Justin woke up feeling sore all over his body. When he looked at the wall clock in the room, he saw that it was already 12 noon.

He wanted to get up right away but his body hurts so much.

His back feels like it's broken and his ass feels like it's bleeding although it's not.

He waited for a few more minutes, trying to get used to the pain, and slowly got up from bed. He went out of the room and wanted to check on Tristan, but he remembered how his alpha desperately wanted to keep him out of the room. He brushed the thought of checking up on him and went to the twins' room instead to see if they're there.

He knocked on the door a few times but no one answered. He figured that they must have left their rooms, given that it's also lunchtime.

He slowly headed downstairs, wincing from time to time because of the pain he feels whenever he takes a step.

After a few minutes of walking slowly, he finally got to the banquet hall where the twins probably are. He was informed yesterday that they're staying the night in the castle Tristan rented and that the place where they'll be eating will always be the banquet hall.


The doors were wide open and the moment he entered the hall, the twins immediately spotted him from afar.

Even though they were still eating, they got up from their seats and ran towards Justin.

"Mommy!" the two of them called as they ran. They threw their arms around Justin as soon as they got to him and looked at him with worried expressions on their faces.

"Mommy, are you okay? Uncle Troy said you were sick last night," Chester said, his downturned eyes looking so sad and worried.

Justin smiled from seeing the concerned looks on his children's faces and said, "Mommy is okay now."

"What about daddy, mommy? Where's daddy?" Chesca said as she looked around. "D... Daddy got sick after mommy got better, sweetie. Daddy will be back soon when he gets better," Justin responded, making up an excuse for Tristan's situation.


"Can we see daddy? Uncle Troy wouldn't let us see mommy and daddy last night," Chesca pouted as she looked at Justin with puppy eyes.

"I'm sorry, baby. You might get sick too if you go to your daddy right now," Justin said and smiled apologetically.

The twins didn't insist on seeing Tristan upon hearing what Justin said. They really wanted to see Tristan, but they thought that if they get sick too, their parents would be sad.

Justin was a bit surprised to see how understanding his children were. They just turned five yesterday, but they seemed very mature for their age.

Any kid their age would probably throw a tantrum to get what they want but neither of them did that. Justin expected that Chesca might do that given her personality, but he was wrong.

It makes him proud to see how mature his children are, but a part of him also wants them to act their age.He knew that they were probably like that because they grew up with only a single parent. They matured very early and it pains Justin to see how their situation before shaped their personalities.

Justin walked with the twins towards the table they were sitting on earlier. When they got there, the omega became hesitant whether he should really sit or not.

It was painful for him to walk. How painful would it be if he sat on a chair? Sitting would mean that it would put pressure on his ass and that it would hurt a lot.

'What should I do? Should I sit?' Justin thought. 'If I do, I'm sure it would hurt a lot,' he thought.

"Here," Troy smiled as he handed Justin a cushion shaped like a doughnut.

It was a hemorrhoid cushion.

Troy figured that his brother was in a rut when he never came out of their room for breakfast. He found out he was right when he knocked on the door earlier and Tristan asked him to ask Xander to bring him his suppressants.

He had his manager buy a hemorrhoid pillow as soon as he found out that his brother is in a rut because he knew that Justin would be in a lot of pain the moment he wakes up.

As a fellow omega who also has a mate, he knew how scary alphas are when they are in a rut. They're like sex-crazed maniacs who have very high libido and it's like their penises wouldn't die down at all. It's hard all the time, which makes it very painful for them if they don't have sex at all.

Tristan has never slept with anyone when he's in a rut nor has someone ever triggered his rut. Justin was the very first, so he was really scared of what he might do to him if he stayed in his room even longer.

Troy leaned in to whisper something to Justin. "It works really well if it's you know... painful down there," he whispered in the softest voice he could muster.

"Thank you..." Justin accepted the cushion as his face heated up and turned bright red from feeling so embarrassed.

It was very embarrassing on his part that Troy knew he had sex with Tristan all night long. Although he knew that Troy must have found out that it would be great to use hemorrhoid cushions based on experience, he still felt embarrassed regardless of that.

"This too," Troy handed an ointment to him to apply on his swollen hole. "Thank you again..." Justin said as his facr turned even redder.

Because of what Troy gave him, he felt even more embarrassed. At that point, he thought he was glad he didn't stay in Tristan's room longer. If he did, there's no telling how worse things would be for him.

Justin placed the cushion on the chair and slowly sat down.

He was amazed by how much comfort it gave him as soon as he sat there. It had little to no pressure on his swelling hole, which made it very comfortable to him.

His hole was hurting a lot as he walked earlier, so he was glad that he's now able to feel a bit of comfort.

Justin began eating and fed the twins as he ate. They were becoming picky again with what they ate, so he fed them the food that they put on the sides of their plates.

"Blegh..." Chesca said as she stuck her tongue out, implying that the carrot she ate was gross. Chester, on the other hand, didn't say anything, but it was obvious that he hated it because his face tells you so. His face has turned pale ans he was on the verge of crying.

"You shouldn't be picky, alright?" Justin said as he looked at his children. The two of them just pouted and continues eating.

Chesca watched her cousin, Theodore, eat.

He was eating so well and it seemed like he was enjoying his food.

What he ate was different from Chester and Chesca's meal. The twins has steak and oven-roasted vegetables. Theodore, om the other hand, has a lobster on his plate and there was a servant next to him who was helping him take the lobster meat out of its shell.

Chesca stood up and walked up to Theodore. Of course, Justin noticed that his daughter stood up. He didn't say anything and just watched her because he thought Chesca would just ask Theodore to play later.

"Can I have some?" Chesca asked as she looked at the food on Theodore's plate. "You want this? We can ask someone to bring one for you," Theodore said as he stopped eating.

When Justin saw what Chesca asked for, he immediately stood up regardless of how painful his lower half was.

"Chesca, no!" he said as he brisk walked towards them. "You're not allowed to eat that," Justin said, terrified of what might happen if Chesca eats shellfish.

"M... Mommy... Are you mad?" Chesca asked as tears started welling up in her eyes. "Chesca j... just wanted to try..." she siad as the corners of her lips were pulled down, forming a huge frown on her face.

"No, baby... Mommy is just worried. You're not allowed to eat that because you'll get sick if you do," Justin explained in a soft and gentle manner so as to not make his daughter think that he was mad at her.

Justin is allergic to shellfish and the twins were born with that allergy because of him. He only found out that they also had that allergy when Chesca ate a shrimp tempura when they went to a Japanese restaurant before.

She was immediately admitted to the hospital because she started getting rashes and had difficulty in breathing.

Justin was so scared that he might lose her then that no one would be able to blame him why he's acting like this.

"I'm sorry..." Chesca said as she lowered her head and wiped the tears forming in her eyes with her hand.

She went back to her chair and Justin followed her back. She quietly started eating again with a heavy feeling in her heart.

The heavy feeling in her heart was easily lifted when Chester gave her some of his steak.

"You should eat yummy food," Chester said as he put almost all of his steak on Chesca's plate.

"Chester..." Chesca felt so touched because of what her brother did and decided to give him some food, too.

"Here," she said as she gave him her vegetables.

Chester's face became distorted as he looked at the plate of vegetables Chesca gave him. He was already slowly eating his carrots earlier, but Chesca's was still full of them.

"Ch... Chesca can have this back," he said as he moved the plate back to Chesca.

Justin couldn't help but smile as he watched his children care for each other.

'It would be nice if Tristan saw them like this.'
