"Huh?" Justin looked at Tristan's hand that was holding his wrist. Tristan slowly opened his eyes and a smile immediately formed in his lips as soon as he saw Justin. "Good morning, darling," he said as he smiled at him with his eyes half open. His baritone voice sounded husky and it made Justin's heart skip a beat.

'If this is what I get to hear and see every morning if I marry him, then I'd gladly spend the rest of my life with the man in front of me,' Justin thought to himself as his face got hotter. Thankfully, the color of his face can't be seen clearly because the room was dim and a single lamp is their source of light.

He sat on the bed and placed a soft kiss on Tristan's forehead. "Good morning," he greeted back and sat properly again. Tristan's smile widened even more.

Tristan opened his eyes again and saw that Justin wasn't wearing anything. He was confused about what he should feel. He somehow felt concerned because he might feel cold because he wasn't wearing anything and he wasn't even under the sheets. At the same time, he somehow felt... turned on.

"Darling, why aren't you wearing anything?" He asked as he stared at Justin's face. Justin was startled because of his question and realized that he was indeed naked. He got flustered. "I... uh..." He let out and embarrassed laugh. "I'm gonna go take a quick shower and whip something up for breakfast," Justin said and immediately went to the bathroom.

Tristan chuckled at the sight of his boyfriend getting all flustered. He stood up and opened the curtains. He looked at the bottom part of his body and sighed.

"Now... What am I gonna do with this?" He muttered to himself as he looked at his fully erect penis.


Memories from last night came rushing into his head and realized what he did to Justin. They had sex all night and he thought that his boyfriend's body must be aching a lot.

He shook his head together with his horny ideas.

"I should just calm myself... by myself," he whispered and started touching himself, rubbing his thing with his hand. By the time Justin finished showering, Tristan also finished 'calming' himself. He had already covered the bottom part of his body with a towel and he acted innocent in front of Justin as if nothing happened.

Justin was just wearing a robe and he thought that his boyfriend doesn't have any clean clothes to wear right now. He ran to the bathroom while saying, "Wait a sec. I'll go get you some clothes."

Justin was kind of confused as he watched Tristan run to the bathroom."Clothes? Why would he go to the bathroom, then?" He muttered to himself, obviously confused.

Little did Justin know, Tristan was actually washing his hands because he doesn't want to get the clothes dirty especially since Justin will be the one wearing them. He doesn't want to touch his clothes after touching himself.


"Why did you go to the bathroom?" Justin asked Tristan as soon as he got out. Tristan's face was blank and he was spacing out for a bit, thinking of an excuse as to why he went to the bathroom when he was supposed to get him clothes.

"I, uh... I washed my face," he said and smiled, trying to hide the fact that he's lying. Justin didn't even find him suspicious and just shrugged it off. Tristan then headed to his closet and grabbed the smallest clothes that he had inside. He gave them to Justin and took a shower afterwards.

Justin faced the mirror and stared at his reflection. 'No matter how I look at it, these clothes still look huge on me,' he thought to himself as his hands tightly held his shorts.

He let go of it and it immediately dropped to the floor. He sighed and pulled his shorts back up, and decided to just tie it so it won't fall.

He went out of Tristan's room and went to the kitchen. He still has to cook breakfast for the two of them so he headed to the fridge. Before he could even hold the handle, memories about what happened to them in the kitchen came flashing in his mind.

He felt the urge to scream in embarrassment but he bit his lower lip to hold it all in. It was already embarrassing enough that they did 'it' there and he didn't want to have another reason to be embarrassed about. He imagined that if he screamed, Tristan would come running to him from the bathroom without even wearing anything.

He took a few deep breaths to calm himself and opened the fridge to see what his boyfriend has inside it.

"Eggs, bread, butter, milk, water... Uh... Is that all?" He muttered to himself as he looked inside. It was basically empty just like last time but this time it was fewer. With only two eggs, a few loaves of bread left, a bit of butter, a carton of milk, and a few bottles of water, there's no way he can cook something for the two of them.

He shook his head and closed the fridge. 'Does he even eat?' He thought to himself and went to the living room to look for his clothes. There, he found his clothes on the sofa where Tristan threw them last night.

He put his hand inside his pants' pocket and took his wallet. He went back to Tristan's room and knocked on the bathroom. "Tristan, I'll be heading out for a bit. You don't have anything on your fridge so I'll go buy some food," he said and waited for his boyfriend's response.

"Huh? Yeah, sure!" Tristan replied as if he really heard what he said. The truth is Tristan didn't hear him clearly because the sound coming from the shower was echoing in the bathroom, making him unable to hear him clearly.

Justin went outside of the condo and went to the convenience store that was on the ground floor of the building. He grabbed a few food and went to the counter to pay for them.

As he stood in the line, a man who was wearing a cap and a mask went behind him. Memories from the night when he was stalked came rushing on his mind. He didn't want to be reminded of that terrifying night.

He began trembling and his grip on the basket that he was holding tightened. He couldn't help but glance at his back to see the man who was behind him. He thought that nobody would be too insane to follow him around in broad daylight so he thought that it wasn't the man who followed him before.

As he glanced at his back once again, he met the man's eyes. They were beautiful. The color of the man's eyes was hazel and he had thick and long eyelashes that made his eyes more captivating.

He then realized who it was without even seeing the man's entire face when the man spoke to him.

"Ah! You're that guy from yesterday," the man said as he looked at Justin. He slowly nodded in response to the man's claim and said, "And you must be..." He stopped before he could even mention his name and shook his head a bit. "It's great to see you again," he said. He turned around and moved forward because it was already his turn in the counter.

"That would be xx dollars," the cashier said. Justin handed a few bills to the cashier and the cashier soon gave him the change.

"It's great to see you again, too," the man said as his eyes smiled.

"I'll go ahead first," Justin smiled at the man and left the convenience store without turning around.

'I'm pretty sure that was Mikael,' Justin thought to himself as he went inside the elevator and pressed the button of the floor he wants to go to. 'Maybe he lives here? I'm definitely gonna tell Dar—' His mind suddenly went blank.

"Oh..." He then realized why he went to Tristan's home last night. 'That's right. I went here last night to tell Tristan about it. I didn't really mean to spend the night here. I should go back home once we finish eating breakfast,' he thought to himself.

The elevator opened and he headed to Tristan's unit. When he was already at his doorstep, he realized something.

"Ah, right. I still don't know the pass code," he muttered to himself and pressed the doorbell. After a few seconds, Tristan opened the door and welcomed Justin with a smile.

"You're back," he said as his eyes smiled. 'Wow... Is this what they call boyfriend look? Though the shorta were kinda ruining it but... my darling looks so attractive,' Tristan thought to himself as he brushed off the indecent thoughts in his head.

"Uh... Yes?" Justin was kind of confused since it's not like he left for too long.

They both went inside and Justin started preparing their meals. He put an apron on and the first thing that came up in Tristan's mind after seeing Justin wear it and cook in the kitchen was...

'How great would it be if we got married? Spending the rest of my life with him would be nice.'
