It's already been days since the people working at the company knew that Justin and Tristan are really in a relationship.

They really did not believe it before, but upon seeing how Tristan has been acting weird since then, they were truly able to confirm that it was really true.

It came out as a shock to others, but those who are in Justin'a department were not shocked anymore because they already knew about it.

"And then in this part, you have to change it like this," Mark said as he explained how Justin coukd improve his work. The omega nodded and said, "Thank you. I will do that, sir."

Before Justin could leave, Mark said something first. "So you're really with Sir Lee, huh?" He said as he smiled a little.

Justin was his type so the omega really caught his eye the first time he saw him. In fact, he started liking him since then. Unfortunately, because of how thigns babe turned out, Mark felt a bit sad.

At first, he was in denial about Justin's relationship with Tristan, but now that everybody seems to know about it, he couldn't really deny it to himself anymore.


"Ah, yes," Justin smiled.

A shiny object caught Mark's eye. His eyes were looking at Justin's hand with a ring on his finger. At that point, he knew that there was no way he would be able to steal Justin from Tristan, seeing as to how they are now engaged.

"Congratulations. Your ring is very pretty," Mark said as he smiled at him. He swallowed every ounce of his pride left in congratulating Justin. Although the omega did not know how the man really felt towards him because he just assumed things, he could see how Mark's facial expression turned a bit sour even though he was smiling.

"Oh, thank you," Justin said and smiled. After they spoke, he went back to his desk and started working again.

Time went by quickly, and it's already lunchtime. As soon as the clock struck 12, Justin's phone rang. He looked at his phone and saw that Tristan was calling him.

He quickly walked somewhere with very few people and answered the call after that.


"Hello?" Justin said as soon as he accepted the call. "Oh, well... Um... Darling, would you like to have lunch with me?" Tristan said on the other line.

"Sure thing. Where should we meet?" Justin said as he leaned his back on the wall. "Well... I don't think I'll be able to come out of my office because I'm quite busy... Can we eat inside my office instead?" Tristan said.

"Alright, I'll go there," Justin smiled. They talked for a while more and ended the call like that. Justin went back and told Hannah and Carl that he won't be eating with them today because Tristan wanted to eat with him.

He waved goodbye to them and headed out of their office. He went inside the elevator and pressed the button to Tristan's floor.

As he waited for the elevator doors to open, he thought of reasons why Tristan called him to eat with him when he's so busy.

Usually, Tristan would only ask to eat with Justin when he is free during lunch, but now that he specifically said that he's busy, it made Justin wonder even more why he wanted to eat together.'Maybe he's lonely?' Justin thought.

The elevator doors opened and other people who are headed upstairs went inside too.

They all got off on the next floors and finally, he was already near Tristan's floor.

The elevator doors opened and Justin got off.

It was already Tristan's floor.

He started walking towards his office and Tristan's secretary, Erika, let him go in without even stopping him from entering the office. She already knew that Justin would be coming to the office and so she let him inside as per Tristan's instructions.

Justin knocked on the door and he heard Tristan's voice from inside, telling him to enter.

"Hey," Justin smiled at him as soon as he had gone in. "Darling..." Tristan greeted him with a warm hug.

They stayed like that for a few minutes, which left Justin wondering why his alpha is suddenly acting like that.

"Is something wrong? You're acting a bit different today," Justin said as they broke free from the hug. "I don't know... I just miss you so much," Tristan said as his ears turned red.

The omega smiled and gave him a peck on the lips.

"We just saw each other earlier," Justin chuckled. "Even so. I just missed you so much," Tristan's face turned even redder.

"One more please," the alpha said as he bent his back a bit and lowered his head, asking Justin to kiss him once again.

'Why is he so cute today?' Justin thought as his heatt melted from seeing Tristan act like a little kid.

He moved his fsce closer to his and kissed the alpha's lips.

It was supposed to be only a quick peck on the lips, but without Justin realizing it, they started making out already.

'What's this? Weren't we supposed to eat lunch? Why does it seem like he's the one eating me up?' Justin thought as he gasped for air.

He pushed Tristan's body gently, as if telling him to stop kissing him already. The alpha really did stop kissing him because of what Justin did.

"Let's just eat lunch, hmm?" Justin said as he gasped for air. "Ah, right..." Tristan said as his entire face turned red.

'What's wrong with me? I called darling over to have lunch with him, but here I am... Getting all sexually excited,' Tristan thought as he punched himself in his mind.

They headed to the couch with a coffee table in the middle and the two of them sat next to each other. Tristan took the food out from the paperbag. He opened the food containers and Justin saw that they were sushi.

'Sushi isn't really as good if it's to-go, but this is also alright,' Justin thought as Tristan placed one of the containers in front of him.

And like that, the two of them ate lunch together. As soon as they finished eating, Justin headed back to his department, leaving Tristan alone in his office.

As soon as Justin left, Tristan started missing him again. As he sat on his chair, the kiss they had earlier started playing in his mind.

"Fuck, I won't get anything done if I keep this up," he mumbled to himself and sighed.

He tried to shrug it off and tried to focus on his work so he could finish it early and be able to go home with Justin later.

He tried.

He really tried, but to his dismay, thoughts of Justin invaded his mind once again.

It began all began when he thought of Justin and next, he's thinking about how the twins are doing at school. And now, he's already thinking whether their baby is a male or female. And after that, he started thinking of what baby supplies he should buy for their baby.

'Should I go and see some later? I think it would be alright to buy this early,' he thought as hs smiled while signing some papers.

When he realized that his mind was straying once again, he shook his head and stood up.

"This won't do," he said to himself. He headed to the comfrot room inside his office and washed his face in the sink.

"I gotta keep my mind clear if I wanna finish everything," he said to himself as he looked at his reflection in the mirror.

Hetook his handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his face with it.

After waking himself up from those thoughts thay kept him from working properly, he went back to his desk and started working again.

Although those thoughts kept coming back to him as he worked, he still tried his best not to get distracted. And so, after two hours or so, Tristan was finally able to focus om his work without his thoughts straying away once again.

There is no doubt that he has days like this before, but today, he became very distracted. Although he's used to thinking about Justin from time to time without really getting that distracted, but now, he found himself unabke to concentrate on his work at all.

Time went by quickly and he was finally done with his work. It was almost 5 p.m., meaning that their working hours would end soon.

He started fixing his things inside his bag, already getting ready to leave.

As the CEO of the company, nobody eould expect Tristan to leave as early as 5 p.m. It is not unknown that people who are in the same position as him are more busy than those who don't, which makes him amazing because he gets to finish all of his work and leave on time.

As soon as the click struck 5, he immediately headed out of his office and went to pick up Justin from his department.

As usual, everybody kept stealing glances at him, still having a hard time in believing that Tristan had changed a lot.

Well, what more do they expect from an alpha who'd head-over-heels with a beautiful omega?
