my feathers and fall down. This girl can't care." A pair of cranes are drunk, and the cranes are dripping down. This is caught by Fang Han with a bowl. .

"I will be careful." I got the permission of the crane fairy. When Fang Hanyi turned over, he climbed the crane back. He has now cultivated into the realm of divine power. He is as a monkey, and he is comparable to a civet cat.

"This girl flies!" Hexianzi stood up and fluttered his wings. When Fang Han suddenly felt a shock, he seemed to have lost his weight. I saw the mountains below, the mountains, and the stars. The palace is only the size of a fist. If it falls, it will be a broken bone.

"Is this the feeling of flying? I am finally in the sky!" Although some of my heart is uneasy, but Fang Han is very excited.

"However, this is flying by external force. One day, I will cultivate to the mysterious secrets, and I will volatility. This is the real god." Fang Han secretly said, but his hands clenched. The feathers of the crane fairy.

"Heose Fairy" dragged its wings, and the arrows generally shuttled through the clouds. In a short while, they flew out of the feathered fairy mountain.

Outside the feathered mountain, it is a continuous mountain. Who knows how many mountains, 100,000, and millions? No one in the mountain knows how many secrets are hidden.

"Where are we going to fly?"

Seeing the "Purple Peak" disappeared, Fang Han asked on the back of the crane through the beast card.

"Afraid of what, this girl can fly a thousand miles at an hour." Crane Fairy said: "It is not easy to go back, a few wings will be fanned."

"That's good, everything will listen to you, anyway, the wings grow on you." Fang Han buried his head, the whole person did not enter the crane plum, as if wearing a great crane, airflow from the feathers Gliding past, unable to blow his body, the whole person suddenly relaxed a lot, enjoy the process of flying.

At this moment, suddenly, in front of the mountains, a few stunned, like a wolf smoke, skyrocketing, forming seven pillars of smoke, as if to smash the sky.

Among the thick and dark columns of smoke, countless black and white smoke condensed into a sly face, as if the door of the demon world was opened.

"Not good! This is the seven-smoke of the demon gods, and go quickly. Feathered Xianshan, tens of thousands of miles, there can be no demon, two people of the demon! This is how it is going? Go quickly."

As soon as the crane fairy saw the smoky pillar of the smoky smog, he wowed and screamed, and a hovering turned sharply, almost smashing Fang Han out of the feathers.

"What is going on?" Fang Han also saw the distant mountains, seven wolf smoke black columns.

"Run, run, be discovered, we will die." Crane Fairy can not care so much, violently back.

At this moment, among the seven wolf-smoke pillars, suddenly a black smoke flew out and condensed into a face full of horror on the door panel, flying like a pounce, opening a **** mouth, biting Crane flying in the air and Fang Han.
