My manager had a menacing aura that made me took a step backward. "C-Come on, Mr. Ray, I just went out to take a little break," I said as the sides of my lips twitched as I smiled nervously.

"Really, Mikael? Taking a break by going to a park almost 10 kilometres away from the filming location in the middle of filming? Wow! That's insanely far, isn't it?" He said as his eyes were shooting daggers at me. His face looked so red and the veins on his neck and forehead looked like they're about to burst any moment now.

I laughed nervously.

What should I say? How do I get out of this situation?

"I'm sorry. I'll reflect on my actions..." There's no way to get out of this, so the wisest decision is to apologize. It'll save us time and also save us from being more emotionally and mentally drained from arguing.

He sighed and said, "You have to stop doing that---leaving in the middle of filming. This isn't the first time you suddenly left without saying anything. If you keep this up, your career might go downhill, Mikael. You're also gonna pull the other members down with you."


"I... I know, I know. I'm sorry. Let's go back now, shall we?" I said as I opened the car door and pushed him slightly inside, trying to avoid his question.

I went in too and he started driving back to the filming location.

As I was looking at the window, staring blankly outside, I suddenly remembered how Daryl looked earlier.He looked so... devastated.

Even though I said I shouldn't pry, I still want to know what happened to him.


"Shall I cut his dick off?" Justin said as he smiled. I suddenly felt shivers down my spine as I felt his murderous intent. "Come on, it's fine," I said and chuckled. "No, it's not!" He yelled, his voice filled with anger. "I swear, I'm not gonna let that asshole come near you ever again," he muttered to himself as his eyes were looking all over the floor. "Do you feel better now?" He asked as he looked at me with concerned eyes.


I smiled. "Of course not," I said as I lowered my head a bit. He leaned forward and hugged me. "It's okay. Take your time to heal, hmm?"

His words felt so comforting. I was so relieved to have someone like Justin by my side that my chest tightened and I started to cry again.

I got so tired from crying that I didn't realize that I had fallen asleep in his arms.

The next day, I acted normal again to reassure Justin that everything is fine.

I can't have him getting stressed because of me. He just started dating my cousin recently and I don't want him to be affected because of my breakup.

I just finished parking my car and before we got off, as I was unbuckling my seat belt, something caught my attention.

"Hey, what's that on your neck?" I asked as I stared at it longer. His face suddenly turned red and that only made me think of the answer to my question. "Is that a---" Before I could finish my question, he covered my mouth with his hands.

I smiled beneath his hands. I removed them and said, "Hmm...Nice progress you got there." I winked at him and got off the car.

Even if I just had my heart broken yesterday, I'm still genuinely happy right now because he's finally dating someone again.

Before he met Tristan, honestly, the only thing I can say is that he was always buried in school works. He's a good student, I admit it, but he also has to take breaks from time to time. Maybe he felt that he had to do his best because his parents are paying everything for him? I don't really know. But one thing is for sure. Meeting Tristan loosened him up a bit and he's become a lot happier too.

I kept teasing him until we got to the lecture room. As usual, Xander was sitting behind us and kept prying into our conversation. "You must've had some fun yesterday, huh?" Xander said as he smirked at Justin. My best friend's face turned bright red because of what Xander said, which only gave him more reason to tease Justin. "So I was right," Xander said and chuckled.

"Shut up, asshole!" Justin said as he glared at Xander. I could only laugh at the two of them as they were bickering.

"What about you, Daryl? Did you also have some fun yesterday?" Xander asked. My laugh slowly faded and I fell silent. Justin looked flustered. He probably doesn't know what to do in this situation. "G-Give me a break, Xander! Why are you so interested in other people's lives anyway? Just focus on your own life," Justin said as he looked at Xander with a serious expression. "Alright, alright. Chill, I was only teasing the two of you," Xander said as he raised his hands in the air as if showing that he has given up.

Justin then looked at me with an apologetic expression. He probably felt bad because he couldn't do anything else aside from trying to change the subject. "It's alright," I said and gave him a gentle smile.

Xander doesn't know anything so I... I shouldn't get upset over that.


The day ended so fast. Justin had to go to a cafe with his group mates for the final project given by our terror professor. My group mates and I were already done with ours days ago so I'm currently heading home right now.

As I was driving home, my phone kept ringing nonstop. It's been like this since earlier.

It's Andre.

I already blocked his number yesterday but he kept calling me with different phone numbers. He seems so desperate... It's making me feel—Haaa... Never mind.

Even though he hurt me, I can't deny that I still have a soft spot for him. You can't blame me. We dated for seven years. We've had a lot of memories together and we've spent a lot of our 'firsts' together. He was my first love, the first person who I made love with, the first person I've ever cooked for, and a lot more. I can't just forget our 7-year-relationship just like that.

Somehow.... realizing that he's not my boyfriend anymore makes me feel empty inside.
