"Cathy," Jay called her name. A radiant smile flashed on her face. "Jay!" She exclaimed happily and hugged the alpha who called her name.

Cathy Sparks had flowing blonde hair, blue eyes, narrow and tall nose, thin pink lips, and a small face shape.

Her beauty is more than enough to catch everyone's attention. She also has a lively personality that makes her loved and popular.

"You guys arrived here first!" She said and looked at them without erasing the smile on her face. But when she saw Mikael talking to a man who seemed to be an omega, her smile immediately vanished.

"Who's that?" She said as she looked at the omega disdainfully. "Why is he talking to my Mikael?" She glared. "None of your business," Jay said as he grabbed her arm. "Go get your makeup done," he said as he dragged her away.

"Hey! Let go of me!" She struggled. "Who was that guy?!" She yelled. Jay ignored her and continued dragging her. "I said let go! Are you deaf?!" She yelled.

Everybody was looking at her.


She's a big shot celebrity but it didn't seem like she cared about her reputation at all as she acted like some spoiled brat.

Justin watched her get dragged away from their sight until they finally disappeared.

"Ah, I'm sorry about that," Harvey said and scratched his cheek. They glanced at Mikael who paid no attention to Cathy even though she caused quite a ruckus.

'Haha... He must be so infatuated with him.' They all thought as they watched Daryl and Mikael converse.

"Genesis, go change you clothes and get your makeup done, too. Cathy is not the only one in this shoot, you know?" Diana said as she looked at the boys. "Mikael, go now!" She said loudly when she noticed that Mikael didn't seem to hear her.

"Ah, yes. My apologies," he said, feeling a bit embarrassed because it seemed like he was so out of it. "I uh... I have to go and get changed first. Can we talk later?" He said as he looked at Daryl shyly.


Daryl didn't really care about him. He just spoke with him because it seemed like he wanted to talk to him about something.

"Yeah, sure," he replied briefly and smiled a little.

From the day he broke up with Andre, he began changing bit by bit. He was usually so lively and full of life, but now, it seemed like the life inside him was slowly draining and it's all just because of a man.

Mikael left together with the other members to get changed for the shoot.

Justin walked towards Daryl and said, "What did you guys talk about?" Daryl just shrugged and said, "Nothing much. He just asked how I was doing and stuff like that. You know, typical small talk."

Justin felt hesitant to ask more. It was obvious that Daryl didn't really care much about Mikael's or the other members' presence. His face also showed no interest in anything at all like he can't be bothered.

'I thought he'd be happy to see them. I guess I was really wrong,' Justin thought to himself as he averted his gaze from Daryl.The shoot began and ended without much fuss, thanks to Jay stopping Cathy from bothering Mikael. During the whole shoot, the combined minutes Daryl watched them doesn't even add up to 30 minutes. He just faced his phone or talked to Justin about random things.

'Does he really hate being here that much?' Justin thought to himself as he watched Daryl play a game on his phone.

The staff were already cleaning up the place and some already started packing up their things because the shoot just ended.

Mikael's mind was occupied with the thought of talking to Daryl that he was so out of it while changing his clothes. He was even wearing his shirt inside-out because he wasn't paying attention.

The other members laughed at him and kept teasing him that he must be thinking about the omega they saw earlier in the morning.

"I told you, it's not like that," he said as he took his shirt off. "Then why do you keep spacing out, huh? What's keeping your mind so occupied?" Harvey teased as an annoying smile curved on his lips.

"Shut up. Just mind your own business," Mikael said, not knowing that his ears were turning red. He couldn't deny it because he knew it was true. And just thinking about Daryl makes him feel all shy and giddy inside that he's having a hard type trying to keep a straight face in front of them.

He immediately left the changing room as soon as he fixed his shirt and hurriedly headed to Daryl's location.

He was excited and nervous at the same time. He didn't really know what he wanted to talk about with him, so he was thinking of topics that he can talk about as he walked.

The moment he saw Daryl's back, his heart started racing like crazy. He took deep breaths as he slowed his walking pace, trying to calm himself so he wouldn't make a fool of himself in front of him.

"Why the hell are you here?!"

He flinched when he heard Daryl yell suddenly, and that was when he realized that someone was kneeling in front of Daryl. His eyes strayed all over the place, searching for Justin or Diana, but to no luck, they weren't there at all.

'I guess I don't have a choice. I'll try to stop them from causing more of a ruckus myself,' Mikael thought to himself as he sighed.

He didn't have any clue that the person kneeling in front of Daryl was Daryl's ex boyfriend, Andre. He still continued walking to them until he got closer.

The man was lowering his head as if he views himself as someone not worthy of meeting Daryl's eyes. Mikael had no clue about what was happening so before he jumped into their conversation, he decided to listen a bit first.

"Are you stalking me? What is wrong with you?!" Daryl said, almost yelling, as he looked down on the man. "I'm really sorry. Please forgive me..." Andre said in a trembling voice.

Daryl clenched his jaw as he felt his chest tighten. His soft spot for the man in front of him still didn't disappear even after they broke up. It was expected because they were together for years. Nobody expected him to get over him so quickly because it was clear that he still loves his ex boyfriend.

"A-Argh..." Daryl squeezed his eyes shut and bit his lower lip. He knew that Andre had already started crying, judging from his trembling body and shaking voice. He can't stand seeing him like that.

"Fuck," Daryl cursed under his breath.Mikael, who was watching Daryl's facial expression change, felt a strange feeling creep into his heart. He didn't know what it was until Daryl knelt and held the man's face.

"Stop crying." Daryl wiped the man's tears with his thumb and hugged him.

At that moment, Mikael realized what that strange feeling was.

It was jealousy.

He felt even more jealous when he saw how good-looking that man was. And judging from his build and everything about him, it was clear that he was an alpha and maybe a dominant one at that.

Mikael took a step back and lowered his gaze to the floor.

'Oh... That must be his boyfriend,' he thought to himself. He let out a soft, bitter laugh and shook his head.

'I guess I should just leave them alone.'


The moment I saw Andre earlier, it felt like everything I did to forget him was rendered useless. His presence itself made me doubt if I'd ever manage to move on from him.

When he cried, it felt like my whole world crumbled. I didn't want to see him like this. The last time he begged for forgiveness, I almost gave in, but this time, I might actually give into him.

I tried to act cold and stay mad at him, but I just couldn't. My entire world still revolved around him.

"A-Argh..." I squeezed my eyes shut and bit my lower lip.

I want to embrace him. I want to forgive him. I still love him so much that it hurts.

"Fuck," I cursed.

I give up.

I knelt to level my head with his, cupped his cheeks, and raised his head. His crying face ripped my heart into pieces.

He was probably really hurt after we broke up. He even apologized. He must be really sorry about what he did, right?

"Stop crying," I said as I wiped his years with my thumb. I felt the sudden urge to hug him because it felt like he needed it so much, so I did.

This feeling... I missed this so much.

I missed his warmth, his calming scent, his broad shoulders... I missed everything about him.

I missed him so much.

He buried his face on my chest and I felt my shirt getting damp because of his tears. I combed his hair with my fingers and hugged him tighter.

"Come on, stop crying..." I whispered in a gentle voice. I smiled a little, thinking that he's like a child right now.

"What the hell is this?" A loud voice echoed.
