"Justin, you're coming for your welcoming party, right?"

I looked at the smiling woman sitting next to me.

"Yes, of course," I smiled back at her.

Days went by quickly, and today is already Friday. I was informed beforehand about the dinner with the department or the welcoming party, so I had time to call a babysitter to look after the twins today.

It wouldn't be so good if I don't go to my own welcoming party. Well, it's not just my own because there are three new hirees, but I'm still one of them.

I looked at the clock hangin on the wall and saw that it was already almost 3 p.m. Just two more hours until we get off from work, and we'll already head to some place where they'll hold the welcoming party.

"Justin, could you buy me a cup of Iced Americano from the cafe downstairs?"


I looked at the man sitting next to me as he smiled from ear to ear while stretching his arm to hand me some money, a typical look of a person who's asking for a favor.

"Carl, are you seriously gonna do this? I'm gonna tell Sir Mark about this later," shs said as she glared at Carl. "Justin, don't do what he just told you. That's not your job. He can get his own coffee since it'll be breaktime any minute now. Plus, there's coffee in the office. Why would he even ask you to go through sich lenghts just for a cup of coffee?" Hannah said as she gritted her teeth.

"What? Why are you gonna tell on me? This is just a one time thing. It's not like I'll keep asking him to do stuff for me," Carl frowned at her.

I think if I don't do something, their conversation would drag on and would eventually lead to a fight.

"H... Hannah, I'll go buy his coffee. I wanted to try the coffee from that cafe anyway," I smiled at her as if saying that it was fine. "But..." She wanted to say something but she chose to stop herself from saying what she wanted to say.

She moved her swivel chair backwards to see Carl better and said, "I'll seriously kill you if you ask him to do things again." Carl rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Getting worked up over a cup of coffee..." he whispered as he moved his chair forward so he wouldn't see Hannah's face.


"What about you, Hannah? Would you like anything from the cafe?" I asked as I looked at her. "No, thanks. I'm good," she nodded as she smiled.

"Alright, I'll be back," I said and stood up from my chair.

I left to buy coffee, and as soon as I arrived in front of the cafe, I saw a commotion happening inside.

Hmm? What's going on?

I opened the glass door of the cafe and walked in.

I headed to the counter to buy two cups of Iced Americano, and headed to a table as I waited for my order.

From where I was sitting, I could see the commotion that was happening a little bit.

"O... Oh no... Quick! Quick! Make another cup of this coffee!"I stretched my neck to see what was happening. There was a woman who was kneeling on the floor as she picked up a cup on that was on the floor.

People, including me, watched her as she desperately asked the barista to make her coffee.

"Quickly!" She yelled with a trembling voice.

"Poor thing. She must be the demon's new secretary..." Someone from another table said.

Ugh... This makes me feel so bad. Why are they only watching her? Why are they not helping her? It makes me feel even shittier because people are not doing anything even though her underwear was already visible from her wet blouse.

I stood up from my seat and walked towards her. I stopped when I was already standing behind her and took off my suit jacket. I hung it on her shoulders and said, "I think you need this more than me."

She turned her head and looked at me with trembling eyes. "Th... Thank you..." she said with a tiny voice.

I looked at her feet and finally knew the reason why she was still on the floor even though she could have stood up earlier.

The side of her skirt got ripped.

I thought she got sprained or something, but thankfully, that wasn't the case.

Hmm... What should I do about this?

She noticed that I was looking at her, and she immediately put her legs closer and covered them with her hands.

Haaa... Really...

Just how bad is this demon that he makes his secretary suffer like this?

"Oh no... The time... The time!" She said as her voice trembled like a scared child.

She immediately stood up and took my suit jacket from her shoulders. She tied it on her waist to cover her skirt, not minding how her bra was visible.

"Only ten minutes left..." she whispered as she walked to the counter. "I'm sorry about the way I spoke to you earlier. Please hurry with the coffee," she said to the barista a she shook her leg while standing.

I looked around and saw that people, especially men, were staring at her as if she was some kind of sight to behold.

I know that kind of look very well, because I often get them when I walked with a huge baby bump before. I still get them now whenever they hear the twins calling me mommy.

An idea popped into my head.

I immediately walked towards her and took the handkerchief from my pocket.I cleared my throat before speaking to her and said, "Please use this to cover your front."

My eyes were looking at somewhere else because I thought she might get embarrassed again if she saw me looking at her.

"Thank you... Which department are you from? I'll return this and your jacket after I get them washed," she said as she tucked the handkerchief a bit inside her blouse to cover her visible underwear.

"Finance," I replied. "Here's your coffee, ma'am," the barista said as he handed the coffee to her.

"I'll use them well. Thank you so much!" she said as she took the coffee and ran outside the cafe.

She's that so-called-demon's secretary, right? What kind of person is that demon? Seeing how she was acting, he must be a really scary person.

After a few more minutes of waiting, my coffee was finally served. I headed back to the office right away because there wasn't much time left anyway. I also still have to ride the elevator which would take quite a while because the office is in the upper floor.

When I got there, Hannah gave me a questioning look. "What happened to your jacket? You were wearing it before you left," she said as her forehead creased. I handed a cup to Carl and sat on my chair. "Well, something came up and I had to remove it," I said and shrugged my shoulders.

"By the way, who's this company's demon?"


A knock can be heard, and the door to Tristan's office opened after he told the person behind the door to come in. The first thing he saw was a woman drenched in coffee who was holding a cup of coffee with both hands, being careful so as to avoid spilling it again.

"Here's your coffee, sir," she said as she put the cup gently on his table.

"You look so dirty, Miss Erika," Tristan said as he took the coffee and put a straw inside. "I apologize for how I look as of the moment, sir," she said as she lowered her head.

"Go back to your desk," Tristan said as he took a sip from his coffee. "Understood, sir," his secretary said and quietly left his office.

Tristan waited a few more seconds after hus secretary left and put his coffee on top of his table. He covered his face with his palms as he felt his face getting hotter and hotter.

'That scent... Although it's very faint, I'm sure I smelled it right. My nose can't be wrong about this,' he thought as he felt his heart race.

It was a scent that he missed for five long years. It's been a really long time since the last time he smelled it, but there was no doubt that he recognized that familiar scent.


The scent that he had a whiff of earlier was someone's pheromones.

Although he was sure that it smelled like the person he misses, he can't help but doubt himself a little. He knew that it was impossible for that person to be that near to him when he suddenly vanished years ago and never showed up again.

But despite his self-doubt, a glimmer of hope appeared before his eyes.

It was his secretary. It had something to do with her.

He called hia secretary over with the telephone on his table. After a few seconds, he heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," he said as he sat properly on his chair. A woman who smelled like coffee from getting drenched with it walked in.

"You called, sir?" she said as she stood straight while looking at Tristan.

"That jacket," Tristan said as he looked at the suit jacket that was tied on her waist.

"Where did you get that?"
