'Who's that woman sitting in front of Tristan?' Justin thought as he stared at them. He could feel his stomach turning upside down as if he was witnessing something that scared him.

There was this weird feeling in his gut.

Tristan has been coming home late every night, and he barely even makes physical contact with Justin lately.

'There's no way he's...'

Without thinking about his actions, Justin stood up from his chair instinctively when he saw Tristan.

"Jus?" Daryl's eyes widened when he saw Justin stand up. Justin didn't even bother looking at Daryl and started to walk to Tristan's direction. "Justin?" Daryl said as he stood up, the chair screeching sharply due to his action.


Justin's heart started beating rapidly. He felt like his heart would burst from his nervousness.

He stopped in front of Tristan's table, and the alpha and his acquaintance turned their heads to look at Justin.

"Tristan, what are you doing here?" He asked as he looked at Tristan. He had a blank expression on his face, trying to conceal all of the emotions he was feeling at the moment.

"Oh, we had something to talk about," he replied as he smiled at Justin.

'His smile... is different. Is something wrong?' Justin thought as he swallowed hard. His palms started sweating and his heart raced even faster.

"Who is he? Do you know him?" The woman asked as she lowered her sunglasses a bit and eyed Justin from head to toe. "Yeah. He's just someone I know," Tristan replied as he looked at the woman with a smiling face.


Justin's heart sank as he heard Tristan's words. It felt like the little hope he had left in his heart was crushed.

He hoped that Tristan would refer to him as his boyfriend in front of the woman who's been looking at him like he's some kind of trash.

The words that Tristan said was playing on his mind over and over again as if it was a broken recorder, which hurt him more and more as every second passes by,

"Oh, I didn't think you knew someone... like him," the woman smiled mockingly as she looked at Justin. "Well, things happen. Let's continue where we left off," Tristan chuckled. He turned to face Justin and said, "See you around next time, Jus."

His heart felt like it was squeezed tightly as he looked at Tristan with trembling eyes.

"Yeah, see you around," he smiled at Tristan and headed out in a rush.Daryl cursed under his breath and grabbed Justin's bag. He jogged to the door of the cafe and followed Justin out.

"Jus, wait!" He yelled as he followed Justin. "Justin!" He called for his name again.

Justin stopped on his tracks and turned to look at Daryl. As soon as Daryl saw Justin's face, he felt like his heart was shattered. It was a scene that he didn't want to witness again.

He knew Justin has been through breakups before, but this time, the look he had on his face was different.

He wasn't crying nor was he making a facial expression that showed how upset he was.

His face was blank.

"Ah, right. My bag. Thanks," he said as he took his bag from Daryl's hands. "Hey..." Daryl said as he tried to approach him. "I'm sorry, Dar. Not now..." Justin smiled at him and left his best friend standing in the middle of the sidewalk.

"Fuck," Daryl cursed as he ran his hand through his hair and sighed.

He knew he had to step back this time and give Justin some alone time, so he stood there and watched his back disappear from his sight.

Justin walked to the bus stop in a rapid pace as if someone was chasing him. He wanted to get away from the cafe as soon as possible.

"I wanna go home..." he whispered to himself as he clenched his jaw.

A bus stopped in front of him and he immediately got on. The bus took him to his destination, and the moment he got off from the bus, he felt his heart ache.

'Home... I really considered this place as my home, huh?' Justin thought as he looked at the tall building in front of him. It was the condominium where Tristan lives, and it pained him when he realized that he thought of it as his home.

"I might leave this place soon, though..." he said as he smiled bitterly, still staring at the building in front of him.

He sighed and walked to the entrance of the building. He went in and headed to Tristan's unit, and immediately packed his necessities and those that will still fit inside his bag.

'I'm just preparing in case the worse happens. I just hope that... we'll get to clear things now and fix everything. I hope we'll go back to how we were before,' he thought as he closed the zipper of his bag.

He sat on the bed and felt his heart hurt upon remembering everything that has happened so far.

Tristan has been keeping his distance from him and has been coming home late every night for some unknown reason. He doesn't even kiss or hug Justin anymore, and he always avoids staying in the same place as him.

He was cold.

He built walls between them, and as time goes by, breaking through those walls became harder for Justin.

Whenever he tries to approach Tristan( and initiate to show his affection for him, Tristan always moves away and makes an excuse to get away from him. And now, he saw Tristan with another woman and was even denied.

It hurt Justin terribly.

Who wouldn't feel hurt? His lover whom he thought he'd marry and spend the rest of his life with was slowly getting farther and farther away from him.

He suddenly remembered Daryl's words as he stared blankly into space.

"Tristan has a long string of past partners. He could never settle down. Even though he's my cousin, I can't trust him that much when it comes to dating."

He sighed and smiled. "Is Daryl really right? Everything that we did together... Did Tristan just fake all of those? Even his... feelings for me?" He muttered to himself as his eyes traveled downwards. He saw the ring that Tristan gave him on their monthsary.

He touched the ring with his fingers. "It wasn't even that long since we started dating. Why is this happening so soon?" He laughed at himself for being so pathetic.

'Was I just deluding myself when I thought that he really loved me?' Justin thought as he swallowed hard, feeling his heart throb once again. 'Was our relationship just a fantasy I created in my mind?'

"Damn it. I'm so tired of this..." he sighed and laughed bitterly.

'Why does it feel like I'm the only one who's trying to keep our relationship afloat? I'm doing everything I could just so we could keep this going, but he's always pushing me away. Was he really just faking everything since the beginning? If he was... then it's better for us to end this relationship even if we have a baby.'

Justin held his stomach and frowned when he thought about the life that his baby might have in the future if it grows up without a father. But what scared him the most is if his baby would live a life where they will have to despise their parents for having a bad relationship. What's worse is if Tristan was actually cheating on Justin.

Who in the world would want their child to witness their parent having an affair?

He was torn between having Tristan as their baby's father or not having a father at all. He thought it would be selfish of him to let the child grow without a father, but he also thought it would be terrible if his child grew watching his father be with someone else other than his mother.

"All this overthinking is making me want to cry," he chuckled.

He stood up and took a deep breath before moving from where he was standing. He then walked towards the door and went out to get himself a glass of cold water to cool his head.

As he gulped down the water, he heard the sound of the pass code of the door being entered and instinctively known that it was Tristan.

He put the glass on the table and wiped his lips with the back of his hand. He took a few deep breaths and tried to steel himself so he wouldn't waver in front of Tristan.

The door opened and as soon as he saw the man he has been expecting to come, his heart ached once again.

He frowned.

He relaxed his face and composed himself to look calm on the outside. 'I have to decide about what I should do right now, but first...'

Tristan walked closer to him and stopped after being only a few steps away from Justin.

"Tristan, let's talk."
