Chapter 292  

“Lunia!” Amethyst seemed like she had returned to her old self, bright and cherry.

“Yes, Ma’am,” Lunia answered, smiling.

“I think I’m going to be a shooter, rather than a knight.”

“A shooter?” Lunia gave Amethyst a suspicious look.

“I think guns are better than swords. Of course, I could try to become a knight, but it would be best if trained at something I already had an ability with. Don’t you think?”

“What you say is true. You do handle guns better. Are you sure you are not just saying this because of the Duke?”


“What about Alec?” Amethyst tried to act innocent.

“Well, the Duke’s training is hard. He won’t go easy on anyone, even you.”

“No! That’s ridiculous.” Alec’s training at the break of dawn was harsh and relentless.

“Why are you blushing then?”

“I’m not!” Amethyst tried to hide her face.

Alec’s enthusiasm also carried over to the bedroom at night. There were times she thought that she would collapse from exhaustion.


“Well that sounds good then. I’ll put the shooting range into the schedule.” Lunia mad a note on a document she held. “But for right now, we have work. Pon is waiting.”

Amethyst followed Lunia to her office to complete the tasks she had been assigned


“My Lord, the government session will be coming to an end. Then it will be time for the annual festival.” One of the advisors waited for a response.

Alexcent sat in deep thought. It was Amethyst’s duty, as Duchess, to greet the guests at the annual festival. Alexcent didn’t like that tradition. “I know. Skip the annual festival henceforth.”

The advisors stared at Alexcent in shock.

“Skip the annual festival henceforth.”

When Gen didn’t respond, Alexcent raised his head to look at him. “Understood?”

“Yes, Your Excellency. I will inform Pon as well.”

Gen bowed and left the office. Alexcent didn’t like that Amethyst worked so hard to care for other people. He didn’t like her caring for anyone else other than him. The unnecessary families were entertained every year to make sure they remained on the side of the Empress. He could do that without exhausting her with extra work.

Pon, who received the unexpected news, went in search of Amethyst.

“Pon!” Instead, she found him first.

“Yes, Madam!”

“This expense doesn’t seem right? Was something omitted?”

“Ah, it wasn’t omitted but it is still being added. The deposit of 50% was paid for building repair. The rest will be paid after completion.”

“I see. Annual festival will start soon. We have to settle this before it starts. Please inform the staff to update it accordingly.”

“Understood, Madam. But…” Pon hesitated.

“What is it?”

“I just received a message. The annual festival will no longer be held here or anywhere, for that matter.”

“What?! Why? Who said that?”

“Gen informed me just now.”

If Gen delivered the message, it would have come directly from Alexcent. She would talk with him later regarding this. “Alright. Tell the workers to finish their work soon, anyway. But do make sure they aren’t overworked.”

“Of course, Madam.”

“That’s all for today,” said Amethyst. She wanted to wrap up the work and dismiss them when Pon cautiously spoke up.

“I have something to say, Madam.”

“Go on.”

“When Gen informed me earlier that His Excellency is getting rid of the annual festival… it seemed as though he might be getting rid of the collateral families, as well.”

“Get rid of them? What do you mean?” she asked in surprise.

“There was an incident with Count Glacia before. His Excellency is not very pleased.”

“Count Glacia? You mean the incident with me last annual festival.”

Pon nodded.

“What I’m worried about is the collateral families. They were being protected under Duke Skad as supporters of the Empress but if they were dismissed… the nobles wouldn’t leave them alone.”

“It makes sense. They will be easy target if the word gets out that they were dismissed by Duke Skad. Especially for Baron Piamon who is close to the noble count families.”

“Yes. When you, madam, and His Excellency were on absence, the annual festival was skipped under the circumstance, but this year….”

“Rumors will definitely spread if the annual festival is not held even though both of us are present.”

“Yes. The news about families being dismissed will spread around and the nobles might pounce on the chance to turn them to their side.”

“It does seem like that.”

“For us, it will not really make a difference but for them…” Amethyst nodded. She understood.

They were families that were being sustained under Duke Skad’s care. If Duke Skad, who was their shield, happened to disappear, the nobles would immediately try to overtake them.

That moment, Countess Onslow’s kind mother-like face went through her mind. Also, Countess Citri, who was like bright cheerful little sister, Viscountess Houres, who was vigorous, Viscountess Renove, who was understanding, and Baroness Zephyr, who was calm like an elder sister.

Amethyst smiled as she was reminded of the faces of them. She missed them and wanted to see them. She didn’t want to put a few people that she was close to in danger.

“I’ll tell this to Alec personally. So you can focus on the annual festival.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

Amethyst finished her morning work and went to the gun range.
