
An alpha, that's what I thought I was until I reached high school. I was the typical popular guy girls go crazy for. I was taller than most of my peers, my looks were above average, I was good at sports, and I excelled in my studies. There was literally nothing negative people could say about me because I was perfect.

I am perfect.

Until one day, in the middle of the class, I suddenly came down with a fever—or at least that's what I thought it was.

I got in heat.

People hovered around me, whispered and talked behind my back, and pointed fingers at me. No one even dared to help me.


That was when I found out that I wasn't an alpha, but an omega. The results of my second gender examinations were wrong.

After that incident, my father had me drop out from school, and I was home-schooled instead. Just when I thought that I will never feel free again and I will never feel as happy as I was when I still thought I was an alpha, someone proved me wrong.

It was Alexander.

I've slept with other alphas before him, but it was him that truly made me want to own him. I wanted him more than anything else in the world.

He didn't abandon me when I marked him, he didn't take advantage of me, he did anything and everything to make me feel comfortable around him, and most of all, he respected me—he respected me as a person and as his lover at the time.

I knew he liked someone at the time, but I still pushed myself onto him. I wanted him all for myself. I didn't want anyone to take him away from me, so I did everything I could to make him fall in love with me, even lying to him just to get what I want. No matter how dirty my ways were, I didn't care at all as long as I'd have him by my side.


The day I've been looking forward to finally came. He finally fell in love with me.

I can still remember that day vividly as if it happened yesterday. His dark eyes were straying all over the place, unable to look me in the eye. His hands were fidgeting, showing how nervous he was at the moment. His face was flushed, and he had a bit of difficulty in breathing as he prepared himself for what he was about to say.

The moment he finally mustered the courage to tell me what he wanted to say, he looked me in the eye and said, "I love you." He showed no hesitation when he said those words to me. His eyes were screaming pure honesty as he stared into my eyes.I was so happy at the time, and I wanted that moment to last forever. But things just didn't go my way.

The consequences of my actions led to my own demise. I lost the man I cherished and loved the most. Almost four years after we broke up, memories of him still haunted me in my sleep. He kept appearing in my dreams, and the words he said to me when we broke up kept replaying on my mind as if it was a broken recorder.

I was hurt, too. I really loved him before and I regret my actions until now.

I didn't think I'd see him again, until that night when I was on my way home. I thought that was just a coincidence and it wouldn't happen again, but actually seeing him again and having a whiff of his pheromones made the lingering feelings I had for him resurface again.

"Troy, we'll start shooting in five. Prepare yourself and get your makeup retouched," my manager said as he handed me a bottle of water. "Thanks," I said as I accepted it.

I'm currently shooting for my upcoming drama, but here I am... thinking about Alexander again. I told him to call me but... he never did. I can't help but wonder if he hated the fact that I rested at his place and had him help me when I was in heat.

Well... of course, I can't blame him if he hated it. After all, I messed things up in the past. Things are so awkward now and my life has turned into a total mess. I couldn't just barge into his life again just to ruin him over again.

His life was probably already so peaceful without me, yet here I am... wanting to have another go at him.

"Hello, we'll retouch your makeup for a bit," one of the makeup artists said as she smiled. "Please do, thanks," I smiled at her. Her face turned bright red as soon as I flashed a smile at her, making me realize how good-looking I am once again.

I wonder if I use my looks... will I be able to fix things with Alexander even if it's a bit too late?

The look he had when we broke up suddenly flashed in my mind. I realized once again how selfish I was before.

And... until now.

I sighed and closed my eyes as I saw the makeup brush for my eye shadow appear before me.

That's right. I was and am selfish. I shouldn't... I shouldn't do this anymore.

"Everyone! On set, now!" On of the staff yelled and everybody headed to the set, including me.

Before leaving, I thanked the makeup artist and flashed anothee smile at her. Despite working with them for a few months already, some of them still can't keep their eyes off of me. "Hello, you ordered three boxes of doughnuts, right?" A voice from behind said. I glanced at the back and saw a man with black hair. His face can't be clearly seen because he was looking down a bit, but even from this angle, I could tell he was good-looking.

"Ah yes, thank you!"

I faced front again and headed to the set where everybody was waiting for me.

Haaaa... I should probably stop thinking about Alexander and just move on from him for the better.


That guy was Troy, right? He really looks a lot like Daryl. I wouldn't even doubt it if Daryl said they were siblings, but they're just cousins.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" Daryl asked as he raised his brow. "I was just thinking how you'd be a parent in the future. I suddenly got concerned for your future children. They'd be so unlucky to have you as a mother," I said as I pouted.

LOL, I lied. Why would I even tell him that I was thinking about him and his cousin?

"Asshole," he rolled his eyes at me. "Your children would be so unlucky, too. They'd have you and Christian as their parents," he said and made a terrified expression.

"What?" I chuckled. "Why did you drag Christian into this?" I asked, smiling. "Aren't you guys a thing?" He said as he raised his brow. "What? No!" I laughed at what he said. "How did you even come up with that? I'm not even interested in guys, you know? I like girls," I said as I shook my head, still smiling.

"Really? He definitely looks at us weirdly every time he sees us together, though. I thought he was jealous of me or something," he said and shrugged. "Ah, that's because he thinks I might do something to you. Rest assured, though, I won't do anything bad," I chuckled.

Haha, what the hell was that?

"Why would he even think that? I thought you guys were friends," Daryl said as he took the bowl of chios on the coffee table. "He doesn't care whether we're friends or not. He's just too over protective of you," I rolled my eyes, remembering how he looked at me like he was gonna kill me.

"Hah! Over protective? My brother? Are you kidding me?" He scoffed. "I'm the black sheep of the family, Lucas. Do you think he'd care that much for an omega like me?" He smirked as he talked about himself badly.

My forehead creased as I listened to him. "Why would you say that about yourself? What's wrong with being an omega?" I said, feeling offended for him. "I'm saying this because this is what they made me believe in my entire damn life. Isn't being an omega something to be ashamed of?" He said as he looked at me with a questioning look. "What?" I gave him a look of disbelief. "No. No, that's nothing to be ashamed of," I said as I shook my head. "You're just saying that becase you're not an omega, Lucas," he smiled at me.

Behind that smile, I could see and hint of sadness. He's never made that kind of look before.

I don't want to see him act like this. I hate it when people feel bad about themselves because of other people's opinion.

"You're right, I'm not an omega. I don't know what it feels like to be one, but I want you to know that out of all the population in the world, only a very small percentage of the population is comprised of omegas. Isn't that something great? You're like very rare! You're even a male omega. You're so cool. What's there to be ashamed about?" I said and smiled at him.

His expression changed as he avoided my eyes as he faced the television. "Whatever. You're getting so worked uo over this," he said as he put a chip in his mouth.

Despite acting all cool and apathetic towards what I said, I could see how his ears turned red.

Did that make him happy?

I hope it did.
