"I can't keep count of how many times I've told you that I'm related to those children!" a man with piercing amber eyes said as he frowned.

"Their mother doesn't know anyone who goes by your name, mister. I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to leave," Jamie said firmly as she tried to hide her fear, seeing as to how those men behind the man in front of her could literally harm her any minute now.

"Of course, their mother doesn't know me!" the man frowned even more. "That's more of a reason why I'm not gonna let you in, mister. Goodbye, then," Jamie said as she quickly closed the door without waiting for the man to speak again.

'I'm going to wait here until somebody lets me in,' the man thought as he sat on the floor and leaned his back against the wall right next to the door.

"S... Sir? Why are you sitting there?" his secretary asked, flustered..

"Leave. I'll call a driver to pick me up later," the man said with a voice full of authority.

His secretary couldn't do anything but do as his boss says. There's no way he's allowed to make his own decisions and ignore his boss' command.


"Then, I'll be leaving now, Sir Lee. Please take care on your way home," his secretary bowed and left after getting his boss' approval for him to leave.

Lee Young Ho, the chairman of one of the biggest conglomerates in the world, the Lee Group.

It's a third-generation conglomerate that has grown rapidly in the past five decades. The position of the CEO was passed down to Tristan Lee, Lee Young Ho's eldest son when the former chairman died. Lee Young Ho took over the position of the chairman, granting his son a powerful position at the top, befitting an alpha of his stature.

During Lee Young Ho's time, he was widely known as a man who could pass as an actor with his out-of-this-world looks. Blessed with bottomless wealth, genes, and good looks, people look up to him and think of him as their role model.

He has dark brown hair, bushy eyebrows, sharp amber eyes, a tall nose, pinkish heart-shaped lips, and a defined jawline.

Even at the age of 65, you could still see that he still looks handsome. Although Tristan didn't take after his father's looks, their resemblance to each other when it comes to their image was the same.


The eldest son of the Lee family is undoubtedly Lee Young Ho's son, for he is infamous for having godly looks that might make you mistake him for a greek god, but has an attitude that would drag you straight to hell, very much the same with his father.

With that said, one could say that Tristan's attitude now is definitely like his father's. The stubborn alpha who wouldn't give anything up once he sets his eyes on it was exactly the same as his father.

Footsteps could be heard as two people approached the Young Ho who was sitting on the cold floor, waiting for someone to open the door for him."What are you doing here?" a cold voice coming from beside him said.

It was his son, Tristan.

"Exactly your thoughts right now. Should I still tell you why?" the old man said as he slowly stood up and brushed his hands against his bottom to remove the dust from it.

"Father, please leave. You won't gain anything from doing this," Tristan said as he stepped forward to block his father's range of sight where he might take a closer look at Justin.

"I assume the man behind you is Justin. Won't you introduce me to your lover?" Young Ho asked as he smiled at his son. "There's no reason for the two of you to know each oth..." Before Tristan could finish his sentence, Justin pinched the side of his waist, making him stop saying more.

"Stop it. The twins might hear you from inside," Justin whispered. Tristan clenched his jaw and let out a long sigh as he glared at his father.

"Good evening, Mr. Lee. I'm Justin Alvarez, Tristan's bonded mate," Justin smiled as he stepped forward and stretched his arm, offering his hand for a handshake.

"A bonded mate, huh? I'm Lee Young Ho, Tristan's father. You can call me Ben since my English name is Benedict," he said as he took Justin's hand and shook it.

"Would you like to come in?" Justin offered as he smiled and opened the door.

Tristan's face couldn't be painted as he looked at Justin with shock. He couldn't seem to understand why Justin decided to let his father in when he just told him earlier that his father was the reason why they had to break up before.

"Darling, why are you letting him in?" Tristan asked as his father walked inside the apartment. "Trust me on this, please. I want to see something for myself," Justin said as he gave Tristan a reassuring smile and went inside, too. The alpha followed him in, unable to do anything about his decision to welcome his father into Justin's home.

"This is quite a homey place you have," Ben said as he looked around, his eyes analyzing the interior of the apartment.

"Mister, what are you doing here?" Jamie said, suddenly popping out of nowhere. As soon as her eyes caught Justin and Tristan, confusion became evident on her face.

"This is Mr. Benedict Lee, the twins' grandfather, and Tristan's father," Justin introduced him to clarify things to Jamie.

As soon as she realized what she has done earlier, she immediately felt bad for chasing the old man away when he just wanted to see his grandchildren.

"I apologize for my rude behavior earlier, Mr. Benedict. I didn't know that you were telling the truth. I just couldn't let the kids be with someone Justin doesn't know," Jamie said as she smiled apologetically.

"It's better that way. You're a good babysitter. Keep it up," he said with a blank look on his face.

Strangely, Jamie felt like she just received the best compliment she could have ever gotten in her entire life.

The words that came from the old man's mouth weren't really flattering, but there was something that made her feel thankful for what he said.

"Thank you. I'll go and call the twins to meet you," Jamie said and walked to the twins' room where they were playing with Jace.

"She was so firm in not letting me in earlier. You hired someone capable of doing her job properly," Ben said as he nodded at Justin.

"Father, please get straight to the point and stop beating around the bush. What made you come here?" Tristan suddenly butted in in the conversation. Justin glared at him for doing that because he didn't like how Tristan spoke to his father even though he was the main reason why they had to split up before.

"I wanted to see my grandchildren. Is that wrong of me to do that?" he asked as he raised his chin, glaring back at his son with his sharp and piercing amber eyes.

"Weren't you the one who said that you would never approve of them and that you'd make them suffer for the rest of their lives?" Tristan gritted his teeth. "Why are you suddenly contradicting yourself now?" he continued as he clenched his jaw.

'I know he's angry right now, but he looks really hot,' Justin thought as he stared at Tristan as if he was starstruck. 'How can he look so handsome even when he's angry?' he thought, his mind straying from what Tristan and Ben were talking about.

A burst of loud laughter echoed in the living room making the twins close the door again before they could even go out of their room.

"Auntie Miemie, I'm scared," Chester said as he hugged Jamie's leg.

"This coward..." Chesca mumbled as she looked at Chester disapprovingly.

The couple who were in the living room was confused as to why Benedict suddenly laughed like that. It wasn't a situation where he should laugh, yet he was laughing like he was having a good time.

"Did you really believe that?" Ben asked as soon as he stopped laughing. "Did you really think I'd do that to people who share the same blood as me?" he continued.

Tristan remained silent, waiting for his father to speak again.

"I wanted to see if you were willing to fight for your lover here or not. You were a coward, son," he said with dead eyes, looking at his son as if he was a very big disappointment.

"What in the world are you talking about? Why would you even do that?" Tristan said, almost yelling.

"Do not raise your voice. The children are just in the other room," Justin said as he held Tristan's arm. The alpha sighed and said, "I'm sorry. I'll be careful from now on."

"Just as I said earlier. I wanted to see if you were willing to fight for your lover. I wanted to see what lengths you're willing to go through to keep him by your side. However, it was such a disappointment seeing you cower in fear and kneel before me, begging for my approval and not doing something on your own," Benedict said, looking at Tristan with the eyes of a dead fish.

"You were a coward."
