"Oh, thank goodness I'm just pregnant and don't have some kind of serious illness," I mumbled under my breath as I let out a sigh of relief and lowered my head.

"Yes... You're pregnant. You're already three weeks pregnant," doctor repeated again.

Right, I'm preg...

"What! I'm pregnant?" I exclaimed as I raised my head, and my eyes widened with shock. "Why are you so shocked? You just said it yourself earlier," she chuckled.

I'm flustered. I didn't really know how to react or what to say. What she just said was too difficult to comprehend right now.

Three weeks... I guess I got pregnant when we had sex in his car on our way home from my parents' house.


It's true that back before we started dating and when we barely knew each other, I felt like I'd be happy if I found out that I was pregnant. That was because I was kind of... well... maybe it made me feel more of an omega because I was already able to conceive a child.

But now that it's already happening... I find it hard to accept. I don't know if I should be happy or not. I guess it would have been fine for me if this happened earlier, but now that Tristan and I aren't really communicating well, it's hard for me to decide what to feel.

Regardless of what I wanted to feel, I could feel my heart racing now that I think about this pregnancy better.

If I were to tell him about this, will he be happy about the news? Will he accept the baby as his own? Will he treat me like he did before?

Or will he... ask me to abort the baby?

I had mixed feelings.


The thought of him asking me to abort out baby made my heart ache. It is my child, after all.

"What's wrong? Are you not happy about the news?" She asked as she showed me a faint smile. My eyes trembled as I looked up to her to meet her eyes. Her eyes showed concern as she stared back at mine.

"It's... It's not that. I'm just shocked. That's all," I smiled at her. I didn't want to tell her about what I truly felt. I was just overthinking things, and what I was thinking of earlier might not even happen. It will probably just make Tristan look bad if I told her about it.

"Well, that's normal. Make sure to tell your alpha and your parents about this. I'm sure they'd be happy," she smiled at me. I smiled a little and whispered, "I hope so."

"Also, about the pain in your stomach, do not take any type of medicine as much as possible. It will be bad for the baby. I advice that you should just drink warm water. Also, avoid things that might stress you out," she said as she smiled at me. "I will, doc. Thank you."After that, I paid for the bill and went out of the hospital. I'm not so sure whether I'd tell Tristan about it today. Maybe I'll find the perfect timing to tell him about it. My birthday is coming up soon, too. Should I tell him about it then?

On my way home, I thought hard about it and decided to just think about what I should do when I see him later. If he's in a good mood, then I'll tell him right away. And if he's not, I'll just tell him about it on my birthday.

It's a few days away from now, and I'm expecting that he'd be back to how he was before by that time. At least... I hope he will.

When I arrived at home, I didn't see him anywhere. Maybe he's still out somewhere. It seemed like he had some urgent business to attend to earlier.

I looked at the door where I was leaning my back against earlier when I was crying and suddenly felt so shy.

I was probably crying that much because I'm pregnant. I'm being so bipolar, argh!

Anyway, now that I think about it, it's almost nighttime. I have to cook dinner for the two of us since he's still not home yet.

I fished for my phone from my pocket and texted him.

'When will you arrive home?'

I put my phone on the coffee table in the living room and went to our room to change into a more comfortable set of clothes. After that, I grabbed the apron in the kitchen and started preparing the ingredients for the dish that I will be cooking.

I was so engrossed in cooking that I forgot to check his response to my text. I only realized that I forgot when I was finished cooking everything.

I went to the living room to check my phone. As soon as I opened it, I only felt upset when I saw that he didn't respond to my text at all. He hasn't even read it yet. I checked the time and it has already been an hour and a half since I texted him.

I sighed as I put my phone back on the coffee table.

"Maybe he's just busy..." I whispered to myself, so I waited.

I waited and waited and waited.

It was already 10 in the evening, yet there was no sign of Tristan. I haven't eaten anything yet and I already feel so hungry, but I still didn't want to eat without him. I wanted to eat with him.

I tried calling him earlier, too, but he didn't answer any of my calls either. I took my phone and texted him again.

I'm already getting worried. I was afraid that something might have happened to him without my knowledge, but I thought that maybe this is just me overthinking things because of my pregnancy.

Finally, after a few more minutes, the man that I've been waiting for arrived.

I stood up as I watched him walk inside.

"Why are you home so late? I called and texted you but you never answered any of them," I said as I walked towards him. "I'm sorry, darling. Let's talk about this later, hmm? I'm really tired right now," he said as he took his coat off and threw it on the sofa.

He smells like cigarette.

"Did you smoke?" I asked him.

I didn't even know he smokes. Is it his first time? Or did he smoke before and started smoking again?

"Yes, I did. I'm gonna go to bed now," he said as he walked to our room. "What about dinner?" I asked.

I waited for him for hours. Surely, he's not gonna say that he won't eat with me, right?

"I already ate," he said as he opened the door. He went in and said, "Gonna sleep now. Good night." He then closed the door, leaving me alone in the living room.

I frowned.

The case that he's already eaten dinner slipped my made, and it only made me feel like a total idiot. Of course, he already ate. It's already so late, so it would make more senses if he did.

But... he could have told me that he would eat outside. He didn't even tell me why he didn't answer any of my calls or texts.

The hunger that I felt earlier vanished. I didn't have an appetite, but I knew I had to eat for the baby.

I went to the kitchen and heated up the food that I cooked earlier. After that, I put the dishes on the table and ate alone.

I sighed.

I know it's not nice to sigh in front of a meal, but I couldn't help it.

Earlier, I decided to think about what I should do once I see him. And now that I already did, I can say that the best option for now is to tell him next time. He might not take the news well if he's like this, haaa....

I only ate a few spoons of my meal and brushed my teeth immediately after. I went to our room and found him sleeping peacefully on the bed.

He looked so tired and uncomfortable even in his sleep. He has dark circles under his eyes and his complexion doesn't look too good, too. Even his facial expression while sleeping looked like he was upset.

I went up on the other side of the bed and sat next to him. I moved his hair backwards and looked at him with a melancholic expression.

"It pains me seeing you like this. Can't you at least tell me what's bothering you so you wouldn't shoulder all your problems alone...?" I whispered as I felt my heart ache.

"I hope you'd be able to open up to me soon. Good night, my love," I said and moved my face closer to his. I placed a soft kiss on his forehead and stared at his face a bit more before laying down.

He still looks handsome even though he doesn't look too well right now.

I lied next to him and wrapped my arms around him, knowing that this is the only time I could do this as of now.
