Chapter 738 – No Time to Rest

"Let's do it this way."

Sun Jian finished lobbying Mao Shan. He turned to Miaomiao.

"Because of your contributions and our previous offense, we shall give you a suitable reward. First off, we shall bestow you cultivation resources, and land for your family. Also, we shall grant you a noble title and a city. By the way, is there a city you like?"

Miaomiao pondered for a moment before he made a request, "I want Pirate Hunter City."

As soon as Miaomiao mentioned the city, the castellan of Pirate Hunter City, Tang Fan, who was attending the meeting, started sweating. If Miaomiao claimed this city, he would lose his job and influence here.

Fortunately, Miaomiao hadn't finished yet.


"I also need you to compensate Castellan Tang for this. Give him a new territory and land. If you can't, give him a suitable compensation for the loss of his territory."

Sun Jian smiled and glanced at the fat cultivator in the hall, "That's for certain. Well, Castellan Tang, would you concede your city for our young hero here?"

Tang Fan gazed at the soon-to-be son-in-law. He calculated the pros and cons in his mind before he came up with a solution. As Tang Ting would eventually become Miaomiao's wife, the Tang Family wouldn't lose anything. On the contrary, his family would benefit from the deal as he could gain a new territory from the emperor, and they could benefit from Miaomiao's influence in the future.

"I have no issues, your majesty."

"Good. Then, Mao Miaomiao will replace you. Tang Fan, as you're coordinating well, I shall promote you to the prefect of Sundown Province. Is that alright with you?"

Sundown Province was located in the middle of the Wu Empire, west of the Huiji Province. That province was rich in farmland, and the local commoners there were all wealthy families. The tax income of the province was among the top 5 among all 12 regions.


Getting his hands on the wealthy province, Tang Fan had no complaints.

"No issue, your majesty!"

"Good. But before I send you to Sundown Province, I want you to teach Mao Miaomiao how a castellan should do. You'll be working as his aide for the time being until I settle the matters at Sundown Province."

Sun Jian shifted his gaze to Mao Shan and Miaomiao. He grinned, "Now, rewards aside, let's have a toast. For peace!"

Seeing that Sun Jian managed the situation well, the mood got lively again as if the previous rivalry between Devil and Sun Jian never happened.


The banquet ended after Sun Jian and the officials from the Wu Empire finished lobbying Mao Shan. These guys were afraid of Miaomiao's absurd strength, and they competed to poach him to their factions. However, no one could tell which side Miaomiao would join in the future.

Devil also excused herself after she had confirmed that Miaomiao was healthy. She left with Xu Chu, Xu Huang, and the girls. However, she left him a talisman as a way to contact her later on.

After the party, Mao Shan and the clansmen collapsed from mental exhaustion. Hosting so many immortals here was nerve-wracking. Although Mao Shan was a 9th-stage cultivator, he was still a mortal, and he couldn't withstand the suppression aura of immortals for a long time. For now, he needed rest.

Miaomiao escorted his elders and clansmen to their rooms. He flew back to the sect to check on Tang Ting next.

Unfortunately, Miaomiao was unconscious for a week after that fight. At the sect city, Tang Ting and others were not there anymore. They had migrated to Huiji City during the war.

Currently, the sect was undergoing a new reformation as many inner disciples, core disciples, elders, and guest elders died during the war. Moreover, the elders were busy following Sun Jian around, and nobody stayed here to manage the sect.

It was semi-deserted. Only a few initiates and outer disciples who had sheltered in Pirate Hunter City returned here.Having nothing to do, Miaomiao returned to his clan manor to enter seclusion to consolidate his cultivation base. Of course, he asked Xiong Zhenzhen to be with him as he could dual cultivate to harmonize his Yin-Yang balance.


Two weeks later, Miaomiao stabilized his cultivation base. Unfortunately, because of the one-week unconsciousness, his strength degraded to the 11th stage as he couldn't consolidate his foundation fast enough. Some of the newly absorbed Qi and Essence leaked out, and he didn't store it in his feathers.

Xiong Zhenzhen ended up getting the benefit of this seclusion. As her body was connected with Miaomiao for two weeks, her cultivation base rose to the 8th stage. Now, she wouldn't lose to average cultivators of this world.

After Miaomiao and Xiong Zhenzhen came out of their room, Mao Hao rushed to report in a panic.

"Young Master! You're finally out!"magic

Miaomiao inspected Mao Hao. His cultivation base rose to the 9th stage, which was abnormal.

He glanced at Mao Hao's red name.

Red names represented outlaws and criminals. By having a red name, players and town guards could freely attack him without a penalty. However, this guy was roaming in the manor despite being arrested. Moreover, his cultivation base rose too fast.

Something smelt fishy here.

"What's wrong?" Miaomiao probed Mao Hao.

"L-Last week, Shu Han Republic declared war on us! They are attacking Huiji City right now!"

"What about my father and others?"

"They… are abducted. USW abducted most of our clansmen to their country and left behind me and others to protect you."

"Is it?"

Miaomiao furrowed his brows. He looked around and spread his Qi sense to scan the manor.

As Mao Hao had said – Only a dozen clansmen were left behind in the manor. They were Xiong Zhenzhen, Mao Hao, caretakers of the manor, and the bodyguards that were always with Miaomiao.

Mao Hao continued to report, "President Cao Cao also left a letter for you."

Miaomiao took the letter and read it.


[Mu-Nyang contacted me. He told me that Pangu colluded with Liu Xuande, Hongjun, and many ex-gods in the Shu Han Republic to attack us, and their primary target is you. For now, I'll migrate your family to my country to throw off their assassination plan. You don't have to worry about them.]

[If I can make a suggestion, I hope you can go help Sun Jian and draw their attention to Wu Empire so that I can launch a surprise attack on their headquarters and wipe out their countries.][I have also contacted Liu Guang. She is stuck in Liu Clan's prison at the moment. We'll rescue her and get her to destroy Liu Xuande's country from the inside.]


Miaomiao let out a long sigh. So many things occurred at once, and he had no time to rest.

'This doesn't look fake. Only Devil and a few guys can contact Mu-Nyang, but I can't trust Mao Hao. He might have read the letter and changed some contents. Also, there is a high chance that Mao Hao has betrayed the family.'

So many things were wrong and illogical here. Mao Hao said that Shu Han waged war against Wu Empire last week, but nobody informed him when he was in seclusion. Had it been the usual, Mao Shan would have notified him about the urgent news.

Since Mao Hao was likely a backstabber or a criminal, Miaomiao sent a sound transmission to Xiong Zhenzhen.

'Be on guard. Mao Hao might have betrayed us.'

Without looking at Miaomiao, Xiong Zhenzhen replied, 'Understood, master.'

Miaomiao turned to Mao Hao, "Tell everybody to come with me. We'll be heading to Huiji City and help our allies!"

Hearing Miaomiao's order, Mao Hao panicked, "Young master! Huiji is under siege right now. Immortals are everywhere! You can't go there!"

"Why can't I go there?"

Suddenly, a group of strangers in green robes surrounded Miaomiao and Xiong Zhenzhen. They were all 1-star stellar constellation immortals. Mao Hao also unsheathed his sword.

"Because you will die here!"

Miaomiao scoffed, "Cliché. Figured as much."


Huiji City

This place was the provincial capital city of this region. Many small towns surrounded this city, and it was rich with culture. As if was located next to the eastern coastline, people flocked here to trade with easterners.

Easterners were also cultivators, but their clothes and dress codes were different from the people from the mainland. They dressed like samurais or ninjas most of the time, and their primary weapons were either katanas or naginatas, aka Japanese glaives.

Unlike Pirate Hunter City, which was a hub for seafood and sea trade, Huiji City was known as the military port, which was located on the peninsula toward the east. As for the city port, they were for freights and cargo ships from the east.

Unfortunately, all ports were burning. Even the shipbuilding ports had already been destroyed by the invaders.

In the sky, a fleet of 17 warships with the green flag of the Shu Han Republic surrounded Huiji City. A force field dome covered the city and the city walls inside, and the warships kept shooting their cannons at it.

Outside the city, a dozen piles of warship wreckages were still burning as well. 100,000 corpses of Huiji citizens and cultivators from the Shu Han Faction were still there, and their blood was still flesh.

Standing on the top of the fleet flagship was an ex-sage, now a 4-star stellar constellation immortal. He looked down on the cultivators below.

Zhunti sneered at Sun Jian, who was hiding behind the defensive array of Huiji City. He bellowed.

"Hand over Sun Yun! If you resist, we will kill everyone!"
