[Note: This is not related to the previous chapter.]


Growing up, I've only ever seen my parents spend time with each other rarely. My mother clearly doesn't love my father, and so does he.

I was told that I was the fruit of the accident that happened between them when my mother got into a heat. It was purely a coincidence that my father was the one who was there when it happened, and that's when my mother's misery began.

I grew up believing that love between two people is something that is hard to come by. What I witnessed as I was growing up made me engrave that at the back of my head.

I knew it was impossible even with all those fairytale-like stories with predictable and cheesy happy endings that were shown in movies and dramas. To me, romantic love was like a myth. How could someone actually come to love you when you meet as strangers? Isn't that weird? How could your life change so much just because of them?

"Tristan, go stop by at Troy's school to pick him up later. I'll have the driver pick you up. Don't use your car for now. Eat something good with him after. I already wired some money in your account," my father said as he organized some folders. "Aren't you coming with us, dad?" I asked as I watched him read some papers.


"No. I'll be leaving for my flight. There's something I have to take care of in one of our branches," he said as he lifted his head to look at me. "I won't be home for a few days, so make sure to take care of your brothers until then," he said and proceeded to organize his things once again.

"Yes, dad. I'll be leaving for school now. Have a safe trip," I said as I lowered my head a bit. I felt his hand above my head. "I'm counting on you," he said and removed his hand.

I left his office and headed downstairs where my things were. Troy and Terrence have already left for school, while I'm still here. My dad called me over before I was about to leave, so I told the driver to leave without me.

Today is the day when Troy will get the results of his second gender examination.

Watching him grow up, I knew he would be an alpha because he was just like me. He excels in a lot of things, just like an alpha.

If he's not one, then it would only mean that he's an omega, just like our mother.


I hung the strap of my bag on my shoulder and jogged out of the house. There was another car waiting for me in front of the front door. I went in, and the driver proceeded to drive me to school.

I fished for my phone that was inside my pocket and checked my reflection through the camera. I often practice smiling before I get to school, so I'd be able to show other people what they want to see—an amiable and perfect alpha.

As I looked at my face through the screen of my phone, I noticed that my dimples were slowly disappearing. It wasn't that too shocking since I'm slowly losing the baby fats on my cheeks as I get older.

I'm currently 18 years old, a senior in high school. Of course, my body is maturing.

My day at school was the same as always. It was a repetition of the same activities that I do every single day.

I do my job as the classroom representative, student council president, and the captain of the football team.

We didn't have a practice scheduled today, so my day ended without getting all smelly and sweaty.

When I got out of the building, I spotted a luxury car waiting outside. It was clear that it was one of our cars, so I walked there and went in.

The driver then drove to Troy's school, and when we got there, I couldn't help but stare at the school gate.It wasn't as nice as I thought it would be. This is the first time I've ever gone here. My brother didn't want to study at our uncle's school, Chen Academy, and wanted to study here instead. He said he wanted to live his life without being tied to the Lee name.

"I'll be back with my brother quickly, mister. Please wait here for a while," I smiled at him. "Understood, young master," he replied.

I opened the car door and went outside. As soon as I stepped foot on the hard concrete ground, the students' eyes were on me.

Hmm... It seems like this is a school for grade school, middle school, and high school. I'm seeing students with different uniforms that have the same logo.

I could hear them whispering about me. It wasn't unusual at all. I got used to it already, since I've received the same reactions wherever I went.

"Wow... is he a celebrity?"

"He's so good-looking..."

"Is he here to visit someone?"

"Is he dating someone from here?"

I decided to ignore them as I always did and proceeded to walk inside the school to go to my brother's classroom.

The longer I walked around, the harder it became for me to find my brother.

This school isn't even that big, but why am I getting lost? Goddamn it.

I took a deep breath to calm myself, because I could already feel my patience thinning. I want to ask someone for directions, but I can't find anyone to ask.

I paused for a while to compose myself, and just as I was about to continue walking, I heard someone sobbing.

Ah... seriously?

I wanted to continue walking, but the more I heard his sobs, the more I felt bad for him.

I walked to the direction where the sobs came from and saw a little boy sitting on a bench. He was covering his face with his palms as he cried.

I pursed my lips and took my handkerchief from my pocket. I sat next to him and said, "Did you have a bad day? Because same. I got lost, you see. Embarrassing, isn't it?" I looked up and watched a leaf fall from a tree.

He didn't respond to what I said and continued crying. "Here. I think you need this," I said as I handed him my handkerchief. "I haven't used that at all today, so it's clean," continued.

He took the handkerchief from my hand while lowering his head and wiped his tears with it. "Th... Thank you..." he said in a small voice.

Looking at him, he's probably around my brother's age. Maybe his second gender examination result wasn't what he expected it to be.

"Is it your second gender?" I asked as I looked at him. I didn't want to pry further, but thinking that if my brother was also like this, I'd probably want to console him, too. I don't know how it feels to be disappointed with your second gender, because I have everything I could ever ask for, so I don't really know how I'd address this.

He slowly nodded and sobbed once again. "I... I'm an o... omega..." he said as his voice cracked. My mother's crying face flashed in my mind. I knew how much she hated becoming an omega and giving birth to me, so I could somehow imagine how this little boy was feeling right now.Just thinking of the possible things that might happen to him because of his second gender makes me want to protect him and all the other omegas.

"Being an omega sounds like a bad thing, huh?" I said as I leaned my back against the bench and looked up. "People would look down on you and think of you as someone who's beneath them. They'd throw nasty words at you and treat you badly. I know this because I've seen someone get treated like this, but I couldn't possibly know the feeling of being treated like that," I said as I lowered my head, remembering my mother who passed away years ago.

"W... Would I get treated like that, too?"

I flinched at his question. "Oh, no, no, no! That's not what I was trying to get at," I said, flustered. That really wasn't what I wanted to imply. Screw this mouth of mine.

"But if people become mean to you, then give the same treatment back to them. People who don't respect you don't deserve your respect, too," I said as I awkwardly smiled.

"You see... my brother is getting his result today, too. I'm actually scared that he might not like his result and feel bad about himself," I said as my smile slowly disappeared. "But no matter what he is—alpha, beta, or omega—I'd still love him because... well, he's my brother," I chuckled.

"P... Plus, being an omega wouldn't be so bad, right? You'll have your fated mate who will love you unconditionally. B... Betas don't have something as cool as that, right?" I said as I faced him as I smiled widely, trying to be optimistic.

When I saw his face, I suddenly felt my heart skip a beat as my palms started sweating.

I only saw his jet black hair earlier and not his face, but now that I've taken a look at him, I immediately knew he'd turn into a very beautiful person once he grows up.

He had dewy icy blue eyes with long and thick eyelashes, a cute narrow nose, red lips, a small face, and rosy cheeks that looked so soft.

He looks so adorable, I want to adopt him, haha.

"Fated... mate?" he said as he tilted his head a bit. I nodded while still smiling and said, "A fated mate is someone who gets attracted to you the first time you meet them, and vice versa. There will be an immediate attraction between you two. Fate will always bring you together, and you'll get drawn to each other. But fated mates are only for alphas and omegas. Isn't it nice to have someone like that?"

Seriously... I don't even believe in the things that I just said. I'm going against my beliefs just to make this kid feel better, haha.

His face brightened, and what stunned me was the look he had in his eyes.

His eyes was breath-takingly beautiful—they looked clear as they sparkled with hope and awe.

He nodded as he smiled and said, "Yes, yes! That sounds so nice. Because I'm an omega, that would mean that I'm going to meet my fated mate, right?" Without noticing it, the corners of my lips lifted up when I saw him smiling. "Yes," I replied.

"Justin, what are you doing there? I've been looking for you since earlier!"

A woman came running to us with a worried expression on her face. "Mom, I'm an omega," the little kid said as he smiled. His mother had a shocked expression on her face because of what her son said, but she eventually smiled.

It was probably because her son didn't take it as something negative.

She looked at me and mouthed, "Thank you."

I smiled and said, "He's a very positive kid."

They continued talking to each other, so I decided to just leave quietly. As I walked around again, I saw my brother standing in front of a classroom.

"Troy!" I called his name as I waved my hand and walked up to him. He frowned at me as he turned his head to face me. "Where were you? You're so late!" he said as his forehead creased. "Come on, you grumpy kid. I got lost, okay? Will you please let this pass just this once?" I said as I chuckled.

"You have to buy me whatever I want, then," he said as he crossed his arms. "I'm an alpha by the way," he smiled cockily.

"That's great! Just like what you said, I'll buy you whatever you want," I smiled. "Let's go," I said as I removed his bag from his back and hung it on my shoulder.

I glanced back to the direction where I saw that kid earlier and couldn't help but think...

'I hope you find your fated mate...'
