Even though the reason why Tristan found out that Justin was in heat wasn't that, what Carl said lingered in his head that entire day.

It's already been three days since then, and he hasn't seen Tristan at all.

A part of him thought that it's better that way so he wouldn't get distracted and his priorities wouldn't get mixed up, but a part of him also wanted to see Tristan.

Even though he thought that he didn't want to get distracted with him, during the past few days, contrary to what he wanted and thought, thoughts of Tristan occupied his mind even more.

'I haven't seen him around lately. Where is he?' Justin thought as he turned his computer off, already about to leave.

Their working hours just finished and he's already preparing to go home.

'Why did he not contact me at all?' he thought as he fixed his things inside his bag as he frowned.


He left the office and got on the elevator. While he was there, he was still thinking about Tristan, still bothered about his sudden disappearance.

The elevator doors opened and he immediately left the building after. As he was walking to the nearest bus stop, he couldn't help but feel irritated because of Tristan.

'Tristan, Tristan, Tristan... Why the hell am I thinking about him?' he thought to himself as he clenched his jaw.

"Where in the world is he?!" he yelled in the middle of the street, finally driven insane because of the alpha who has been occupying his mind relentlessly.

The people who were passing by stared at him as if he was some kind of weirdo. He suddenly yelled out of nowhere, making him seem like a crazy man in the eyes of others.

When he realized what he just did, he felt embarrassed and thought that it was so immature of him to do that.


'Whatever. I'm not gonna care anymore,' he thought and continued walking to the bus stop.

When he got home, Jamie called him and said that the twins are sleeping in her apartment together with Jace. She didn't have the heart to wake them up, seeing how tired they looked.

Justin said it was alright and that he'd come and pick them up after he finishes showering and changing his clothes.

After showering, he passed by his mirror and saw the reflection of himself.

Justin couldn't help but feel insecure, seeing as to how ugly his body looks now. He thought it was so unsightly that he'd probably hesitate to change clothes in front of someone or even wear swimming trunks at the beach without a top.

His fingers caressed the scar below his belly button as he looked at his reflection in the mirror and slowly lowered his head to see how it looks from above.

He sighed. "Really... What am I doing? It's not like I'll strip in front of someone anyway," he thought as he smiled, hinting a bit of bitterness in it.He shook his head and walked to his closet to get a new change of clothes instead of staring at his reflection and feeling insecure.

As he was putting his clothes on, his phone suddenly rang. He walked towards his bed and took the phone that was on top of it. He checked who it was and saw that it was Daryl.

Without having second thoughts, he immediately answered the call and said, "Hey, what's up?"

"Are you free right now? Let's hang out," Daryl said as soon as he heard Justin's voice. "Huh? Why so suddenly?" Justin said as he fixed his clothes properly. "It's not really sudden, though. I told you last time that we should hang out. Though, it's kind of rude of me to tell you this without informing you beforehand," Daryl chuckled from the other line.

"That's what I meant by sudden," Justin chuckled as he took his towel and hung it on a hanger. "Well, just don't mind that. Are you free right now? Well, we can set a later time if you're not free right now, though," Daryl said, the background noise covering his voice a bit.

'It would be better if we just meet up next time since I'd still have to pick the twins up. But... it's making me curious why there's so much background noise from where he is,' Justin thought.

"Why is it so noisy there? Where are you, anyway?" Justin asked as he hung his towel on the balcony to let it dry for a while.

"I'm at a club with my cousin right now," his best friend replied.

'Cousin? He has so many cousins that I know of. Is it possible that it's... him?' Justin thought, feeling hopeful that it's Tristan.

"Which cousin?" he asked as he stopped walking. "Tristan," Daryl replied briefly.

The omega was torn about whether he should go there or just stay home. He's been contradicting himself a lot today—not wanting to see Tristan and later on, wanting to see him. He doesn't know that he really wants to happen between them. He doesn't know if he really wants to cut ties with him or continue what's between them as of the moment.

But there was one thing he knew at that moment.

He badly wants to see even a glimpse of his face.

"Well, we haven't really hung out since we met last time. I guess it would be fine if I stay out for a while today," Justin said, clearly making an excuse to see Tristan.

Daryl knew that Justin would come as soon as he mentioned Tristan's name. He heard from Tristan about what happened between them recently and thought of a plan to bring them back together. Knowing Justin and after hearing stories from his cousin, he immediately knew that there was still a very big chance that Justin is still into him.

He grinned when his plan really worked. "Nice! I'll text you the address of the club. I'll be waiting here," he said as his smile widened even more.

"Okay, thanks," Justin said.

Their phone call ended after they said their goodbyes and Daryl really did send the address of the club.

It was a club that celebrities and filthy rich people frequent, and Justin knew that.It was very well-known since before that he never forgot about it. Daryl took him there back when they were still in college, and honestly, he felt like he was in a different world once he got in.

Justin immediately called Jamie and told her that he might be a bit late because he's meeting a friend and that he would just pick the kids up in the morning so he wouldn't disturb her sleep. Jamie agreed right away and their call ended quickly after that.

He immediately took his clothes off and ran his hands through his closet, looking for clothes that are suitable for a club.

It's been years since the last time he went into one, and this made him feel a hit nervous yet excited at the same time.

It was hard picking what to wear when all of his clothes were suits, T-shirts, and sweaters.

"Seriously... why don't I have anything to wear?" he thought as he frowned, having a dilemma regarding his outfit.

Suddenly, his eyes spotted something that would look alright when going to a club. He immediately grabbed it and put it on. He styled hair by combing it with his fingers that has a bit of hair gel, making it a bit messy but hot.

"I guess this would do," he said to himself as he looked at his reflection.

He left his apartment right away and headed to the address that Daryl sent him a few minutes ago.

He finally got to the club. As soon as he entered, the atmosphere that he knew of from years ago came back to him. It was the same as he remembered.

Loud music and colored lights surrounded the whole club. People are dancing and yelling as the atmosphere became more hype. Some people are making out, some are drinking, and some are busy flirting.

There were a lot of familiar faces in the club—most of them are those you see on TV and social media.

As soon as Justin entered, everybody's eyes were immediately drawn to him, but his eyes were only glued to one person who stood out in the crowd of people.

He was just wearing a shirt that was under his suit. Its two upper buttons were undone and the sleeves were rolled just below his elbow.

Even though it was a very effortless look, the alpha still looked very captivating.

It was Tristan.

Justin stopped in his tracks when he realized that Daryl wasn't there.

There was no way he would just walk up to Tristan, sit on his table, and act normally. He doesn't even know if Daryl informed Tristan that he'd be there.

The phone that was inside Justin's pocket suddenly vibrated. He took it, checked what the notification was, and saw that Daryl has texted him that he had to leave the club in a hurry because there was some kind of problem in his job.

'Great. Just great,' Justin thought, now feeling nervous.

Of course, it was all part of Daryl's plan but Justin didn't know that.

He was debating in his mind whether he should just leave or not, but after witnessing something, he decided to stay.

A beautiful man suddenly walked up to Tristan and the alpha showed him a very sweet smile.

He had dark hair and a sexy, petite silhouette. His features weren't really that clear to Justin because the lights were dim, but even then, he could still tell that the man indeed looked very beautiful.

'Who is that person?'
