"Family day?" Tristan said as he leaned his back against his swivel chair. "Mm-hmm. Will you be able to attend?" Justin asked over the phone.

"Of course! I'll go. I'm definitely going. When is it?" the alpha said with happiness and excitement in his voice. "On the 4th of September. Also, on the 5th, it will be the twins' birthday already. We should plan how their birthday would go," Justin said.

"Yeah, sure. Let's talk about it after work. I'll be staying in your apartment again today, hehe," Tristan giggled as he smiled widely. "Okay! I have to go back to work right now too, so I don't think I can talk more with you," Justin said as he sighed on the other line..

"My darling is so busy," Tristan chuckled. "I'll be waiting at the parking lot again later. Good luck with your work," he continued. "You, too. I love you," Justin said and giggled. "I love more, mwah!" Tristan said and covered his face with his hand, feeling a bit shy that he's making a kissing sound over the phone.

Their phone call finally ended and he put his phone inside his pocket right away. He pressed a button to call his secretary over, and after a few seconds, he heard a knock on the door. He asked Erika to come in, and she did as he told her to.

"Free my schedule on September 4th and 5th," Tristan said with a blank face. "Pardon?" Erika has a confused look on her face, finding it unreasonable for her boss to suddenly his schedule that has already been planned four months ago.

"I said, free my schedule for the 4th and 5th of September," Tristan repeated with a firm voice. "Sir, on the 4th, you have a meeting with the director of Y Company. And on the 5th, that will be the day where you depart for your meeting with potential investors for the new product we will be launching. I can't cancel those appointments because it's already been months since they asked to meet with you," Erika explained as she looked at Tristan, maintaining a straight face.


"Think of what you should do to adjust my schedule. I won't take no for an answer. Make it happen," Tristan said as he faced the documents on his desk.

"Sir Lee, as I've said earlier, it would be impossible for me to do that. Canceling or moving their appointments would only cause nothing but trouble. Please rethink this," Erika said, trying to persuade Tristan into not changing the schedule.

"Make. It. Happen." Tristan said with authority in his voice. "I have something more important than appointments on those days. If you can't delay it, then you can move it to the 2nd or 3rd of September. Just make sure to inform them beforehand that they are to meet me on those respective days. Surely, they would find it as good news than bad news that they get to meet with me earlier than planned," he continued.

"Your schedule would be packed, Sir. Aside from those two important appointments, you still have other things to do," Erika said as she tried to maintain her facial expression so as to not show Tristan that she's having a hard time and that she's confused.

"Move all of them. For those that are important, move them forward. For those that aren't, just delay them. I will not say more. Just do what I asked you to, and that's that," Tristan said as he looked up and looked at her with emotionless eyes.

"Understood, Sir Lee," Erika said as she bowed her head a little. As she did that, she saw a picture frame on Tristan's table. She's never seen it before so she leaned in a bit to peek and see what picture it was.


She then saw two kids—a little boy with straight jet black hair and a little girl with wavy brown hair—hugging a beautiful man with straight jet black hair. Tristan was behind the man and he was hugging him from behind. The four of them were smiling while looking at the camera and they looked like they were having a great time.

The man in the photo oddly looked familiar and as she tried to think who it was, she realized that the man was the same person who helped her in the cafe when she spilled the coffee she bought for Tristan.'I thought those rumors about them dating were only plain rumors. Who knew that they were actually true?' Erika thought as she lifted her head.

"I'll be taking my leave now, Sir Lee," she said and headed outside.

"So he can also smile like that, huh...?" Erika mumbled as she went back to her desk.

Meanwhile, Justin who just got back in their office was bombarded with questions again. During the past few days, his officemates keep asking him about his relationship with Tristan. He didn't say much to them and just gave them vague details, leaving them curious. That was the reason why they kept asking him.

"Can't you see that he's very uncomfortable? Just leave him be. It's his personal life. Why do you have to know about it?" Hannah said as she scrunched her brows while looking at their officemates, annoyance evident in her face.

Because of what she said, they realized that they were prying too much on someone's personal life and just decided to leave. They just left like that without even apologizing to Justin.

"Seriously, I ought to punch each and every one of them..." Hannah mumbled as she glared at those who were walking back to their desks.

Justin chuckled at what she said and they just went back to work after that.

Their working hours ended rather quickly. Justin is now on his way to the underground parking lot when he came across Mark, who was inside the elevator he was about to get on to.

"Hi," Mark smiled at him. "Hello," Justin smiled back as he stepped inside the elevator and stood next to him. "Are you going home now?" he asked as he glanced at Justin. The omega nodded and said, "Yes."

There was an awkward air around them since they became silent after that. One of the reasons why it was also awkward was because Justin already knew that Mark was hitting on him before. He just can't bear to stay with him longer because he felt a bit uncomfortable by just imagining Tristan getting jealous again.

It was true that he found Tristan adorable when he tried to compete with Mark by giving everyone in their department some coffee and doughnuts, but he just can't handle it if Tristan does something more than that.

The elevator doors opened and Justin immediately stepped out. "I'll get going now, Sir," he said as he smiled a little at him and headed to the parking lot.

Justin safely met with Tristan without getting him jealous, and they left right away to head home.*****

Days after that, Tristan couldn't even go home because he had a lot of things to do in the company. He has already informed Justin that he won't be able to go home for a while, but he didn't tell him that the reason why he couldn't was that he wanted to attend the family day and the twins' birthday. He knew that if he did, Justin might ask him not to stress himself out and just do things at his own pace, which might lead to him not being able to attend. He didn't want that to happen so he desperately tried his best to finish things as quickly as possible.

September 3rd.

Today is finally the last day where he would be busier than usual. His meeting with the potential investors was finally done and he's now able to go home.

It was already 9 in the evening. He wanted to see the twins while they're still awake, but he knew that it would be impossible for that to happen. He knew that by the time he gets to Justin's apartment, the twins would already be asleep.

Regardless of that, he still drove to Justin's apartment.

Since the first time he went there, he rarely even goes to his own home and already considers Justin's apartment as his own.

They haven't told the twins about their plan to move out to Tristan's penthouse, so Justin and the twins are still staying in the apartment.

By the time he got there, Justin and the twins were already asleep. He didn't want to wake them so he just went to bed, too.

Time passed quickly and before they knew it, it was already morning.

Tristan's eyes opened widely as he heard the chirping of the birds outside the windows, and that was when he realized that he hasn't brought a change of clothes with him for the family day today.

'What should I wear? I should wear something to impress the twins, right?' he thought as he stared at the ceiling with wide eyes.

"What are you doing?" Justin chuckled as he looked at Tristan who looked like he just saw a ghost.

"Darling, I have to go back to my house. I don't have anything to wear. What should I wear? What do the twins like? This is the first time I'm meeting their friends at school, so I have to be a cool dad, right? What should I do? Should I..."

Justin cut him off by speaking over him. "Tristan, stop," he laughed. "Calm down. Let's go out and ask the kids what they want, hmm? It's still early today so we still have time. The program at their school starts at 10 am and it's still 7 right now," Justin said as he tried to calm his alpha down.

Tristan let out a deep breath and said, "Right... Let's just talk to the kids."

The two of them went out and as soon as they did, they saw the twins waiting for them near the door to Justin's room. They still had their bedhead, but they didn't look like they were still a bit sleepy. Instead, they looked excited.

"Good morning, babies. You were already awake, huh? Are you that excited?" Justin giggled as he placed soft kisses on top of their heads.

"Yes, mommy!" the twins said in chorus.

'Crap. This makes me even more nervous. My kids are so excited so I really have to do well for them,' Tristan thought.
