Chapter 413: Father  

"Oh, it seems our uninvited guests have arrived as anticipated."


The sound of a droplet, quiet but seldom ending, rippled across the endless horizon of nothing but a white calm sea. And right in the very center of this limitless world, Evangeline's eyes reflected a certain darkness.

A darkness that emerged from the white floor-- the view of the galaxy, and also right in the very center of it… as if splitting the galaxy in half, was a colossal Portal.

"Now that… is a very large hole," Sage, who was also watching the manifestation of one of his galaxies, could not help but let out a small whistle as he stared at the Portal,

"T… that's what she said," he then suddenly burst out in laughter as he turned his eyes towards Evangeline… who did not seem to share his humor.



Evangeline's eyes started trembling; slowly getting stronger by the moment,

"It really is them," she then breathed out, "I… feel them."

"Even from here?" Sage could only sigh as he saw the look on Evangeline's face, "I suppose it is true what they say-- grudges are the strongest things in the world."

"Can you take me there?" Evangeline then stood up from her white marbled seat as she looked Sage straight in the eyes, "This started with us, I would like to be there to see the end of it."

"You are free to leave at any time."


But even with the somewhat sedated tone and the pleading breaths that came out of Evangeline's mouth, the only thing that Sage did was lean back on his seat, waving his hand for Evangeline to leave.

"I will not make it from here," Evangeline said.

"Then I suppose we're going to continue to watch, aren't--"

And before Sage could finish his words, Evangeline suddenly stretched her arm to the side, causing the horizon to ripple as she did so.




"Is something supposed to happen?"

"..." There is, however, nothing happening. Leaving only a slightly bewildered Evangeline as she looked at her arm. She tried waving her hand again… but nothing happened.

"Could it be…" Her eyes then started to squint as she looked to the side; her breaths almost echoing throughout the endless horizon, "Evans… has already reached that level? I… feel my strength slowly disappearing."

"You didn't notice?" Sage then slightly leaned closer as he looked Evangeline straight in the eyes, "I felt you grow significantly weaker just a few moments ago."

"You did?" Evangeline then returned Sage's gaze, before letting out a sigh and once again sitting back on her white marbled chair, "I… see."

"...So you're not planning to go there anymore?"

"I will only be a cause of distraction for my son," Evangeline breathed out as she looked at the pocket galaxy, "He… has already received my gift."

"You… transferred your power to him?" Sage then blinked a couple of times, "...Why?"

"It was never mine to keep in the first place," Evangeline once again let out a small but deep sigh, "I have always been just the bearer. I bear Azrael's powers, I bear… her son. I have told you earlier… I am not Azrael, I will never be her."


"Everything I do… I do for him," Evangeline closed her eyes as she once again let out a very long and very deep breath, "That… is the sole purpose of my existence."

"I see…

...But you're still a bad mother."




"Ready everything we have!"

"The ships should all be in formation within a minute!"

Back in Vivati's galaxy, almost all of its inhabitants were moving without pause-- all scurrying to do what is expected and ordered of them. The drums of their feet as they run, enough to quake the entire galaxy.

Solomon and various other ships have already been sent to the other planets; to retrieve all the volunteers and get their champions; some of which have never been outside their planets' atmospheres before. But as long as they have strength-- they are needed.

Out of all the times that it could happen, it happened now. But perhaps they should consider themselves somewhat lucky, as those who knew what would happen were now mostly gathered in one place.Athena and the others were still staring at the giant screen, watching for any signs of movements from the colossal Portal. But after a few more seconds of this, Athena shook her head as she looked towards Thor.

Thor was previously out of his wits completely drunk just moments ago, but now, he was also staring at the screen before them.


"I have already contacted my father," Thor breathed out before Athena could even say anything, "He said he was going to take one of the ships that are already there."

"...Good," Athena nodded before placing her attention towards Ameera, "Where is it? What galaxy is this?"

"It's… about 20 Barriers away from us," although the fear in Ameera's voice almost drowned the entire hall, she made sure that her words were all still clear, "It's… very far. But if their ships could indeed be f… faster than ours, then they will arrive here in no time."

"How… Why is this Portal so big?" Harvey and Victoria, who were quietly and subtly being isolated in the corner, also stepped towards the large monitor in the center of the hall. Harvey's eyes slightly trembled as he stared at the Portal.

All this time he was trying to wage wars against a larger enemy… not even knowing that his larger enemy was preparing for an even bigger threat.

"What about the planets there, are the inhabitants still alive?" Vanya muttered as her eyes turned towards those who knew most about Portals in the hall-- the System Holders.

"Portals are flat, little one," Angela was the one to answer her, "So as long as nothing was in its diameter when it appeared, they should be safe. However… just by the size of this Portal… Why do they even need a Portal as wide as a galaxy… could it be… no… if it was that then… can it be? Their ships…

...are so large that it needs a Portal of that size for them to go through it? Hm… maybe, that's a possibility, isn't it?"

"W… What?" Not only Ameera, but almost everyone in the room quickly took in a deep breath as they heard Angela's mutterings,

"If… if the sizes of their ships are truly that large…" Ameera stuttered, "Then… then wouldn't that mean they could travel to us in no time at all!? Their ships should--"

"Where is King Evans!?"

And before she could even express her horror, Athena finally raised her voice as the realization slowly set in on them.

"He… was just outside somewhere in--"

"Find him!" Athena waved her hand. Vanya was about to leave the room, but Athena stopped her; saying that she should be in the hall for now. All their eyes are set on the screen, waiting for any large movements that could happen at any time.

Athena's eyes were moving nonstop; her mind trying to think of ways they could face an enemy this overwhelming. She had thoughts of various strategies before-- but against a force like this? Those were all thrown away as soon as she saw the size of the Portal.

And honestly? Athena wanted so much that the beings that will emerge from the other side will just be friendly. But knowing what she knows… a battle was inevitable. Athena then turned her unresting eyes towards Angela, who seemed to also be lost in thought.

"You're the closest to the Seraph," Athena pointed out, "If there is something else we need to know, tell us now."

"It's possible we can talk to them," Angela quickly replied as she returned Athena's stares.

"T… that's--"

"But that is if they will talk back. They are prideful beings who think of everyone else as lesser than them. If you think the Aesir are already egoistical," Angela then murmured as she turned her eyes towards Thor, "Then multiply that by a billion-fold, and you get the World Eaters. Also, there is one other thing…

...Hundreds of thousands of years have passed already. What Evangeline and I know about them could be completely useless already-- they are also coming from your universe, Athena… that would have surely had an effect on their system."

Athena has already surmised what Angela was saying. But still, to hear it in words was a different pill to swallow. And so, the only thing she could do was scream.

"And where is Evangeline now!? She should be here! Call her!"

"I can't," Angela shook her head, "It feels like she's not here anymore."

"She better be dead!"

"No," Angela shook her head once more, "It's like she's in another place; covered in a thick fog that I can't discern."


"Aunt Athena, please calm down."

And before Athena could say another word, Vanya gently placed her hand on her shoulder; her grip firm even though its soft tremble showed her anxiety.

"Thank you, Vanya..." Athena let out a small but deep sigh as her eyes returned to the monitor, "If the size of their ship really does warrant a Portal of that size, then any strategies we could think of would be next to use--"

"Well shit."

Athena's words were once again interrupted as Gerald's laughter suddenly filled the entire hall,

"We're all going to fucking die," he then breathed out, "So much for uniting the universe."

"...Gerald," Vanya could only shake her head; her breaths clearly showing the disappointment she has on the father of her child.

"I see the party is just getting started?"

A momentary respite then flickered in the air as Latanya suddenly barged in the hall; behind her was Skylar, whose eyes quickly found the monitor centered in the hall.

"Something dangerous is coming," Skylar then whispered.

"Very late to the news," Gerald smirked.

"Wait… You also came from the Seraph," Athena then quickly approached Skylar, "Can you tell us anything?""No," Skylar shook her head, "But there's this voice inside my head telling me something…"

"...What is it?"

"We should run."



"Is there any chance they can't pass through the Barrier?" The sudden silence was then disrupted by Sarah, who seemed to have quietly entered the hall while everyone's eyes were on the floor, "We needed Van's blood to enter the Barriers, is it possible that would stop them?"

The others looked at each other as they heard Sarah's words; Athena, however, only shook her head.

"Even if that was the case, this race is capable of opening a Portal to a different universe," Athena muttered, "Trying to find a way through the Barrier would probably not even take a second of their time. The battle has not even started yet… but I can already deduct that this is a fight we can't--"

"What's up with you, retards!?"

A thundering clap then resounded in the entire hall as Gerald slapped his fist; causing the air to tremble and slightly heat up, "Even if we don't know what's going to come from the other side-- I have already resolved myself to do anything to protect my family… Except Harvey, he's on his own."

"..." Harvey could only shake his head from Gerald's words.

"Let's just fuck them up," Gerald smirked.

And with those wise words of encouragement, everyone in the hall nodded. Athena quickly started giving out orders, making sure that everyone will be involved in a way that would maximize their potential.

"Vivati, have all of your men ready…

...Thor, your job is to protect Latanya and Vanya, they are the key for us to have even a chance to win this battle… Victoria, you know what to do… Latanya, just heal… soon as Odin arrives he and the Aesir would be leading…

...Ameera, you are responsible for--"

And soon, the monitor flickered as it detected an unknown energy reading coming from the Portal.

"S… something is happening!"

Everyone in the hall looked at the screen, only to see the Portal trembling; rippling as something seemed to want to stretch out from its deep confines.

And soon, something emerged.

"What… the fuck is that?"

Any noise in the hall stopped; their breaths were completely at a hold as the only thing they could do was watch as their worst fear materialized.

It looked like a mirror in the shape of a sphere, reflecting the colorful darkness around it. And they were right-- the reason why the Portal was of that size was because of the sphere that they could only assume was their ship.

It did not consume all of the space of the Portal, just a third of it-- but that would also mean that the size of their ship was almost a third of a galaxy.

Their breaths were completely stopped. Only once again being let out by gasps… another spherical ship emerged from the Portal. Two… magic

...There were two ships, and there could even be more on the other side.

Athena took in a long and deep breath as she closed her eyes; lasting for a full second before turning her gaze towards Ameera,

"This galaxy has the highest energy reading out of all the galaxies, correct?"


"That's good," Athena nodded, "There's a high chance they will directly go here and ignore the other galaxies for now."

"...How is that good?"

"That means if we stop them, the loss of life would be minimal," Athena chuckled; before her eyebrows once again knitted, "And where the hell is King Evans!?"

"He's right there," surprisingly, her somewhat rhetorical question was instantly answered by Gerald.

Athena then quickly looked towards where Gerald was pointing to, only to see… Van standing below the screen, quietly watching.

Once again, Athena did not even feel Van moving. And it wasn't only her… it would seem that only Gerald was able to feel him entering the hall.

"...Father?" Vanya then slightly squinted her eyes as she slowly approached Van.

"Hm?" Van slowly turned his head towards Vanya, his eyes… glowing in a somewhat blue color.

"Your… hair?"

Van's hair was now completely white, almost glowing with a silver hue. But that was not even the first thing that the people noticed, no.

It was faint… but all of them could see multiple pairs of wings attached to Van's body.

on his back, and 1 on each foot.


...What happened to you?"
