Chapter 214  

Chapter 214  

“What’s your name?” The woman looked to be around Amethyst’s age and was working in the field next to her. Amethyst had kept quiet and concentrated on her work, so she hadn’t expected one of the other workers to speak to her.

“Name?” Amethyst wasn’t sure how to answer. She hadn’t thought about what she should call herself now. She was no longer Heeyon, like in the past, and she certainly couldn’t call herself Amethyst any more.

“Yes, name? I’m Ancy. It’s good to meet you,” the woman smiled as her hands dug into the dirt of the field.

“I’m… Carol.” It was the first name that came into Amethyst’s mind.

“Nice to meet you, Carol. I haven’t seen you around here before. Where are you from?”


“From Mir City. I just arrived here.” Amethyst had been travelling for several days, when she found this opportunity to do some work for a little bit of money.

“Really? Do you have a place to sleep tonight?” Ancy inquired.

“Not really.” She had been sleeping under the trees since she had left and could really use a bed.“Then sleep with us tonight. It’s the middle of the farming season so all of the workers sleep at the farm.” Ancy seemed very welcoming.

“Would that be all right?” Amethyst asked.

“Sure, if you have nowhere else to sleep? Otherwise, you’ll have to go into the town to find a place but you wouldn’t get there before dark, even if you leave now.”

Amethyst didn’t like the idea of trying to travel in the dark and welcomed the offer. “I’m in your debt. Thank you.”


“No need. I’m happy to have the company of someone my age. Most of the workers are much older, so conversation can be a little boring. I’ll let Bishon know that you’ll be joining us.”

“Bishon? Do you mean the big, tough-looking man who offered me the work?” Ancy nodded. The woman seemed friendly and it appeared they were welcoming to strangers, so Amethyst smiled in agreement.


They finished the day’s work just after the sunset. Amethyst cleaned up with Ancy at the riverside.

“Was your hair always that short, Carol?” Ancy was admiring her new style. Amethyst had cut it off before she left Hazen castle. She thought it would be easier to maintain and also to help hide her identity.

“Yes,” Amethyst lied. “I find that long hair gets in the way when working.”

“Really? Seems like you would have nice hair. You should consider growing it.”

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Amethyst just smiled. The two women finished cleaning and headed back to the worker’s dorm. Inside the small structure, a number of mattresses were placed on the floor, facing each other, and they were full of workers sleeping.

“There’s a spot there,” Ancy whispered, pointing to a corner. They made their way carefully through the sleeping forms and lay down on the last remaining mattress. As Amethyst started drifting off, Ancy turned to her.“The work will be done here tomorrow and we’ll be travelling back to the mansion. If you have nowhere to go, would you like to come with us?” she asked.

“The mansion?” Amethyst was curious.

“Yeah. The mansion is where our employer lives. If I ask Bishon, he might allow you to join us. He’s the employer’s right-hand man. It could give you a steady job.”

“I’ll think about it,” Amethyst said, intrigued.

“All right. Goodnight, Carol. Sleep well.”

“You too, Ancy.”

Ancy fell asleep almost instantly. Amethyst closed her eyes and listened to the steady breathing of the workers around her. It may have been from exhaustion or the relief that she may have found a place to start a new life. Whatever it was, she slept soundly, without having a nightmare, for the first time in days.


“Hey, Short Hair!” Bishon called Amethyst over. “Come here and help us remove these weeds.”

Amethyst went into the farmland. Bishon had taken to calling her Short Hair as a sign of affection. She squatted down with the rest of the workers and started yanking at the stubborn weeds. It was necessary to remove all of the invasive plants before seeds could be lain for the next batch of crops.

Bishon came over to where she had crouched down in the dirt. “Hey, Short Hair,” he called.

“Yes?” Amethyst answered, looking up from her work.

“I heard from Ancy that you don’t have a place to stay?”

“That’s true. I don’t really have a place to go to.”

“You’re a good worker and I like you. Would you like to keep working with us?” Amethyst hesitated. She wasn’t sure she was cut out to be a maid. The employer’s mansion was probably large and busy.

“We’re going to the mansion for now,” Bishon continued, “but soon there will be more work and we’ll go to another farm.”

Amethyst was glad it wasn’t house work Bishon referred to. She seemed more suited for the manual labour of the fields. “I would love that and would forever be in your debt,” she answered with a smile.

“What debt? I’m offering you work. We’ll leave at dawn. Glad to have you aboard,” Bishon smiled and left her to her work. He seemed to be fond of her and she was happy that she had found a place where she was welcome. Smiling, she went back to weeding.
