Chapter 377 Max told Vania about Carlos  

At nine o'clock at night, Vania had an uninvited guest. It was Max who had not seen her for a long time, now came to show her a pitying look. They sat on the couch in the living room enjoying a cup of coffee, while watching Vano playing on the blue carpet where there were several kinds of medium-sized toys.

"It's unusual you came. Do you have very free time?" asked Vania casually.

"I'm very relaxed because my boss is having fun with his new toy. He gave me a lot of money so I can have fun too and keep it a secret," Max replied irritably.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Vania with a frown.

"You know ... .that boss is your husband, and now he's with his new toy..." Max explained guiltily. He didn't have the heart to tell Vania that fact, but if he kept on being lied to, she would be very hurt in the end.

"New toys? you mean he has a new woman that he usually buys from pimps at the club?" asked Vania with a sad look.


"Yeah. He's been visiting this woman for the past week, he even bought her a new apartment. He's crazy about her like he was crazy about you before," Max explained irritably. "Sorry for not telling you earlier, because I didn't want to hurt you."

Vania sighed, leaned her back on the couch's shoulder, massaged her temples, and looked at Vano who was now walking slowly towards her because it wasn't smooth.

"I thought he was satisfied with having two wives, having two son. .. Turns out he never changed. Even though, I hope he can be a good father and husband figure, putting an example for his son," said Vania sadly, a tinge of sadness shining on her face.

"Mommy ..." Vano called out as he walked quickly and immediately rushed to hug his sad mother.

"I thought so too. I thought he would just love you because Elsa is disobedient as a wife while you are very obedient ... But in fact.. nothing." Max sighed, then grabbed a cup of coffee on the table and drank it.

"Which apartment does the woman live in?" asked Vania who is now holding Vano.


Max put the cup which was now half full of coffee on the table again and asked, "do you intend to meet her?"

"I just want to know," answered Vania. "You don't have to be afraid...I'm not going to tell him that you told me all this."

"I'm not worried about that but I think you'll only get hurt more if you reprimand that woman. She'll complain to Carlos and Carlos will defend her more than you... Your husband is still an asshole!" said Max furiously. "I've got quite a bit of money from him. I'm going to stop being his assistant. I'd better find a new boss who isn't a jerk and has too many women."

"I know what I have to do, don't need to worry," said Vania thinking about what she would do to Carlos or Veronica.

"Mommy ... Milk... I want milk!" Vano whined and groped his mother's chest.

Max smiled at the adorable Vano. "Well, you just focus on taking care of your son. Now I have to go home."

"Yes ... I will also put him to sleep because it is time to sleep," said Vania.

"Call me if you need anything. We've known each other for a long time, I hope you don't hesitate to ask me for help. Whenever it is, I'm ready to help," Max exclaimed then stood up.

Vania nodded. She carried Vano then walked with Max to the front door. After that, she returned to her room to breastfeed her son who was still consuming her breast milk because he would end breastfeeding when he was two years old.


Anna had just put Haikal to sleep, then returned to his room and found Alex had just finished taking a shower, only wearing a gray towel up to his waist. Her husband looks so fresh and smells fresh after taking a shower.

"Have you had dinner?" she asked.

"Yes. My boss treated me earlier," Alex replied casually as he took the clothes.

"Oh ..." Anna shifted to sit on the edge of the bed which was covered with white sheets. She silently stared at her husband who was wearing blue shorts combined with an oversized black t-shirt. 'It's been more than seven days... I've recovered from my period... is it possible that he understood that and will..' she thought.

Alex combed his hair with a haircut style then walked over to Anna who looked uncomfortable. "What are you doing, honey?" he asked, sitting down next to his wife.

"Eh, nothing," Anna replied a little nervously. She wanted to please her husband by telling him that she was ready to fulfill her duties but was embarrassed and afraid of getting pain. Oh, she's the dilemma...

Alex stared at Anna intensely then tucked the hair that slightly covered her cheek behind her ear. "Is something bothering you?"

"Nothing," replied Anna, shaking her head and smiling nervously.

"I'm your husband... no longer your employer...I beg you to be open, and don't be so nervous," Alex said gently stroking Anna's hair.

"Eh . . . I'll try," said Anna, smiling reassuringly.

Alex glanced at the bedroom door that had not been closed tightly, stood up and walked towards the door then closed it. Behind the door was a calendar how there was a red circle on the date on which he was married to remind her of when she would celebrate her anniversary.

"It's been more than seven days since we've been married," Alex muttered with a little smile. He was reminded of Anna's words that her period would heal in seven days and now that it was already past that time meant ... "She's not available anymore?"

Alex looked back at Anna who was now lying on the bed in a crouched position. He immediately followed his wife and hugged her from behind.

"Honey," Alex called.

"Yes," said Anna still nervous every time Alex hugged her.

Alex brushed Anna's hair then kissed the nape of her neck. "You've recovered, right?" he asked.

Anna closed her eyes and smiled for a moment. She didn't expect that Alex would ask that.

"Honey .. answer me," said Alex, feeling Anna's chest. "I'm not going to be a hypocrite. I want you, in fact, I always hold myself back whenever I sleep with you."

"I've recovered but..." Anna looked doubtful.

"But what?" asked Alex lifting his body slightly, using his right hand as head support with his elbow resting on the pillow.

"I'm afraid of getting hurt," answered Anna.

Alex smiled faintly and remembered that he would snatch Anna's chastity. Ah, so he's a very lucky ex-ass unmarried. got Anna who is kind, still a virgin anyway.

"It does hurt, but it will be replaced with pleasure. If it always hurts, then all women don't even want to give birth normally," explained Alex patiently.

"You're right," Anna said then lay down, looking at Alex who was also staring at her intensely. She dared to stretch out his hand, feeling Alex's jaw, which looked as smooth as if he had just shaved his beard.

"You are willing?" Alex asked while stroking Anna's cheek.

Anna nodded slowly because that was her duty as a wife. She will try to get rid of nervousness and embarrassment, or awkwardness because the man she is with is her husband, who will be with her until the end of her life.

Alex smiled in relief then pulled a jumbo-sized white blanket to cover his body along with Anna who chuckled amusedly, then immediately rained her with kisses on her face, stripped her clothes, and ... well you know what happened in that blanket.
