Chapter 752 – Miaomiao in Xiaomao's Guild War


A young boy with grey angelic wings manifested out of thin air. His gold pupils shone brighter than the sun, but his iris contained the abyss that nobody could see through. A purple butterfly circled around him and sprayed purple dust, giving off the scent of burning iron.

Miaomiao in his young boy form gazed at his finger. The red ring was gone.

He looked up and noticed that Mu-Nyang gave him system messages.

<Sorry to communicate with you like this since the battlefield is being monitored. I can only sneak in these untraceable system messages to you.>

<You have been teleported to a guild battlefield. You must disguise yourself as an NPC and blend in with the robotic NPCs that Pangu created. Here, you can indirectly influence the flow of the battle by giving resources to players that complete your quest.>


<However, one NPC can only give one quest to any player that you meet. After your quest is completed, you will be either teleported away from the battlefield or forced to join one of the guilds as a helper.>

<This is where your role comes in. Although you can join Miao Xiaomao and help him directly with your OP strength, it's a lot safer if you give him extra resources and leave him be. After all, Pangu will notice you, and you will implicate your son. Nian has already put him under pressure, and I don't want to attract extra attention to Pangu and his minions in the third world.>

<Lastly, Pangu might have a similar idea to us, and he might have raised some protagonists to kill you and your son. I have collected a list of potentially dangerous protagonists of this generation. Their luck is outrageous, and you might not be able to kill them on your first try. You know some of them, but most are new guys. Remember them well and take precautions when you meet them. Some can be our allies, but several of them can be tricky.>

<Hiiro Narukami, Lu Bu, Sima Yi, Zhou Yu, Zhuge Liang, Chase Sheffield, Bianca Dullahan, Xie Tian, James Huntsman, Ran Tae, Lee Jinyong, Damocles Caesar, and Shepherd.>

Miaomiao read through the list thrice even though some of the names distracted him.

'Lu Bu, Sima Yi, Zhuge Liang, and Zhou Yu? I see that you guys want a rematch for the hegemony fight, but I won't take part in it any time soon. Hiiro is obvious since he has that potential. But Chase... seriously, are you THAT Chase that I'm nurturing?'


Miaomiao skimmed through the list of 13 dangerous protagonists of this generation. He let out a sigh of regret as Xie Tian's name came back to haunt him again.

As the messages ended here, Miaomiao closed the menu and looked around. Two castles could be seen at a distance – A blue castle to the west, and a red one to the east.

At the center of the field, 99 other NPCs gathered here, but their eyes had no light. They stared forward in a daze. However, Miaomiao sensed something different.

They had neither karma nor soul!

The next second, all of them had a seizure. They shook and collapsed to the ground.

Miaomiao froze for a moment before he mimicked them. He pretended to uncontrollably shake and fell to the ground, face first.

Several minutes later, he heard the announcement from Pan Mei.

"Next match, we have MUNYA Guild from World 3 versus Shu Han Guild from World 3!"


Miaomiao's expression turned dark. He questioned the naming sense of the one who came up with this guild's name.



Two large screens appeared in the sky, showing the status and the number of combatants of each guild.

Unable to resist his curiosity, Miaomiao looked up. Then, he found the guild leader's name of the MUNYA guild.


'Dammit, son. Can't you pick a better name? Why are you following Mu-Nyang's catchphrase to a tee!'

Miaomiao checked further. He noticed that his son came with an army of strong fighters as their levels were in the mid-700s. However, their names looked peculiar.

Merman Spearman Level 755

Merman Hunter Level 780Merman Scout Level 745

These guys seemed absurdly strong and suspicious. Miaomiao wondered how Xiaomao got them on his side while the latter's level was inferior to these people.

As soon as Miaomiao was admiring the portrait of the catopus, the corner of his eyes spotted a name, which belonged to one of the 13 most dangerous protagonists of this generation.



Miaomiao was pleasantly surprised. He was delighted that Shepherd was still on his son's side instead of openly antagonizing him. With this protagonist's influence, Xiaomao might be able to live a happy life here in the future.

But then, Miaomiao remembered something. He wondered if Xiaomao was still bound by Mu-Nyang's karma. There was a high chance that Xiaomao, aka Mao Xiaomiao, might not be able to follow Miaomiao to the higher realm in the future.

Miaomiao closed his eyes and sighed.

'I don't know if it's a curse or fate. Our luck and connection might have ended in the last life, but you will always be my son. I might be a terrible father for not being with you when you need me, but I'll always watch over you, Xiaomiao.'


While Miaomiao was being emotional, a loud sound echoed, and the gates of both castles were opened.

Miaomiao could also hear Pan Mei's commentary. There was also another female voice, who seemed to be commenting on the match together with Pan Mei.

"The match has started! Now, both guilds are generating summon points!"

"Yes. Each side slowly generates SP to summon their fighters. The guild master is automatically deployed for free, but all guild members require SP to be summoned to the battlefield. Low-level fighters use fewer points while high-level fighters need a large number of points to be deployed to the battlefield."

"Indeed. If we're looking at the roster of both sides, the MUNYA guild has so many high-level fighters on their side, but they lack low-level fighters. They might be in trouble during the early game!"

During the time that Pan Mei and the female commentator was criticizing Xiaomao's team arrangement, the NPCs on the center of the map stood up and walked randomly on the battlefield.

Miaomiao also took this chance to stand up and walked directly toward the blue castle, where the MUNYA guild was located. While he was at it, he secretly checked the roster of Shu Han Guild.

Guild Leader – Liu Bei Level 250

Miaomiao almost burst into laughter as he didn't expect to see the player version of Liu Bei. Now, he understood why the guild's name was Shu Han.

'This is absurd. Well, this might be fate. I fought Liu Xuande in the second world while my son is waging war against Liu Bei.'

On the screen, it showed the number of Summon Points on each side. Currently, both sides were patiently waiting for the points to go up.

Suddenly, a small fur ball was riding a flying sword out of the castle. The small catopus left his base and came toward the NPCs on the battlefield!

Miaomiao rejoiced. He stood walking and waiting for Xiaomao to come to him.

Unfortunately, Xiaomao flew past Miaomiao. The catopus rushed toward the furthest NPC, who was nearest to the red castle.

The level-200 cat abducted the NPC and carried him on his flying sword. Then, he went back to the blue castle.

Then, the commentators went wild.

"Oh?! What a bold move! Does MUNYA guild leader knows that if he's killed, he will lose the war?" The female commentator sounded surprised.

"That's recklessness. During the first five minutes of the war, there is a grace period of ceasefire. The castle is protected by magic towers that can one-shot any level-1000 tanker. He could have gotten into the range and died by an accident."

"True. If we look at the replay, Xiaomao was 10 meters away from the magic tower's range. That was a close call."Miaomiao widened his eyes and looked at the catopus on the sword. He was about to curse Xiaomao out loud, but he noticed something strange.

The catopus was smiling as if he had already won.

Miaomiao narrowed his eyes. He wanted to ask Mu-Nyang how the guild war worked, but he remembered that he needed to hide his presence from the eyes of Pangu, Nian, Pan Mei, and their minions.

His mission was simple. He needed to protect Xiaomao from mishaps.

Miaomiao secretly glanced at the screens in the sky. He spotted the person that he needed to be wary of.

Jiang Wei – Level 950

Ma Chao – Level 999

Ma Dai – Level 920

Wei Yan – Level 999

Pang Tong – Level 900

Sometimes, Miaomiao doubted if these people were NPCs or players as their names were the same as certain historical people, who served Shu Dynasty during the Three Kingdoms Era.

Excluding these guys, the average level of Shu Han players was in the low 200s.

Miaomiao rechecked the current SP pool of Shu Han Guild. It was now 200. However, as soon as it reached 250, it decreased to 20, and a beacon of light descended from the sky, landing at the red castle.


The screen in the sky changed. It showed the face and the appearance of the summoned player from Shu Han Guild, who had the level of 230.

"Oh, a scout from Shu Han comes out," The female commentator was excited.

"Quite a slow summon from Shu Han Guild, but he follows the orthodox opening moves. Scout-Class characters gain bonus SP if they complete NPC quests. This will boost the speed of their guild's SP gain during the game."

Hearing that completing quests could give bonuses to SP, Miaomiao turned to the blue castle's screen, wondering what Xiaomao was doing.

Upon checking the MUNYA Guild's SP, it turned out that Xiaomao hadn't summoned anyone yet!

However, their side's SP jumped to 400. In the next second, it became 600!

A golden light suddenly shone from inside the blue castle. A moment later, Xiaomao rode a flying sword out again, and he flew directly toward the red castle. Again, the catopus didn't notice that Miaomiao was 200 meters away from the blue castle's gate.

'What the hell is he doing?! I'm right here!'

Miaomiao had the urge to call the cat, but he sealed his mouth shut. He also stopped walking as he discovered that all NPCs didn't get into the magic tower's attack range, which was 200 meters.

As Miaomiao turned around and looked at Xiaomao, the latter already found the level-220 scout from Liu Bei's side.

The catopus KAMIKAZE'd the scout by running him over with the flying sword. The sword, which traveled at the speed of sound, pierced through the scout's chest.

The scout didn't expect a sudden attack. When the sword pierced him, he was carried by the momentum and flew along with the sword.

The flying sword flew for 400 meters and pierced the stone wall of the red castle, pinning the scout with the structure.

The scout looked down at the sword, but he didn't even realize that his HP was reduced to zero. His body dissipated into light and vanished.

As for the catopus, he had already jumped off the sword and landed safely on the ground.

The cat brought out another flying sword from out of nowhere and rode it. He turned toward the nearest NPC and abducted him to the base.

"F-F-First Blood! Xiaomao killed Shu Han's scout!" The female commentator stuttered.

Pan Mei's voice also cracked, "T-This is an absurd strategy!"
