Chapter 207  Chapter 207  

“Belice, you had to know that it was going to be like this. Now observe the consequences of your actions. What you did to me.”

“No, no! It’s not like that! Alexcent! She wasn’t like that! She did nothing wrong. So please….”

“Whatever she is, even if it’s not her fault, it doesn’t change the fact that she’s is dangerous to you and me. That, just that alone….” Alexcent threw Belice’s arms off, as he became emotional again. With one last look, he turned and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Belice collapsed to the floor, bawling.

* * *

Gen, could not believe the sight that was exiting the palace. Alexcent’s bloodshot eyes and the fury in his face made him step back. The aura of madness, once again, surrounded the man.

“Find her.” Alexcent spat out to Gen, fury in his voice.


“Pardon?” Gen was taken aback by this sudden change in the duke.

“Find her. By whatever means necessary.”

“By her, do you mean the Duchess?” Gen asked.

“No, find Amethyst Lohikin.”

“I’m sorry? Amethyst…Lohikin?” Gen was not sure why Alexcent was referring to the Duchess by her maiden name. This was serious.

“Report to me as soon as you find her,” Alexcent continued, as if nothing was amiss by what he just said.“Yes. I most certainly will. I have something else to report. I just received word that Celios has released searchers.”


Alexcent pushed down the rage that was bubbling up inside him. His eyes twitched and his face hardened even more as he tried to control the anger. “By all means, you must find her before Celios.”

“You mean, the person Celios is looking for is madam, I mean Amethyst Lohikin?”


“Why?” Gen could not understand why everyone was so eager to locate the Duchess.

“Her existence is only by the weakness of the Empress.”

“What?!” Gen was not expecting that.

“Celios will try to find her and hide her, offering protection from us. We must find her before him. Find her and get rid of her, before the truth is revealed.”

“Your Majesty!! That means….?!” Gen could not speak the words. How could they just end her like this, without any mercy? There hadn’t been a single day since she left that Alexcent hadn’t pined over her loss. And now he was trying to kill her? It didn’t make any sense.

“Release the search teams. I want them to depart immediately, and report to me the moment you find her.”

“I’ll make sure everything is as you command,” Gen assured him, with some reluctance. Alexcent wasn’t going to explain his reasoning behind this change of heart and Gen wasn’t about to ask for fear of his own life. But looking at the players in this charade: Celios, the Empress, and Amethyst, he had a good idea of what was going on. He just didn’t dare put it into words.


Celios was racked with uneasiness since Alexcent had come by. There was no doubut that he needed to move first. A priest knocked on his door, then ushered in three tough looking individuals.

“Are these the ones?” Celios asked.“Yes,” the priest answered, indicating the men. “They’re mercenaries who specialize in searching for people, just as you asked.”

“You will be able to find anyone that I’m looking for?” Celios asked the men.

“Yes, High Priest,” they answered.

“Anyone?” Celios had to be sure.

“Yes,” they answered again.

“You vouch for their abilities?” Celios asked the priest. There could be no mistakes.

“Yes. I have been informed that they have never failed in a mission and have completed them all with great speed.”

“Fine. You may leave.” As the priest left, Celios turned to the men remaining. “I have a job of the utmost importance and secrecy. You must not reveal to anyone who you are searching for.”

“Let us know the target. I assure you it will be completed without the knowledge of anyone but ourselves.” The leader of the group assured Celios, and the other men nodded in agreement.

Celios had to trust these men. “Her name is Amethyst. Her last name is Skad, but she might be using Lohikin, which is her maiden name. She has green eyes, long, reddish blonde hair, and a slim build. I was told that she went to study abroad, but I don’t know exactly where. Can you find her with this little information?”

“We have worked with less,” the mercenary assured Celios.

“Good. You will do. Bring her back. Alive!”

“Pardon?” The men had assumed this was an assassination. “You don’t want her killed?”

“No! She must be returned alive. Bring her to the temple without anyone knowing. It’ll be best if she isn’t hurt, but if there is no other way, then so be it. But it must not impact her life.”

“We will do as you say,” the men assured Celios.

“Here,” Celios set a heavy bag upon the table. “This is the deposit. If you succeed, I’ll give you five times more.”

“We won’t let you down,” The lead mercenary picked up the bag, determination in his eyes. Celios nodded to them. Then the men disappeared from the room, as if they had never been there.

The duke must have hid her somewhere. To suddenly send the duchess away on study? There’s no way. He’s definitely trying to rid himself of the evidence. I must find her before all trace of her is gone. Celios leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, the thoughts of his next steps echoing in his head.
