I blinked my eyes several times, wondering if I heard him right. "What?" I asked to confirm if I wasn't having an audio hallucination.

"Sleep with me," he repeated as he stared directly into my eyes. "Isn't that the reason why you brought me here?" He said as he let out his pheromones.

Despite being a dominant omega, I felt myself getting dizzy because of his pheromones.

"I only let out a little pheromones and you're already all flushed," he said and giggled as he looked at me with amused eyes.

I felt my mind slowly turning blank as he let out more of his pheromones.

I know this is a stupid thought, but as an alpha I couldn't resist his pheromones no matter what I did.

Everything happened so fast that I didn't realize that he was already riding on top of me, moaning as he moved his hips on his own.


I closed my eyes tightly when I felt that I was about to come. "W-Wait... stop..." I muttered under my breath as I panted.

He must not have heard what I said because he still kept going. If he doesn't want to stop, then I have no choice but to have him come with me, too.

I held his cock that was already dripping with pre-cum and moved my hands in a rapid pace.

"A-Ahh... W-What are you... haaa..." He moaned as I moved my hand.

I sat up and grabbed his butt cheeks and lifted him up and down. "Ahh... haaa... It f-feels..." He wrapped his arms around me tightly. "... good."

I moved his hips faster and pulled out when I was about to come. I rubbed our dicks together and came at the same time.



When I woke up, he was already gone. I figured he already left earlier. I sat up, scratched my head, and sighed.

"Will I ever meet him again?" I mumbled as I stared blankly at the wall.

I got up and immediately took a quick shower so I could leave already. After showering, I wrapped the bottom part of my body with a towel and looked at my reflection in the mirror.

My eyes widened when I saw a bite mark at the left side of my chest.

My eyes trembled at the sight of the bite mark.

He... marked me.

An omega can mark an alpha by biting the left side of the chest, and that's where his bite mark was.I... I can't believe I was marked by an omega whom I don't even know.

How am I going to face Justin now that I've already been marked?

Ah, right! An omega's mark will disappear after six months. I just have to wait until then. But if I do... we'd already be in college by then.

Haa... Whatever. I'll think about this later.

I went out, wore my clothes, and left right away. Fortunately, there was a taxi parked outside because somebody just got off. I went inside the taxi and told the driver the address to my home.

When I got home, I immediately got an earful from my mother who was worried sick because I didn't go home last night.

"I'm sorry, Mom. I promise not to do it again. I'll let you know if I won't be able to go home next time," I said as I lowered my head, feeling guilty. She sighed and said, "You promised, hmm? Go to your room and change your clothes."

I smiled knowing that she already calmed down and finally forgave me. "Yes, Mom," I said and immediately headed to my room.

I took my clothes off and looked at the mark again.

This is actually real. I wonder if people will notice that I've been marked...


(back to the present)

"When I came back to school, the moment I saw Justin... I felt ashamed of myself. I couldn't bring myself to approach him. I felt so embarrassed because I vowed to myself that Justin will be the only person that I'll ever love and that I'll mark him in the future. But it turns out that I couldn't keep that vow because I've been marked by an omega whom I don't even know," I said as I stared blanky at the table.

"After that, I met the omega again and I promised to date him until the mark disappears. I wanted to take responsibility since I know that he wouldn't have marked me if I hadn't released my pheromones then. He... He was just affected by my pheromones..." I said and let out a soft laugh.

The memories we had together suddenly flashed into my mind and I felt a stinging sensation in my heart.

"But... before the mark disappeared, I had already fallen in love with him. The feeling I felt that time was so foreign because I've never actually felt that way before even with Justin and I... I chased him away."

Daryl's face became distorted as he gave me a weird look. "Why would you do that? You loved him, didn't you? So, why?" He said as his forehead creased.


"I was scared. I didn't know what to do. And later on, I found out that... he deceived me. He told me that he was studying at a public high school and I even went there a bunch of times to fetch him but it turns out that he wasn't studying there. He was also faking his personality when he was with me. He was so different when he was with other people. He also came from a very wealthy family. I know that my reasons seem so petty, but for a high school kid who just experienced his first love, it was a big deal to me. At the time, I felt so distant... I didn't even know if the name he told me was actually his real name. From the way he treated me, I could figure out that he didn't trust me completely and that broke me," I said and smiled bitterly, remembering what happened before.

I absolutely hate it when I remember how things were before."But despite all that... I couldn't bring myself to hate him. I loved him so much that I couldn't even feel anger towards him even after he lied to me for more than four months. We made up and I began to trust him again. But..." I paused for a while to look at Daryl's face.

He looks like he's about to cry anytime.

"But eventually, everything had gone into ruins again. My broken heart that I was desperately trying to mend was shattered again. He broke my trust again. He lied to me again. Over and over again. At that point, I didn't know if I still had the heart to believe him blindly again so..."

The exact words that we threw at each other that day suddenly flashed on my mind.

'Just become an actor. You're so good at acting right? You even deceived me for the second time,' I sneered.

'No, you've got it all wrong! I didn't want to deceive you, Alexander!' He said as he cried.

'Stop crying. You're making me believe that you're actually hurt because of me,' I said and laughed in disbelief. 'Even now, you still have the guts to act pitiful in front of me,' I continued.

'N-No... What I'm saying is true, Alexander...' He whispered as he cried.

'Get lost...' I whispered and clenched my teeth. 'Get lost and go back to your boy toy. You played me. You toyed with my feelings,' I said as I gritted my teeth.

'I fucking hate you.'

"... we broke up," I continued. " 'I fucking hate you.' That's what I said before I left him at the park," I said and let out a soft, bitter laugh.

Daryl's eyes trembled as a tear finally fell from his eyes. I looked at him and remembered how 'he' looked that day. He looked just like this. Heck, the two of then almost look alike, haha... The difference was he looked like a total mess.

"Until now, I don't even know if what he said that day was actually true. I didn't really mean to speak that way to him but I was blinded with anger and pain," I said and lowered my gaze.

I stared blankly at the table and said, "I really did love him."

Or maybe... I still do.

Haha, nah.

I looked at Daryl and saw that he's already crying his eyes out. I panicked as my eyes strayed all over the place, trying to look for something to wipe his tears.

Ah, damn it. I didn't mean for this to happen.

I cupped his cheeks and wiped his tears with my thumb.

I smiled and said, "Why are you crying?" His moist eyes looked at me. He said, "I... I felt sad for you."

"Nobody deserves that..." He whispered as he removed my hands from his face.

Somehow, after hearing what he said, the heavy feeling that I was carrying for years felt like it was finally lifted off of my chest.

"Thank you. Thank you for feeling sad for me," I said and smiled.

No one has ever said something like that to me. This is a first, haha.

"If you don't mind, may I know what that person's name is?" Daryl said and sniffled.

I contemplated whether I should tell him or not, but I decide to do it since it's him.

"Troy.. Troy Lee."
