Chapter 199  

Amethyst picked a few jewels she had gotten from him.

“Roman, now that the duke is awake you can go back to your previous duty.”

“Pardon? Ma’am, is there something I did wrong? If so, I’ll fix it….”

“No, it’s not like that. It’s just it I like it the way it was before. And you were only supposed to help me with the annual festival.”

“But ma’am….” Roman looked sad.

“Just be responsible for your previous duty! And this!” She gave her a jewel box.


“What is this?”

“It’s a gift. You helped me a lot during the annual festival. And I didn’t even have a chance to thank you. Thank you for everything.”

“No Ma’am! I can’t take this. I didn’t stay by your side to get something like this…””

“I know, just think of it as a bonus. It’s a token of my gratitude so I will be upset if you don’t accept it.”

“But….” Amethyst placed the box in her hands. Roman, reluctantly, accepted it.

“Thank you.”


“I only picked ones that will suit you.”

Amethyst turned to Lunia. “Now, Lunia is next!”

“Huh? Me?”

“Yes! I have a gift for you too.”

“Thank you. I’d appreciate it if the gift is the duke’s sword that you are holding on to. Haha!”

“Oh no, I gave that back to the duke already.”

“I see,” Lunia winked.“You should’ve told me earlier!” winked Amethyst back, joking with her.

Lunia and Roman didn’t notice that Amethyst addressed Alexcent by his title instead of his name. Amethyst gave them their gifts and sent them back to their previous duties. She then made her way to Alexcent.

“Pon,” she called.

“Yes, Madam?” asked Pon.

“Where is the duke right now?”

“In his office, Madam.”

“Seriously? He just got better! He is indeed a workaholic.”

“I think so too.”

“Thank you for everything you have done for me, Pon.”

“Pardon? Why are you thanking me? It’s my duty.”

“Still, thank you.”

“Of course, Madam. My pleasure.”

Amethyst smiled warmly at him and headed to the office. Pon stood there, confused. Amethyst, in front of the study’s door, breathed in and out to calm herself and knocked.


Amethyst took a deep breath as she knocked on the door. This will be the last time I call on you, she thought. Bracing herself, she entered as she called out his name, “Alec.”

Alexcent, who was sitting at his desk reading a document, looked up. He had a faint smile on his face. “What’s going on?” he asked.

“I have something to say to you.” Amethyst steadied her voice.

“It must be important,” Alexcent laughed.

“Yes. How did you know?”

“You came here yourself.” He was correct. If it was only casual conversation, she would have waited for him in her chamber.

“That’s right. It’s something very important,” Amethyst confirmed.

Alexcent closed the document he was looking at, rose and went to her side. They stood there for what felt like forever and Amethyst fought to hold back the tears. Finally, she found the courage to force out the words, “I think we have to end our contract.”

“What…. Why?” Alexcent looked like he had been struck by a blow that came from nowhere. He grasped the back of a chair to steady himself.

“You remember? That even if I love you…. I’ll be leaving you.”

“Ash!”“Please. Honour the terms of the contract.” Amethyst was not going to be swayed by emotion.

“No! There’s still time left on the contract!” Alexcent pleaded.

“Alec. The moment you said you love me…. no, how can I stay here when you say you love me? We can’t be together anymore.”

“Are you saying it’s because I love you? Then pretend you didn’t hear it.”

“No, I can’t do that. Especially now that I know how you feel. It’s too much.” Amethyst was finding it more and more difficult to control the tears, but she had to be strong.

“Ash, you don’t have to be burdened with this. So please…” Alexcent was having less control of his emotions, as his eyes began to turn red and brim with tears. How could he explain that he didn’t intend to fall in love with her? His heart ached at this entire situation.

“It’s not just because of that. But I can’t accept you without being myself. We’re both going to be unhappy if we continue this charade.” Amethyst needed to end this entire conversation.

“What do you…. Ash, please!”

Amethyst could not handle any more of Alexcent’s pleading and turned to leave. This was the only choice she could make for him, but she could tell that he didn’t understand the reasons behind her decision.

“You’re doing this because I love you? Because it’s against the contract?” Alexcent continued. The distance between them that had always been there, just in the shadows, now became an uncrossable chasm. He felt like he was being sliced by a hundred knives and there was nothing he could do about it.

“You’re just confused,” he rasped, his throat clenched with emotion.

“That’s not it.” Amethyst replied, her back still turned to him. Her hand was on the knob of the door but she still struggled to open it.

‘I’m surer than ever. I love….’

“Even so, it should never have happened.” Amethyst held strong in her decision.

“I know. Please, don’t be like this, Ash.” He could feel his life slowly draining from him, all from a few words spoken by Amethyst.

“My mind is made up. I’m leaving you.” Amethyst’s heart was pounding.

“All right,” Alexcent said, defeated, yet inside he still screamed for her not to go. He couldn’t see her face but wondered if this was just as hard for her as it was for him.

“Please, just let me go in peace. Promise me.” Amethyst swallowed the sob that was threatening to burst from her throat.

“I…promise.” Alexcent could barely get the words out.

Amethyst turned back to him, and he could see that her face bore just as much pain as he felt, even though she was the one who was saying goodbye.

“I’m going to leave tomorrow…husband!” She looked up into his face for the last time and surrendered for one final kiss. Alexcent embraced her, kissing her passionately as his tears mixed with hers. They closed their eyes and held on to each other, knowing this would be the last.

I’m sorry. But you should never have loved me. We should never have loved each other. The only thing I can do is leave you. And with that last thought, Amethyst forced herself away from Alexcent’s arms and left.

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