'My ass hurts so much,' Justin thought as he put his clothes on while Tristan is taking a shower. 'How long did we even do it last night?' he thought as he pursed his lips.

The clothes he's wearing right now were his clothes from last night because he doesn't have a change of clothes in Tristan's place. The alpha did offer him to borrow some of his clothes, but Justin refused because he knew that nothing would fit him correctly anyway.

After a few minutes, Tristan finally finished showering. The bathroom door opened, and Justin couldn't help but stare at him.

His body became bigger and more toned than it was five years ago. His entire frame has changed a lot compared to back then, and he looks even sexier.

Droplets of water fell from his hair down to his face and body. They traveled slowly from his chest down to his toned abs as if they were accentuating his lean and muscular body. His hand that was holding a towel to his head had bulging veins. Even though he didn't put strength in drying his hair with it, his biceps and triceps flexed as he moved his arm.

Justin's mouth slightly gaped open as he stared at Tristan.

'He looks like a model,' the omega thought as he stared at him with heart-filled eyes.


"I'll be quick, darling," Tristan smiled at him as he walked to his walk-in closet where his clothes were.

Being inside his walk-in closet would make you think you're in a big boutique, considering the number of clothes, shoes, and accessories he has inside. His things were all designer brands and just a single watch from his collections could probably buy you a house.

Everything he owns was really expensive that only very few people could afford them.

Tristan wasn't really fond of buying very expensive things before, but somehow, buying them became his coping mechanism. Maybe this was because of his cousins' influence on him because almost all of them are fashion icons, especially Troy and Diana.

After picking clothes to wear for the day, he went out of his closet and smiled brightly at Justin. "Let's go?" the alpha said as he stretched his arm, offering his hand to Justin so they would walk together while holding hands.

Justin nodded as he smiled and took Tristan's hand.


They went inside the elevator, and everybody who got in from the lower floors couldn't help but glance at them.

Their faces were something you wouldn't see every day. The two of them looked so charismatic and intimidating because of their good looks. However, to those who have seen Tristan before, they found Justin more intimidating.

Upon seeing how affectionate Tristan seems now that he's next to a man the residents have never seen before, they thought it was something very impressive that Justin was able to tame the man who never smiles like that.

The couple went out of the elevator together and they headed to Tristan's car."This is a different car from last night, right?" Justin said as he looked at Tristan who was opening the door for him. Instead of the car door opening sideways, it opened upwards, which made Justin look at it in awe.

It was a car with the color of electric gold, making it pleasing to Justin's eyes because it didn't look bright. Just from looking at it, Justin knew it was very expensive.

He looked at the car for a bit, and everything made sense to him when he saw what the car's brand was.

It was a L*mborghini.

"Yep. The car I used last night is parked farther from here. I don't really use this car much because it catches people's attention easily," he explained as Justin went inside the car. Tristan walked around the car and went to the driver's seat.

"Then, why are we using this?" Justin asked as he put the seat belt over his body. "That's 'cause we'll get there late if we don't," Tristan said as he put the seat belt, too, and turned the engine on.

As soon as Tristan started driving, Justin understood why his alpha said that they'd be late if they didn't use this car.

Aside from using up too much time walking to Tristan's other car, using this could also save a lot of time because of how fast it goes.

Of course, Tristan didn't drive past the speed limit. This car was very fast and goes smoothly when turning on corners, making Justin feel amazed. He didn't really know whether it was because Tristan was just good at driving or if the sports car was just really great.

After a few minutes of driving, they finally got to the apartment where Justin lives. They were even 45 minutes early in arriving there, giving Justin a bit more time to change his clothes and bring the twins to school.

"I'm sorry I can't really bring you in. I promise, once I explain things to them slowly, I'll have you meet them," Justin smiled at him as he cupped Tristan's cheeks. The alpha put his hand over Justin's, and said, "It's alright. I understand you."

Justin placed a soft kiss on Tristan's lips, making the alpha a bit shocked from the sudden kiss. His ears and cheeks turned bright red because of what Justin did.

Justin teasingly smiled at him as he removed the seat belt over his body. Tristan removed his, too, and leaned his body forward as he cupped Justin's cheeks.

He kissed Justin, but it didn't end as a peck.

His tongue entered the omega's mouth slowly and circled his tongue around his—touching the roof of Justin's mouth in the process.

"You like it when my tongue touches the roof of your mouth, huh?" Tristan smirked after they kissed—looking at Justin's flushed face and swollen lips.

The omega felt embarrassed and at the same time, shy, because of what Tristan did. He immediately pushed him and opened the door to get out right away.

"Don't tease me," Justin pouted as he looked at Tristan who was still inside the car. The alpha chuckled at him, seeing how cute he is when reacting to his advances.

Tristan got off the car too and walked to Justin. He wrapped his arms around his omega and kissed the top of Justin's head.

"I guess this is the only place where I can step foot for now, hmm?" he whispered above Justin's head. "I love you so much, take care," he said as he kissed Justin's head again.

"I l... love you, too, even though you're such a jerk," Justin while smiling as he buried his face on Tristan's chest.

After hugging each other for a while, they said their goodbyes, and Justin headed inside already. As soon as he got to the unit where he lives, the twins immediately ran to him and threw their small and short arms around him.

"Mommy!" they said happily as they hugged Justin. "Hello, my babies. Good morning," Justin smiled as he kissed their noses. "I'm sorry mommy wasn't home last night. Mommy met a friend, you see," Justin said as he smiled at them.

"A friend? Which friend?" Chesca asked as she looked at Justin with eyes that were innocent and sparkling with curiosity. "Hmm... You haven't met that friend yet. Would you like to meet mommy's friend?" Justin asked as he looked at them.

The twins nodded as they smiled at Justin. They looked at each other as they grinned and giggled.

"Welcome home, Justin. Should I bring them to school myself? You look like you haven't changed your clothes since last night," Jamie said in a small voice as she looked at Justin. The omega smiled at her and said, "No, I'll bring them there, myself. It's hard taking care of three kids on your own on the way there. They're quite the playful type."

Jamie nodded and said, "Alright. I'll head back to my place and get Jace's things so we could leave now. See you later."

Jamie walked towards Jace who was watching the twins hug Justin. She held Jace's hand and told him to say goodbye to the twins because they were already leaving.

"Bye-bye!" the three kids said in chorus as they waved their hands.

As soon as they left, Justin told the twins that he has to change his clothes for a while.

While waiting for Justin to finish changing, the twins looked at each other again and nodded. "It's that friend, right?" Chesca whispered to Chester as she squinted her eyes. Her twin nodded and said, "Yep, it's that friend."

"Sweeties, you already ate breakfast, right?" Justin yelled from his room. "Yes, mommy!" they answered. "That's great!" Justin said as he walked out of his room with a smile on his face.

He was already wearing a suit and holding his bag, ready to go to work.

His ass still felt painful that he was wondering how he'd be able to sit all day on his desk at work. He paid no mind to it and just shrugged the pain off as he walked to the twins.

"Go wear your backpacks now," Justin said as he pointed at the twins' bags that were on the sofa. The two of them did as Justin said and put the straps of their bags over their shoulders.

As they walked towards Justin, Chesca nodded at Chester, signaling him to do something. The little boy nodded at her with a determined look on his face, making Justin curious as he watched them communicate through their eyes.

"Mommy, it's that friend, right?" Chester asked as he looked up at Justin. The omega tilted his head a bit as he scrunched his brows, confused. "Hmm? What do you mean, baby?" he asked as he bent his knees to level his head with his son.

"That friend from earlier.. The one you were hugging. It's that friend, right?"
