I thought hard about it—whether I should quit or not.

Tristan is the CEO of the company I'm currently working at, and we might see each other there.

But when I thought of how I've never seen him during the first week of my job, it made me come to a conclusion that I shouldn't quit my job.

Aside from the fact that I just got hired, I also can't quit because I have two growing children to feed. Where else can I find a job as great as the one I have now?

Plus, I have to be a good mom for them, and this is the only way I know.

"Mommy, Chesca ate my ice cream!"


I looked at the crying little boy who grabbed the hem of my shirt. "Oh no, baby. Let's get you another one, hmm?" I said as I smiled at him. "And you, honey, don't take your brother's ice cream," I said as I looked at Chesca.

"I told him I wanted to try his, but he doesn't want to share! I also said he can taste mine. Stingy Chester!" Chesca glared at him.

"I said I didn't want to! We have the same flavor, Chesca. It would still taste the same!" Chester sobbed as he glared at his sister. "No, it wouldn't!" Chesca yelled.

I looked around and saw that there were people staring at us. I bent my knees to level my head with them and said, "Let's not fight, hmm? Chester, baby... don't cry. Mommy will buy you another ice cream," I said as I wiped his tears with my thumb. He then nodded as he sobbed. "And Chesca, you already have two ice creams right now, so mommy won't get new a new one. You might get a tummy ache if you eat too much ice cream," I said as I took my handkerchief from my pocket and wiped the ice cream on the sides of her mouth.

"Yes, mommy," Chesca frowned. "Sit there for a while. We'll be quick, hmm?" I said as I made her sit on a chair. "Come," I said as I held Chester's hand and headed to the ice cream stand a few steps from us.

My working hours for today have already ended, and I just picked the kids up from school. We're currently at a grocery store to buy some food later.


So far, nothing really happened today. I kind of expected something to happen since I met him yesterday, but nothing out of the ordinary happened.

Maybe I was getting ahead of myself just because we were lovers before.

"What flavor would you like, baby?" I asked as I looked at Chester. "I want strawberry!" he said happily as he pointed the strawberry flavored ice cream. "One cup of strawberry ice cream please," I said as I smiled a little.

After scooping some ice cream, he handed me the cup, and I handed him the money. "Thank you," I said before we turned to leave.

As I turned around, my eyes immediately went to the chair where Chesca was seated.But she wasn't there.

"Ch... Chesca?" I said as I looked around, searching for her. "Mommy?" I looked at Chester who was looking up at me. He had a curious look on his face, probably wondering why I look so flustered.

"Baby, eat your ice cream as we walk, hmm?" I said as I smiled at him, reassuring him that I was fine. He nodded as a response to what I said. I held his hand a bit tighter as we walked around, looking for his twin sister.

"Chesca? Where are you?" I said as I glanced sideways. I looked for her in every corner of the grocery store, but I couldn't find her anywhere.

The store is really big. I'm sure I'd have a hard time looking for her.

Where is she?

Where's my baby...?


The little girl who was sitting all alone watched her mother and brother walk to an ice cream stand. She quietly ate her ice cream until she saw a familiar man.

"Wow! He looks like him!" She said as she stood up and walked up to the man. "Hello! Would you like some ice cream?" She asked as she showed the two cups of her half melted ice cream.

The man raised his brows and smiled in amusement. He looked around and faced the little girl. "Hello there. Are you with your mommy or daddy? You shouldn't walk around without them," the man sad as he bent his knees to level his head with hers.

"Would you like some ice cream?" Chesca repeated. It seemed like she wouldn't budge if he doesn't answer her, so he decided to just respond to her question. "No, you should eat them," he said as he smiled at her. "Now, where's your mommy or daddy?" the man asked.

"I don't have a daddy," Chesca said with a blank expression. It was a face of a kid who never knew her father. The man suddenly felt bad for asking her that question. "W... Where's your mommy, then? Let's go to your mommy, hmm?" the man said as he smiled at her.

Chesca was upset with her mommy for not buying her another ice cream, and she was also upset with her twin brother for not sharing his ice cream with her and for snitching on her.

She didn't glance at their direction and decided to lie. "My mommy and brother are lost. I thought if I gave you ice cream, you would help me find them," she pouted as she lowered her head.

'How cute... Instead of saying she got lost, she thinks her mommy and brother are lost,' the man thought, desperately trying not to smile from her cuteness.

"Oh no... Let's go find your mommy, hmm?" the man sad as he smiled at her. Chesca nodded. "Let's hold hands so you wouldn't get lost, hmm?" the man said as he extended his arm for her to hold it."Please wait for a bit," Chesca said and immediately finished her ice cream in one go. She ran to the trashcan and threw the cups in the biodegradable bin and the plastic spoons in the non-biodegradable bin.

She ran back to the man and held his hand. The two of them started walking around, looking for Chesca's mother.

As they were walking around through the aisles where the sweets are placed, Chesca couldn't keep her eyes off the chocolates that were placed on the shelves.

"Can you please buy me that?" she said as she pointed the chocolate. 'Chester likes them. I should give him chocolates so he wouldn't cry anymore,' she thought as she glanced at the chocolates once again.

"Oh my..." the man chuckled because of the little girl's request, finding her cuter and more amusing. "Sure, uncle will buy them for you, hmm? Go get some, and we'll pay for them later," he said as he smiled at her.

"Yay!" Chesca squealed as she giggled and ran to the shelf where the chocolates are. She grabbed a few chocolates and ran back to the man. "You might get a toothache if you eat that much," the man said as he pouted at her.

"This is not for me. This is for Chester," Chesca said as she shook her head. "Hmm? Chester? Is that your brother's name?" the man asked as he raised his brows.

Chesca nodded as a response to his question and said, "Yes. He really loves chocolates. He keeps crying so I wanted to give him some."

"Aww..." the man's heart felt like it was being squeezed from her cuteness. "You're a very good sister," the man smiled. "Go get some more so you could eat them with him, too," he said as he pointed the shelf.

"Really?" Chesca's face brightened from what he said. The man nodded and said, "Yes, really." Before Chesca ran back to the shelf, she looked at the chocolates in her hands and thought that she wouldn't be able to get a lot if she's still holding them.

"I'll hold those for you," the man said as he extended his arms and took the chocolates from her hands. Chesca handed them to him carefully and slowly, and after that, she ran back to the shelf and took more chocolates again.

After taking so many chocolates, she ran back to the man, a few chocolates falling on the floor in the process. The man could only laugh and smile from her cuteness. He picked up the chocolates that have fallen on the floor. She looked like she was having a hard time from holding too many, so the man took some chocolates from her hands to hold them instead.

"Thank you so much, mister!" Chesca smiled brightly at him, showing the dimples on the corner of her lips.

'She even has dimples. This little lady looks so adorable,' he thought as he stared at her. When the man took a closer look on her face, he realized that she resembles someone so much.

The two of them then headed to the counter and paid for the chocolates. After the man paid for them, they continued walking around once again.

"Mister you look like the person I saw on TV last night," Chesca said as the continued walking. "Hmm, really? That was my cousin," the man chuckled.

"Wow! Then, do you show up on TV, too?" Chesca asked as she stopped walking. The man turned to look at her and saw that she had a face filled with awe.

He shook his head and said, "This mister is not an actor." He smiled at her. "What's an actor?" Chesca asked as she tilted her head a little. "Most of the people you see on TV are actors. They are loved by everyone, that's why they're on TV," he said as he smiled at her.

"Wow! I want to be an actor, too!" she said with a very bright face. "People call a lady actor an'actress'. That means this pretty lady in front of me wants to be an actress, huh?" he said as he looked at her with amused eyes.

"Yes, Chesca will be an actress!" she giggled. "Oh? Is your name Chesca? That's a very pretty name," the man smiled at her. "Yes! What about you, mister? What's your name?" Chesca asked as she stared into his eyes.

'Those eyes...' the man thought as he stared into them, too.

He smiled at her.

"My name is Daryl Chen."
