"This is...!"

My eyes widened with shock when I saw how he played.

It was flawless. It was like I was watching a professional gamer play the game with my own eyes.

"How did I do?" He asked as soon as he finished the game. "You did really well. It's just that..." I paused a bit as I thought of the right words to say. "I think there's something wrong with you phone? Maybe its storage is almost full. It gets laggy whenever there are a lot of players present and maybe that's why you think you suck because you get killed so easily whenever that happens," I said and nodded. "Yeah, that's it. Just that," I continued.

"Really? Thanks!" He said and gave me a quick hug.

This smell...

It was faint but I remember smelling something like this when I was getting carried to bed last time.


He smells like freshly baked bread.

He really was the person who saved me before...

"Lucas, you're so dead!" I flinched when I heard my brother's loud voice, echoing in the living room. Lucas just grinned and stood up.

"Gotta go. Thanks for the advice!" He said and left the house getting chased out by Christian.

What's with them? Is Christian that mad that Lucas hugged me? It's not like I'm gonna take him away from him.

I wonder how Justin is doing now...?



"Woof! Woof! Woof!" Tristan hid behind Justin as five large dogs barked at them loudly. "Hey, hey! It's alright. He's not a bad person. Calm down everyone!" Justin said as he tried to calm them down.

They just got to Justin's home and as soon as they went inside the gate, five dogs ran towards them and started barking so loudly.

"D-Do they b-bite...?" Tristan stuttered as he held onto Justin's shoulders. "Come on, babe. Just look at them. Do you think they're capable of doing something like that?" Justin said as he looked at their dogs lovingly.Angry faces, dark eyes, and loud barking and growling.

Tristan could never say that they aren't capable of biting him.

He didn't answer Justin, afraid that he might find it offensive if he told him that he still thinks that the dogs were frightening. And even if Justin called him 'babe' just now, his fear was still there.

"Mom! Can you please take them to the back? They're scaring my boyfriend!" Justin yelled from outside.

His mother didn't come out to greet him as soon as they arrived but as soon as she heard the word 'boyfriend', she immediately ran outside without even putting her slippers on properly.

"Boyfriend?!" She yelled as soon as she opened the front door widely. "Oh my!" She gasped with a hint of happiness when she saw how her son's boyfriend looked like.

"I will, I will!" She said and called the dogs. "Babies, come with Mommy!" She said in a playful tone and the dogs came running to her with wagging tails.

She ran to the back side of their house with the dogs following her and after a few minutes, she came back with a smile on her face.

Tristan's fear from earlier only grew even if the dogs weren't there anymore, and it was because he's meeting Justin's mother for the first time.

He was afraid that she might think of him negatively for being afraid of dogs or for looking so cowardly as he hid behind Justin. He started overthinking things, that he stuttered as he greeted his boyfriend's mom.

"G-Good morning, Mrs. Alvarez," Tristan said as he bowed his head, a way of showing his respect based on how they do things when he used to live in Korea. "Oh my, you don't have to call me Mrs. Alvarez," she giggled as she waved her hand around. "My name is Marina but you can call me Mom, since you're our Justin's lover," she said as she smiled.

Tristan lifted his head and that was when he saw the uncanny resemblence of Justin and his mom.

She has icy blue eyes, tall and narrow nose, pink lips, and a small face that makes her look a lot like Justin. The only difference was their hair color. She has light brown hair, while Justin's hair is black.

"Y-Yes... I will, M-Mom..." Tristan said as he felt his face heat up. He felt so embarrassed for acting like a total scaredy cat and at the same time, he felt so shy for calling her 'Mom'.

She giggled and said, "That's more I like it! Welcome to our humble home. Come in!" She guided the two of them inside and asked them to sit on the sofa as soon as they got in.

"I'll go get something to drink," Justin's mom said as she hurriedly headed to the kitchen.

Tristan was sitting stiffly on the couch, with his back straight and legs tightly closed. His hands were placed on top of his lap and he was sweating profusely as he waited for Justin's mother to come back.

"Who's the guy next to you?"

Tristan's stiff body posture got even stiffer when he heard a voice from behind. It was a deep husky voice and it sounded like it was from a person who just woke up just moments ago.

"Why are you dressed like that? Go put some clothes on!" Justin yelled at the man standing behind the sofa. "Hey, hey! Is that how you treat your brother after seeing him for so long?" The man frowned.

"Go. Get. Dressed." Justin firmly said with a warning tone in his voice which left the man no choice but to submit to him. "Just a sec," the man said and went back to his room.

"Y-Your... brother?" Tristan said as he nervously turned his head to look at Justin. "Yep. We haven't seen each other for months since I barely come home because of the expensive fare. He never comes to visit too, so that's why we don't see each other often," Justin said and shrugged.

Footsteps from behind can be heard together with the ice clinking inside the pitcher. Justin's mother was carrying a tray with a pitcher of mango juice and two glasses for the couple.

"Here's some juice!" She happily said as she placed the tray on the coffee table. She poured some on both glasses and gave them to Justin and Tristan.

"Thank you," Tristan said as he carefully accepted the glass. "Thanks, mom," Justin said as he accepted the glass and drank from it right away.

"Where's my glass?" The deep voice from earlier suddenly popped out of nowhere. Tristan flinched as his grip on the glass tightened.

'I never thought that I, an alpha, would act like a rabbit in the presence of Justin's family,' Tristan thought as beads of sweat rolled from his forehead, down to his neck.

"Go get your own," Justin's mom said as she glared at her son, who was now wearing a white shirt that fitted so well in his body.

"Never mind," he said and sat on the floor, in front of Justin and Tristan.

"Dani, we have a sofa. Why would you sit on the floor?" Their mother scolded him as he comfortably sat on the floor. "Meh, it's fine. It's our house anyway," he said as he placed his hands on his sides on the floor and used them to support his body as he put all of his weight on them, flexing his muscular biceps and triceps that looked like they would rip his sleeves into shreds.

"I'm gonna scold you later, young man. But before that, I have to call your dad first. Entertain our guest, hmm?" Their mom said as she glared at him and left as soon as she finished talking.

"Nice to meet ya. I'm Daniel," he said as he nodded, looking at Tristan with the eyes of a dead fish.

He has light brown hair, thick eyebrows, deep brown eyes with long lashes, tall nose, and plump pink lips. His jawline was sharp, unlike Justin's, and his body frame was twice as big as Justin's. He has broad shoulders and his body was buff.

"The pleasure is mine. My name's Tristan Lee," Tristan said as he hurriedly placed the glass on the coffee table and stretched his arm for a handshake.

Daniel just looked at his wet hand for a few seconds, making Tristan feel embarrassed. "O-Oh, right... I'm sorry," Tristan said as he wiped his hands on his shirt. He extended his arm again and this time, Daniel took his hand.

"Are you my brother's boyfriend?" Daniel bluntly asked, still not letting go of Tristan's hand. "Yes, I am," Tristan responded with a nervous smile. Daniel's grip on his hand tightened as he smiled. "You better not make him cry," he warned him with a scary smile on his face, as if threatening Tristan.

"Dani!" Justin exclaimed with a warning tone in his voice. "Chill, I was just saying," Daniel said as he let go of Tristan's hand.

"I... I would never."
