"Haa... Haaaa..." Justin panted heavily, slumping on the floor as he put his hand over his chest and tried to breathe properly.

"Justin, are you doing fine in there?" Hannah asked from behind the door, worried that Justin's condition might get worse than it is. She's never met an omega before, so she really didn't know what to do. Carl just called her over, thinking that Justin might find it more comforting if she was there instead of him.

After a few seconds of waiting, Justin didn't respond to her question. He was having a hard time breathing that even speaking seemed so difficult for him.

"Did you take your suppressants already? If you haven't, I can go and buy some for you," Hannah said, trying to get a response from him again. She wanted to make sure that he was alright, feeling a bit nervous that Justin didn't respond to him earlier.

"I... have..." Justin answered in a faint voice, barely audible, but still enough for Hannah to hear.

'Thank goodness, he already took his suppressants...' Hannah thought as she let out a sigh of relief.

"I'll be waiting out here until your medicine kicks in. I already told Sir Mark that you'll be leaving early today," Hannah said as she moved her face closer to the door.


Justin didn't bother responding anymore because it was getting harder for him to even let out a squeak.

He could already feel his body burning up so much as if he was melting. His underwear was soaking wet, and he could already feel the urge to touch himself even though he knew he shouldn't be doing such a thing at work.

While he is in such a state, he was longing for a certain alpha to take him and end the suffering he was feeling at the moment.

'Tristan...' he thought as he panted.

Even after five years, he was still craving for his touch. After their breakup and even after he gave birth to his children, there was one person he keeps looking for whenever he was in heat.

It was Tristan.


It wasn't entirely shocking that he was looking for him.

Tristan was the first dominant alpha he had a relationship with. Those he dated before were only average alphas, but Tristan was the type of alpha who could even eat other alphas for breakfast.

There was no way his body wouldn't look for him and yearn for his touch whenever he was in heat unless another alpha more superior than Tristan made love with him.

While waiting for the suppressants to work on him, it was rendered useless when he smelled a familiar scent.

It was a soft musky scent that smelled so calming and gentle. Just from having smell a bit of it, Justin felt like he was intoxicated by it.

"T... Tristan..." he said as he tried standing up, trying to reach for the doorknob.

"Move. Let me in!"

Justin's heart skipped a beat as soon as he heard his voice.

Tristan just got there, and the smell of the omega's pheromones drove him insane right away. It was like he was a beast who just got out of its cage."I'm sorry, sir, but I'm afraid I can't let you in," Mark said on the other side of the door.

After Hannah informed him of Justin's state, he quickly finished his work first and headed there as soon as he was done. When he got there, the first thing he saw was an alpha who was pushing himself, trying to get to the omega who was in heat.

"Fuck off! MOVE!" Tristan yelled as he pushed Mark, making him move a few steps backward. Mark nodded, signaling the other employees to hold Tristan back for Justin's safety.

Tristan didn't care that he was making a scene while a lot of people were still watching him. The only thing he cared about was getting to Justin.

Mark, on the other hand, didn't care who Tristan was. The only thing he cared about was Justin's safety. Even though he was their CEO, there was no way he'd risk an employee's safety just because the person who was rampaging was their superior. His morals were too high to let that happen, so he did what was right even at the risk of getting fired from his job.

"What the hell are you doing! Let go of me!" Tristan said as he pushed the employees who were holding them back, trying to get away from their grip.

He started letting our dangerous amounts of angry pheromones, slowly affecting the betas too. They aren't supposed to be affected by his pheromones, but because he's a dominant alpha and he's affected by Justin's heat, there was no doubt that even the betas got affected.

"Justin!" The alpha yelled from outside, desperately calling the omega's name.

"Sir, it seems like you don't understand how dangerous this situation is," Mark said in a calm manner. "An omega is currently in heat, and you are an alpha. Letting you inside that room would only lead to forced sex, meaning that it's not consensual. Please try to calm down and..."

Before Mark could continue talking, Tristan was finally able to get away from the employees' grip and immediately ran to the door.

"Sir, you can't come in!" Mark said as he grabbed Tristan's arm and pulled it. His effort to stop Tristan from coming in was futile because the alpha was a lot stronger than him.

It only took Tristan a single blow on him to brush him off. After punching Mark, he repeatedly hit the doorknob from above to destroy it.

With his slightly bruised hand, he pushed the door open, finally able to destroy the doorknob that was stopping him from entering the room.

As soon as he saw Justin, he almost immediately lost his rationality. It was hard to stay sane after seeing him on the floor, looking so helpless.

Justin was sweating a lot, looking feverish with his flushed face. The sweet scent that he has been letting out got more out of hand because of Tristan's presence.

His body was screaming that he wanted the alpha to fill him inside even though they weren't in an appropriate place to do it.

Tristan threw his arms around him as he jumped on Justin and hugged him tightly. He started letting out a huge amount of pheromones, making the place feel so stuffy from the clash of their pheromones.

Even the betas who couldn't really smell their pheromones got really affected, making some feel dizzy and some aroused.

"Tri... Tristan..." Justin whispered as he hugged him tightly, burying his face on his chest.

Just the alpha's pheromones were able to calm him down a bit, but for him, it still wasn't enough.

He wanted more.

He didn't care that other people were watching them. He didn't care that they were still at the company. All he wanted at the moment was for Tristan to take him and make him his, and that kind of thinking scared him.

It scared him a lot.

"Fuck... Get a tranquilizer. It's in my drawer," Mark told Hannah, who was frozen on her feet.The moment she sensed Tristan's angry pheromones earlier when he caused a scene petrified her. That was the first time she's ever witnessed something so terrifying.

Even though she was a beta and she could barely sense, let alone smell an alpha's and omega's pheromones, she instinctively knew that it would be dangerous to go near Tristan.

"Hannah! Go get the damn tranquilizer on my drawer," Mark said loudly with a serious expression, finally snapping Hannah back to reality.

"Y... Yes, sir." She immediately ran to Mark's desk to take the tranquilizer he was talking about.

Even though Tristan was already inside, it was a mystery to them why he wasn't doing anything to Justin aside from hugging him.

He was a raging alpha just a few moments ago, but now he suddenly stopped moving and yelling.

Everybody, including Mark, expected the worst to happen. However, in contrary to what they expected, Tristan was like a tamed wolf.

He was kneeling on the floor, hugging Justin tightly while letting his pheromones out.

Truthfully, what he wanted to do right there and then was to penetrate Justin and fill him with his semen but something inside him stopped him from doing that.

He loves Justin too much that he doesn't want to do anything that he might hate.

His other arm was wrapped around the panting omega who wanted him so badly, while his other arm was stretched out downwards as he held his thigh tightly, burying his nails on it in the process.

He was hurting himself physically to stay a bit sane from the pain. That was the only thing he could do at the moment to keep even a bit of his sanity.

His fingernails dug into his slacks as he pushed them deeper, making his thigh bleed.

The pain he felt was almost wasn't there because lust was slowly clouding his mind as he felt Justin's breath on his chest.

"Tristan..." Justin called his name once again, making the alpha's heart go crazy. "I'm... scared..." Justin said, tears falling from his eyes as he trembled.

The moment the alpha heard Justin's terrified voice, he suddenly felt the urge to bite Justin's nape.

Slowly opening his mouth, his teeth sank into flesh...

His own flesh.

He bit his arm, an attempt to stop himself from biting the omega's nape and to stay sane.

His arm started bleeding from his bite and felt Justin trembling even more so than he was earlier.

'I... I have to calm him down,' he thought as he hugged him even tighter.

"I'm sorry I was late..." he whispered as he kissed the top of Justin's head.

"Shh... Don't cry. Don't worry. You don't have to be scared of anything now. I'm here, hmm?" Tristan said as his voice trembled, feeling the urge to bite him again.

Justin lifted his head to meet the alpha's eyes, and as soon as Tristan saw his face, he almost his heart stop.

His mind got a bit clearer and the only thing he wanted at the moment was to calm him down and reassure him that everything will be alright.

A gentle smile formed on his lips as he looked at the omega, whose face was wet with tears.

"It's alright. No one's allowed to touch you while I'm here," Tristan said, still smiling at him, and repeatedly kissed Justin's forehead to calm him down.

"You're safe with me...."
