I woke up with the smell of freshly cooked porridge. When I opened my eyes, I saw a woman standing next to my bed.

"Oh, nice timing. I was just about to wake you," she said as she smiled at me.

"The twins?" As soon as I became aware of my surroundings, the first thing that crossed my mind was my children.

"They just finished eating and are currently playing with Jace in the living room," Jamie said as she placed the bowl of porridge on the drawer next to my bed.

"You were barely conscious when your coworker brought you home. The twins got so worried when they saw you in that state, but they understood it when I told them that you were just sick," she said as she mixed the porridge with the spoon.

I sat up from my bed and stretched my arms..


"They haven't really seen me like this since I've always taken my suppressants regularly. Even I, myself, am shocked that something like this happened right now," I chuckled as I looked at her. "I must have been put in a lot of stress because of the new environment, but I think I can manage taking care of myself right npw. Thank you for taking care of me and the twins," I continued, still smiling genuinely.

"You can come to me whenever you're in a pinch. I'll help you out with whatever I can," she said as she smiled back.

"Well, for now, I don't really need someone feeding me," I said jokingly as I laughed. "Are you sure you're alright?" Jamie asked.

"Yes, I am. Really," I nodded. She looked at me with doubtful eyes and I could only chuckle at her. "I'm really alright. You can actually leave right now since I'm guessing that it's already quite late," I said, trying to reassure her.

"Alright, then. I'll go watch the kids while you eat. Just tell me once you're done and I'll head home after that," she said as she patted my shoulder.

"Yeah, thanks," I said as I smiled a little. She walked to the door and I watched her leave before I started eating.


The porridge was still quite hot, meaning that she probably just finished cooking this.

I took a spoonful of it and blew it to cool it down before putting it inside my mouth.

It's warm.

It's not as good as Daniel's porridge, but this is delicious too. I can tell that she put an effort in cooking this.

I'm really thankful that Jamie is around, although I'm starting to feel embarrassed because she's doing more than what I pay her for.

I'll make sure to give her a bonus once I receive my pay for this month.

As I was eating, my phone suddenly started ringing. I'm still kind of sluggish right now so I was kind of slow in getting to where my phone was since it was inside my suit jacket that was hung on on the wall.

As soon as it was aleady in my hands, I turned it on and my eyes almost jumped out from their sockets when I saw that I have tons of missed calls.

missed calls from Daryl, 5 missed calls from Hannah, and 2 missed calls from Tristan.

My phone was also flooded with messages from them and other people. Before checking all the other messages, my finger instinctively clicked on Tristan's messages.

I'm not really sure why I checked his first, but maybe it was because I was curious as to what he had to say and if he was worried about me.Tristan:

I heard you're already home now. I just wanted to check up on you if you're fine now. Also, don't forget to eat your meals and take your suppressants properly. Your heat break was already approved too, so just come back next week when you're all better.

I unknowingly smiled at his text.

It seemed like he took care of the process of the heat break for me.

Somehow, seeing that he cares for me even after I keep treating him kind of badly recently makes me feel butterflies on my stomach.

I was supposed to treat him coldly and be sarcastic to him, but things somehow ended up like this.

Also, I don't really recall what happened earlier while I was in heat since my mind has turned blank, but I think I remember him embracing me in his arms.

That was reallt cute of him...

When I realized that I was smiling ear to ear as my mind was filled with thoughts of him, I slapped my face with both of my hands to bring myself back to reality.

This is bad. I shouldn't feel like this. I shouldn't fall for him again.

If I do... I don't think there would be anything left for me anymore.

After our relationship ended... I felt like dying.

Living was so hard. Even breathing was hard for me.Every single day, I looked for him and I always see him in the simplest things that I do.

I don't think I can go through that once more if I get hurt again.

I should suppress this feeling that's building up inside me right now. I scared of getting hurt again, and I don't really have the luxury to be in a situation like this because I still habe more important things to tend to.

I'm going to build my walls higher where no one, even him, could enter.

I took a deep breath before I replied to his message with trembling hands.


Yes, thank you.

A brief answer that would immediately end a conversation.

That's right. That's the perfect reply.

Before I could go and check other messages, another message from him popped just when I thought that our conversation would end right then and there.


By the way, I don't think I can go see and check up on you personally. My brother told me that my presence and pheromones must have affected you so much, and that's why your suppressants stopped working. I'm really, really sorry.

Somehow, finding out that I won't be able to see him for a while made my heart ache, and that made me more alarmed.I should really keep my distance from him. If this continues, then it might get harder for me to recover.


I see. That would be alright. Thank you for telling me, sir. Good night.

After replying, I immediately switched to see the other messages so I won't pay attention to him anymore.

The other employees checked up on me too, and Daryl spammed me with messages asking if I was alright and that I should call him once I'm awake.

And of course, I did what he said.

I took another spookful of the porridge as I wated for him to answer, and after a few rings, he finally picked up.

"Are you fine now? Nothing bad happened to you, right? I heard about this from my cousin. Have you taken your suppressants yet? Make sure to take it after eating. Ah, right! Eating. Did you eat already? If you haven't eaten yet, can you give me your address so I could have some food delivered for you? I'm out of the country right now, so I can't bring you food myself. Also, what about your..."

I cut him off as I said, "Dar, calm down. I'm fine. I'm currently eating dinner right now and I'll be taking my suppressants after. You don't have to worry so much." I heard a sigh from the other line. "I'm really sorry I can't be there for you right now. I actually wanted to make up for the last five years but I've been quite busy lately," he said in a sad and disappointed tone.

I chuckled because of what he said. "You don't have to make up for anything. It's alright, really. In fact, I should be the one making things up to you since I was the one who left," I said and ate another spoon of the porridge.

"Come on, don't say that. I think if I keep insisting that I should make things up to you, this would only drag things out. Let's just hang out once I'm back home, shall we?" he said on the other line and chuckled.

"Of course," I replied.

Our conversation lasted for a few more minutes, but it had to end because there was an emergency at his job.

"Alright, take care out there. Bye," I said and ended the call after hearing him say goodbye, too.

I continued eating and once I was finished, I took a pill of suppressant that was inside my drawer.

I got up from my bed and went out of my room to tell Jamie that I was already done.

"Rawr! Chomp! The princess is already dead!" Jace yelled as he let out an evil laugh. Chesca kept glaring at him, already on the verge of crying, while Chester was lying on the floor while watching them play.

"Thank you so much for today," I said as I stood in front of Jamie. "You're always welcome. Just tell me whenever you need a hand with something, hmm?" she said as a gentle smile curved in her lips.

"Thank you, really..." I said as I smiled back, feeling a bit shy.

After we spoke to each other for a while, she called Jace and told him that they were already leaving.

After the kids said their goodbyes, the twins ran to me and hugged me right away.

"Mommy, don't be sick," Chesca said as she hugged me even tighter.

"Yes, yes, mommy won't be sick anymore," I smiled as I hugged them back.

These little kids... They're worrying so much about me.

"Auntie Miemie said mommy is sick because of work," Chester said in a sad tone. "Mommy should stop working and just play with us..." he continued.

Miemie... Must be Jamie, haha. So cute!

My babies... I've been quite absorbed with work and with Tristan that I wasn't able to spend much time with them. They probably miss spending time with me.

"Mommy can't stop working, though?" I chuckled.

"How about we play this weekend instead, hmm?"
