Chapter 281  

There were different sides being taken, regarding the succession issue. The older nobles wanted Michen to become the next Duke, and the younger nobles wanted Gason as the next duke. There was a simple reason for the young noble’s decision. If Gason was the duke, it would be easier to manipulate him. Caniel really didn’t want any part of the decision. This was not a matter that affected the Empress, so it was not something she should waste her time on.

But the current Duke of Roden had a different opinion. He felt that this matter was of interest to the Empress. If the nobles divided over this difference in opinion, it could lead to more extreme conflicts that could affect trade and business in the entire Empire. Duke Roden needed the transition to go smoothly and the only way he felt he could achieve that was through the influence of the Empress.

“Your Majesty, please allow my grandson to attend the trial in an official capacity.”

“You mean you want him to sit on the board of nobles and not as an outside observer?” Caniel could not believe Duke Roden’s directness. What he was asking was unheard of.

“Your Majesty, how could I ask for that? No, nothing that extreme. He’s not the master of the family, yet. I simply want him to attend while seated by my side.”

The noble seats at the board were reserved strictly for heads of the families. For a noble to allow an unconfirmed successor to sit with him would cause incredible friction amongst the other heads of state. She could not afford to turn allies against her, even if the boy were to sit there in complete silence. The issue was optics. It would give the appearance that the Empress was supporting Michen as the next duke. The only reason he could be allowed to sit there was because she had given permission. This was exactly what Duke Roden was hoping for.


Caniel tapped her forehead with her finger, thinking about who would be better for the whole of the Empire and if this is something that she wanted to do. Gason the inept thug, or Michen the smart grandson.

“Fine, I will allow it.” Caniel had made her decision. She still needed Duke Roden on her side, and by opposing him in this it would cause more damage than if she tried to brush it off.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” Duke Roden bowed deeply.

“Fine then. I will see you in court.” Caniel rose, indicating the discussion was over. Duke Roden quickly left, smiling from ear to ear.

After the Duke exited the premises, Harin entered the study and handed Caniel a report on Michen, then retired for the night. Caniel took some time to read over the document, before she retired to her chambers. Several sentences made her chuckle.

When he was attending the Academy, he saw a friend cheating during a test. He immediately reported him and the cheating student received a warning.


Two years ago, he was offered a bribe attempt from the clerk of a trading post. Michen reported the man to the militia and the man was prosecuted.

How adorable. He made himself appear to be the virtue of innocence. Caniel considered that this might be just for show and she needed to find out what the boy was really like. She would watch him like a hawk at the trial.


The nobles were talking amongst themselves as they waited for the trial to begin. The topic of conversation on everyone’s lips was that Sir Michen was seated behind Duke Roden, instead of being in the audience. There were mixed feelings. Some welcomed the honour granted him, but some were glaring and clearly opposed. No one was speaking with Duke Roden.

“Her Majesty the Empress is entering. Please rise.” The guard announced the entrance to the entire court.

All the nobles stood and bowed as the Empress came in. Caniel took her seat in the center of the room, towering over everyone who was present.

“My time is precious, so I want this trial to proceed quickly and efficiently,” Caniel announced.

The secretary quickly read off the accusation against Lady Julia: Insulting the Princess. This was one of the worst crimes that could be considered and often ended with an execution.

“Do we need to present testimony from a witness?” Caniel asked, following procedure.

The secretary answered. “As you were the witness to this infraction, Your Majesty, no further testimony is required.”

No one would contradict the word of the Empress, even if she was in the wrong. Therefore, no one stood up on behalf of Lady Julia.

Caniel looked to the nobles. “No further testimony is required. Are there any opposing opinions?”

Silence followed from the board of nobles.

“Very well. Please announce the punishment for the crime of insulting a princess.”

“Execution, Your Majesty,” the secretary informed those observing.

“Very well. As the decision has been made, Briden, daughter to Count Julia, is hereby sentenced to execution,” Caniel announced.

Count Julia burst into tears from the observation lounge. It was because of his greed that he forced his daughter to go. He could never have imagined that it would end in her death. The guilt overwhelmed him as he watched his only daughter led away in chains.
