Chapter 203  

Even though the dancer’s faces were covered in masks, she could tell that they were smiling. Amethyst watched the lovers dance, with their graceful movements of separating for a moment and then coming together again. As she observed the flowing footwork, she was reminded of her wedding reception and dancing with her husband. Her eyes began to brim, once more, with tears. The scene before her was too much and she turned to leave.

Standing in her path was a man in a mask. His black eyes bore into her. Black eyes were not common in the people here, and it made her stop in interest. The man approached her.

“Madam, please excuse my rudeness.” He held out his hand and before she realized what she was doing, Amethyst had taken it and was led to the dancing area in the square. His hand was hot to the touch, yet it sent a chill through her.

As the couples twirled in their dance around them, the man stood still, gazing into her eyes. Nothing seemed to exist, except those eyes. Time no longer had any meaning. It was him.

Though the eyes beneath the mask were as black as darkness, they were so similar to Alexcent’s. Yet even his hair was jet black, so there was no way this was the same person. But Amethyst could not stop thinking of him as she stared into those eyes. Her heart was beating fast. The man looked at her as if he would devour her at any moment.

The man slowly raised her palm to his lips. His breath was warm as he gently kissed her hand. Amethyst felt dizzy. Alec had always consoled her by kissing her palms when she was agitated. There was no way this could be him. Amethyst felt like she was going crazy, thinking every man she met looked like him. Amethyst quickly took back her hand.“I’m sorry. I can’t dance. I think you should look for someone else. Please excuse me.” Amethyst quickly turned from the man and ran into the crowd. Stopping to catch her breath once she was out of sight, she opened her hand where he had kissed it. The warmth of his breath was still there. She started to shake. Get a hold of yourself! she thought. Shaking her head, she started running, once more, back to the castle.



Amethyst couldn’t eat and stood, looking at the sea, from her bedroom balcony. There was no way it was him, she thought, picturing the black hair and eyes. Yet, this strange man would not leave her mind. There was something in his eyes that was just so similar. She laughed at how foolish she was being, but something deep down inside of her wanted it to be him. Her heart ached at the thought. She needed to get this man out of her mind.

I’ve finally gone crazy! Amethyst frowned. Will every man I meet make me think of him? She felt anger that no matter what man she was with, they will always be him. Maybe she should just take the next man she met, as she would just see Alec in his eyes. The thought disgusted her. She picked up the pistol that was lying on her bedstand. Caressing the barrel with a trembling finger, dark thoughts invaded her mind. Closing her eyes tightly, she shook her head and forced herself to calm down. Tears streamed down her face, until there was no more moisture left to cry.

A realization came to her. This castle was his. No matter where she went, his presence was always here. No wonder she couldn’t stop thinking of him. Looking up, she saw darkness in the window. How much time had passed? All of a sudden, it was the dead of the night. Amethyst stood up, her eyes blank and distant. Without a thought, she left her chamber and headed down the hall. The castle was silent, as everyone lay sleeping. Exiting through the kitchens, she wandered into the warm night of the back gardens.

Clothes were still hanging on lines, drying from the days wash. Amethyst took down a set of worn clothing, obvious that it belonged to one of the servants. She covered her head with an embroidered handkerchief. When she had transformed her attire, she headed to the castle gates. The guards were watching for strangers trying to get in, not leave, the grounds. No one saw her slip out. After this night, no one in the castle would see Amethyst again.



The man with the black eyes had stared after Amethyst for a long time when she disappeared into the crowd. He walked slowly, his head bowed in regret, towards the carriage that was parked on a quiet corner several streets over.

“Did you meet her?” Gen asked, from within.

The man who took off his mask. “Yes.”

“Is she well?”

“No. She has got thinner. Tell them to take better care of her meals.”“Yes, sir,” Gen agreed.

The man climbed into the carriage. “Let’s go.”

“As you wish, Your Majesty. Your transformation will be over soon, and the pain will come again,” Gen said, worryingly.

“I know.” Alexcent said, resting his head back against the carriage seat and closing his eyes. It’s probably less painful than not being able to be with her, he thought. Behind his closed eyes, he could still see her as she rushed away into the crowd. In his mind, he should have stopped her. Kissed her forever, so that she could not leave.

The carriage rumbled through the city gates and headed back to the capital. Before they made it home, the pain came, as if his skin was being ripped from his body. Alexcent held his breath and fought the urge to scream. His body oozed cold sweat, as Gen watched helpless. When the process was complete, he sat once again with his own face. The Duke Skad.

Gen, letting out a breath of relief, spoke. “Your Majesty, there’s something you should see.”

Alexcent knew it must be urgent to have it brought up in the carriage. He looked over the document handed to him by Gen.

“That son of a bitch,” he growled. “Let’s go to the temple immediately.”

“Yes, sir,” Gen replied. He gave an order to the driver and the carriage took off towards the capital at full speed.

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