"Who was that man? Your boyfriend?" My manager asked as he drove to the filming location. "Ah, no. That was my brother. Most people don't know about my family. It's not really surprising that even you don't know that he was my brother," I said and laughed a little.

"Really? He's very handsome. Is he interested in becoming a celebrity? I'm sure he'd earn a lot," My manager asked as he glaced at me through the rearview mirror.

Ah, if only people knew that my brother turned our father down countless times whenever he offers the position of the CEO of the Lee Group to him. He'd instantly earn millions just by breathing.

The reason why our father keeps on forcing my brother to take over is because he's the only one who can do it. I'm an omega so I will take the surname of the person I'm going to marry in the future, and Terrence is still too young. Tristan is the only person who can be---no, who 'should' be the CEO.

The money he could earn from being the CEO can't even be compared to a celebrity's. The money I earn is just pocket change for him if he becomes the CEO.

"No, I don't think he is," I said and smiled awkwardly.


I looked outside the window, admiring the nightlife in this area.

Oh, this is near Daryl's condo.

The car stopped because traffic light turned red. A familiar man caught my eye as I was looking outside.

His dark red hair that has grown just above his shoulders was tied into a half ponytail. His piercings shone as the city lights make contact with them. His perfectly proportioned face was still as handsome as I remembered and his lean and muscular body figure, together with his tall height, made him stand out compared to the other people walking at the sidewalk.

It's him.

It's Xander.



"Why didn't you just eat at your own house?" I grumbled as I looked at him. "Wow, you're so welcoming, huh?" He said and ate a spoonful of rice. "Shut up. Go home after you finish eating," I said and rolled my eyes.

I continued walking back and forth, feeling restless because of Tristan. He told me he was gonna come here right now and I kind of feel scared that Xander will still be here by the time he gets here.

This past month, my relationship with Xander has gotten better. Even though he never told me why he suddenly became cold to me before, I tried to understand him because it seemed like it was a difficult topic for him.And because we had gotten closer, I also noticed that whenever I talk about Tristan, he gets in a bad mood. I'm not really sure why. Maybe it's because he has never met him before and he doesn't trust him yet. Also, when I talked to Tristan about Xander, the only thing I ever talk about is how he suddenly turned cold when we were in high school, and Tristan kinda got pissed because of it.

"Stop walking back and forth, Jus. I'm getting dizzy from looking at you," Xander said after he finished chewing on his food. I stopped walking and said, "Then don't look at me!" Daryl almost choked on his food because he suddenly laughed.

"Why the are you laughing? Stop!" Xander said as he glared at Daryl. "Dumbass," Daryl said and laughed again.

I just rolled my eyes as I watched then bicker again. When will they ever get along?

The doorbell rang, and I immediately headed to the door to open it, knowing that it was Tristan.

"Hey, you're here," I said and gave him a peck on the cheek. We went inside and as we walked, I can't help but feel uneasy.

I wonder how he'd react after seeing Xander.

I walked behind him as we headed to the dining area. He stopped and turned to look at me. "Why are you walking behind me?" He said as he tilted his head a bit. I fumbled my fingers on instinct as I felt more nervous and uneasy by the second.

I stopped fumbling my fingers when I saw that he held his hand out, asking me to hold it. "Let's go there together," he smiled.

The nervousness I felt earlier suddenly vanished when I saw his smiling face. I felt relaxed because he did not show any negative feeling that he may have for Xander on his face. Maybe there won't be some kind of bad blood between them.


At least that's what I hope.

"Hey," Daryl said and waved his hand while still sitting on his seat. "Hey," Tristan said and smiled at his cousin.

He looked at me and gave me the sweetest smile.

Oh no, that caught me off guard.

I felt my face slowly getting hotter as I looked at his face. His green eyes were smiling and they look so gentle as he stared at me. The curve thay formed with his soft lips looked so beautiful.

"W-What?" I stuttered as I looked away, trying to avoid getting moee flushed than I already am. "Nothing," he whispered and chuckled softly.

My eyes widened a bit.

His soft chuckle kept playing on my mind on repeat as if I was listening to a broken recorder. My face felt hotter than it was earlier and I can imagine how I look right now. My face is probably as red as a ripe tomato.

"Yo." I glanced at Xander who was looking at us boredly as he ate some chips that were placed on the table. "We meet again, huh?" Xander continued as his gaze was still locked on Tristan. Tristan smiled again and said, "Yes, that seems to be the case."

I glanced at the two of them back and forth, obviously confused because of the weird familiarity between them.

"What's going on? How do you know each other?" I said as I looked at Tristan. Before my boyfriend could even answer me, Xander answered my question. "We met briefly before at the university. It looked like you were going on a date or something," Xander said and shrugged. "I don't know, I'm not really sure," he continued. "Ah... yes, darling. It was so brief that I don't even remember his face that well," Tristan said as he smiled.

What's with his smiles? It's kinda bothering me. And what's with this heavy atmosphere? I thought he didn't have negative feelings towards Xander?

"Darling? That's funny," Xander mumbled as he looked at the chips, probably trying to choose which one he should eat next.

That asshole! I swear I'm gonna pull that long hair of his.

"Darling." I looked at Tristan and he still has that weird smile on his face. "U-Uh, yeah?" I said and smiled nervously.

Is he mad at Xander?

"It seems like there's a fly here at your home. I can hear something. You know, I really hate flies. I hope they disappear. I'd really hate it if there was a fly hanging around your place, spreading its germs everywhere," Tristan said, emphasizing the words fly, disappear, and germs, as if he's directing it to Xander to taunt him.

A loud laughter suddenly filled the whole unit. I could feel cold beads of sweat rolling from my forehead down to the sides of my cheeks as the atmosphere felt heavier.

"Ah, I think the fly had gone in when you arrived," Xander said and smiled at Tristan. My boyfriend's smile became wider, which made me feel alarmed.

I looked at Daryl with a troubled face to beg for help. He just smiled at me as he chewed on some chips as if he's watching some kind of drama.

Ah, that jerk! I'm totally gonna scold the three of them later. Uh... separately, of course. They might feel a bit embarrassed if I did it with other people around.

I laughed awkwardly and said, "Why don't you eat first, Tristan?" He looked at me for a bit and his smile became gentle. "Sure," he said as his eyes smiled.

"Take a seat. Wait there for a bit. I'll prepare the food for you," I said and immediately went to get a plate for him.

I kept glancing at their direction as I prepared his food. It didn't seem like the situation got better, because Tristan's weird smile was still on his face and Xander still kept glaring at him as if he's ready to throw a punch anytime. Daryl, on the other hand, was still looking at them with amusement.

I'm glad that his attention has drifted from his breakup with that douchebag ex boyfriend of his, but this wasn't what I had in mind.

It kinda feels like there was a silent war going on between the two of them and I don't really know why. I could only guess why, so I'm not sure if I was even right.

Haaa.... what am I gonna do with them?
