Chapter 228  

Chapter 228  

Belice turned her attention to the priests. “Cameron.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Cameron stood.

“Are your opinions still the same?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. Duke Skad should be executed.”One side wanted execution and the other wanted something less harsh. How was Belice to decide. She looked now at Alexcent. “Do you have any change of heart as to your position?”

Alexcent, knowing what she meant, slowly shook his head. His eyes pleaded with her to not be swayed and honour his request for a quick death. Belice’s lip trembled.


“I hereby amend my sentence. Alexcent Frostin du Skad, I demote you to a bureaucrat slave.” She said softly.

The priests began shouting in outrage. “No! This can’t be!” Cameron’s protests were ignored.

“But,” Belice continued, “there is no one in the Empire that doesn’t recognize you for the man you are. Therefore, by the mystical powers of the Empress, I will strip you of your magical abilities and alter your appearance. After this day, no on except a select few will know of your true identity.”

Alexcent protested with his eyes at this punishment, but did not utter a word.

“Also, in order to keep the peace of the Empire, everything that has occurred in this room today shall be kept in confidence, or you shall be punished accordingly. High Priest Celios’ death will be announced as natural causes and a funeral befitting his status shall be performed.”

“This is outrageous! He was wrongfully murdered and you want to disguise it as a natural death! Your Majesty, please!”


Belice turned her glare on Cameron. “Wrongfully?”

“Yes! He was murdered! This is murder!” Cameron insisted.

“Fine. Then shall I tell the citizens why Celios was murdered? Think of the backlash on the temples and your fellow priests. I am certain that none of you here today were involved with the disgusting behaviour we were shown proof of. But if it becomes public knowledge, I would have to eradicate all worship to the Goddess and raze your temples to the ground. Think carefully on your next actions. I am trying to do what I can to save your order. Don’t think that I will not enact retribution on the other priests involved.”“M, my apology. Your Majesty.”

“All present, hear me. I am the descendant of the Goddess and Empress to all. Any who go against my rule will be punished to the extreme ability of the law. I do not care about your status in society. All are equal when it comes to justice.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!” The cry came in unison from all present, as the entire room went down on one knee before her.

“Cameron, I thank you and your fellow priests for their understanding in this matter. I would ask now that you return to the temple and make the preparations for Celios’ burial.”

After the priests filed from the room, Belice nodded to the secretary who closed the doors behind her as she left. Only Duke Roden, Gen, and herself would have knowledge what happened next. She turned to Alexcent. So, you live, a stranger, until the end. Just like her, she thought.

She approached Alexcent without a sound, and he closed his eyes in despair. Standing before him, she raised him up from his kneeling position. The room was silent. She took hold of his wrists, massaging them in a circular motion with her thumbs. A red glow began to emit from her hands and it was drawn into Alexcent’s body.

“With this light, I will seal your power, alter the very nature of your being, for eternity. This power can not be broken except by my hand. From this moment on, your nature will be gone and your mind and body will not be the normal. That power will be forever unless the seal is allowed to be broken, and only my power can break the seal. From this moment on, Alexcent Frostin du Skad will be dead.”

The red glow grew and encompassed Alexcent’s body until he shone completely with a radiant light. His blonde hair turned to an ashen grey, like the clouds before a storm. His red eyes, vibrant with the power he once held, extinguished and became dull. His features shifted and contorted until an unrecognizable man stood before them. Where Belice had held his wrists, a mystical symbol encircled each of them, black and permanent.

Belice’s body wracked with chills and her vision trembled. She stumbled as dizziness overtook her.

“Your Majesty,” the man who once was Alexcent reached out to steady her.

“I’m all right,” Belice said, as she leaned against him waiting for the weakness to pass. She whispered softly in his ear, so only he could hear. “You wanted to die, so Alexcent died. Find her. Start a new life. Be happy.”

Pulling herself back from the man before her, she turned to Duke Roden. “This man here is now a slave by the eyes of the people. Please find him a noble house to service that will treat him with dignity.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Duke Roden bowed then removed the newly-born slave from the room, as Gen followed.

Please, Belice mentally called after him, heed my advice. Find Amethyst.
