"Chesca, your daddy is so cool!" the twins' classmate said with sparkling eyes. The other kids flocked around the twins who are smugly smiling as they raised their heads, feeling proud of their daddy.

Tristan won most of the games that he participated in together with his children, and everybody envied the prizes they received. Although the prizes weren't much, the meaning behind them caused the other kids to feel jealous that their parents weren't able to win the games.

"I want to marry your daddy!" a little girl said, blushing as she glanced at Tristan who was staring affectionately at Justin.

She was brunette and had sharp eyes that made her look intimidating. She has a cute little nose, plump red lips, and rosy cheeks.

Aside from Jace, she's one of the twins' friends. She's closer to Chesca than Chester because they are both girls. Whenever the twins get called daddyless, she and Jace are the ones who defend the twins.

Although Jace does his part quietly, Tori was the opposite of him. She'd scream at her classmates and even push them to the floor, which made her parents very concerned about her attitude.

The day Theodore transferred to their preschool was the day when she and her family was out on a vacation, so she wasn't able to stand up for them that day. Today is the day when she came back to school again, making it the very first day she's meeting Theodore.


"No! I'm marrying my daddy, Tori!" Chesca said as she glared at her.

"I'm marrying him after you marry him," Tori said as she nodded as if she came up with a very great answer. Chesca put her forefinger on her chin as if she was thinking hard about something and said, "Okay!"

The girls giggled as they came to an agreement.

"Who are you marrying, Jace?" Chesca asked as she looked at Jace who was quietly eating a lollipop.

The little boy's eyes suddenly went in Chester's direction as soon as he heard Chesca's question. "Ask Chester first! I'm still thinking," Jace said as he removed the lollipop from his mouth.

"Who are you marrying, Chester?" Tori asked as she tilted her head a little. "Huh?" Chester looked at them with a questioning look, wondering why they were asking him that. Instead of asking why, he just answered their question and said, "My mommy, of course!"


"Mommy is very beautiful," Chester said as he pointed to Justin who was talking to other parents.

All of them nodded their heads, agreeing to what Chester said. "What about you, Theo?" Chesca asked as she looked at her cousin who was playing with his iPad.

"I won't get married," Theo answered, still facing his iPad. "What? Why?" Tori asked as she looked at Theo weirdly. "Just because," Theo said as he raised his head a bit and smiled at the little girl.

Tori's face turned bright red from seeing Theo's smile. Her face was redder than it was when she said she wanted to marry Tristan.

"Ooh! Ooh! I almost forgot," Chesca said, remembering something. "Tori and Theo, you should go to our birthday tomorrow! Jace will be coming, too. It will be fun!" Chesca giggled. "Chesca will ask mommy to tell your mommies and daddies about our birthday," she continued.

Chester nodded, agreeing with what his sister said. "It will be fun if we invite many people," Chester said as he smiled.

Because of what Chester said, Chesca suddenly came up with an idea. Her classmates that were listening to their conversation were looking at her with sparkling eyes. She smiled at them and told them to come to their birthday, too. Although she didn't like some of them for calling her and Chester daddyless, she still wanted them to come because her brother said it would be fun.While the children were busy talking to each other, the other parents were busy asking Justin about Tristan.

"Oh, so he works in the same company as you?" One of the mothers said as she nodded her head. "What's his position in the company?" Another asked as she leaned her body towards Justin, curious about Tristan.

Although Justin wasn't showing it on his face, it was obvious that he was very uncomfortable with their questions. Each and every one of them are curious about someone else's life as if it was their business.

Tristan noticed how uncomfortable Justin was with the situation he was in right now. Instead of letting Justin respond to the woman's question, he answered it himself.

"I am the CEO. Please ask me instead if you have more questions," the alpha said as he smiled forcefully with a hint of threat.

Although none of them really believed what Tristan said, knowing that Justin is working in one of the companies of a very big conglomerate, they just shut their mouths and continued on with their random stories with each other.

Most mothers in the preschool brag about their husbands and their lifestyle, but Justin never joined them in that kind of conversation before. Aside from not having a lover before, let alone a husband, his lifestyle wasn't exactly something people would find great.

His life was very hard and he was barely providing for their daily needs.

"Darling, if you don't want to answer them, then don't. I don't like seeing you look so uneasy," Tristan whispered in his ear in the smallest voice he could muster as he rested his chin on Justin's shoulder. "Yes, yes, I'll do that," Justin chuckled softly as he patted Tristan's head.

That day, Tristan realized that the days when parents gather are days where they brag about what they have.

He thought it was very unnecessary for them to do that. What really irks him is how they talk to Justin as if it was already carved at the back of their heads that Justin would never be with a person who's worth bragging.

Although Tristan had the looks and the physique that would make anyone drool, they didn't think he had a lot of money, seeing as to how he's wearing a very simple outfit as if he can't afford to buy something better.

The family day finally ended and they all decided to leave and head to their cars together, mainly because they want to see what kind of car Tristan used.

"Dude, you gotta chill with the preparations for tomorrow. Daryl is dying with exhaustion," Xander chuckled as he patted Tristan's shoulder. Tristan looked at the twins to see if they heard what Xander said and felt a sense of relief when they saw that they were busy talking to other kids.

"Shh... It's a surprise. Don't go spilling it randomly," Tristan said while gritting his teeth as he glared at him. "Oops..." Xander just chuckled and jogged to the car he brought with him.

Troy left early because he still has a shoot that can't be moved, so it's only him and Theo right now.

"Wow... Isn't that car very expensive?"

"My husband's boss uses a car like that."

"Why are you bragging about that when your husband is not the one using it?"

"I knew he was rich because he's married to Troy, but I didn't think he was this rich."

The parents' whispers could be heard as they watched Xander open the car door. They were looking at him with awe, amazed how he's able to use a car as expensive as that.

Xander then realized that Theo was still with the other kids, talking to them as they walked. "Theo!" he called the little boy's name as he waved his hand while smiling. Theodore looked in his dad's direction and as soon as he saw that he was already next to their car, he said his goodbyes to his friends.

"See you tomorrow," Theo smiled at them. Once again, Tori felt her face getting hotter when she saw the little boy's smile.

"You have to go to our birthday, Theo!" Chesca said as she pouted. "Tomorrow is Saturday. That's why I said see you tomorrow because I'm going," he smiled at her. "My daddy is waiting. Bye!" Theo said and ran in his daddy's direction.

"Sweeties, let's go?" Tristan said as he stopped walking and looked at the twins. Justin smiled when he saw how excited the twins are for their birthday tomorrow.

Tristan and Justin talked about how they would spend their birthday. The cost of the preparations for the twins' birthday was very expensive as per Tristan's request. Although Justin was against Tristan's idea at first, he couldn't help but agree to what Tristan wanted especially since this is the first time he's celebrating the twins' birthday.

Overhearing the children's conversation about how Chesca invited all of them, Justin was now thankful that he agreed to Tristan's idea. He knew, for sure, that the children would love it.

The twins said their goodbyes to Tori and ran to their car before Tristan and Justin could reach there first. As the twins arrived there, Chester accidentally kicked a pebble, scratching their car a bit.

"Oh my god! Look at what that little boy did!"

"Goodness! Isn't that car very expensive? That's a luxury car, isn't it?"

"Who owns that car?"

"Whoever owns it would probably get furious."

"Justin would definitely pay a lot for that."

Their whispers can't even be considered as whispers anymore, considering how loud they are about what they were saying. It was as if they were intentionally saying them out loud so Justin would hear about it.

Before any of them could even say more, Tristan took his car key from his pocket and pressed a button. His car was alerted and it opened as soon as he pressed it.

"Daddy, I think I ruined the car," Chester said in a sad voice as his downturned eyes looked even sadder.

"Nonsense. My baby didn't ruin it. Daddy can buy a new one if you want," Tristan said as he smiled to reassure him that it was fine and bent his knees to level his head with the little boy.

The faces of those who heard what he said were painted with shock. They couldn't believe that what Tristan said earlier about being a CEO was really true and that he's Justin's lover.

What's even more shocking to them was how the alpha could easily say that he can just buy another luxury car as if he was talking about a piece of candy.

"Darling, come," Tristan said as he looked in Justin's direction and smiled at him affectionately.

To be honest, Justin was lost for words because of what Tristan did. It was as if he deliberately said those so the others could hear it.

He knew that Tristan wasn't the type to talk about his wealth, seeing as to how he never knew that Tristan was actually filthy rich when they dated five years ago. He also knew that Tristan didn't like how they treated them like liars earlier, but he didn't think that he would be this petty in proving them wrong.

He bit his lower lip to suppress his laughter as he found Tristan quite cute and funny for doing that.

He then walked towards his family as the corners of his lips trembled, trying so hard not to smile.

A single thought was inside the others' minds as they watched the family get inside the luxury car they knew they would never afford.

'I'm so jealous.'
