Chapter 698 – 10th Day Event

th day

It was the day that Pangu and Mu-Nyang had promised that a special event would occur. However, there was no announcement from either Mu-Nyang or Pangu.

On the contrary, airdrops arrived. Hiiro ended up gathering all crates and gave everything to Miaomiao's faction, except PACT notes as he needed money in real life.

Miaomiao didn't get to meet Hiiro as Joshua was always the middle-man. Joshua handled this strange gamer and passed the items to others.

extra silver Qi was given to key fighters, such as Joshua, Adam, Fu Daotian, and archangels that hadn't gotten their silver Qi yet. However, there were still many people who hadn't gotten a silver Qi pearl.

While everybody was relaxed and cultivated by listening to the Dao Songs of Miaomiao's wings, an announcement came from Pangu at last.


A system notification panel appeared in front of everyone on Miaomiao's plane.


<Due to an accident on my part, the promised 100 VS 100 VS 100 event will be canceled!>

Everybody cheered as they didn't have to fight in a forced war game. Miaomiao was also relieved that Pangu didn't come up with an annoying scheme this time.

Unfortunately, it was too early to celebrate.

<Because I couldn't keep up with my promise, it doesn't mean that there won't be any FUN EVENT! Well, although I might have issues in THAT planet after this, I have borrowed a template and an engine from a famous game to use on our game!>


Miaomiao had a bad feeling about this. Every time Pangu came up with something, it always put him at a disadvantage.

This time as well, Miaomiao was not disappointed.

<Today's event will be a 5V5V5 MOBA style game with 100 lives of random people on each side on the line!>

"Figured as much."

Miaomiao deeply exhaled as the next event might be troublesome for local cultivators, who had never played modern MOBA games. They would soon encounter problems if everybody entered the new world without any MOBA game's knowledge and basics.

But as Miaomiao was expecting Pangu to pick five representatives of each side randomly, Mu-Nyang suddenly intervened. A new system panel showed Mu-Nyang's face and broadcasted his voice.

"In this game, both sides get to pick their strongest five representatives to participate in this game, and 100 random representatives or followers from the respective side will be teleported to the event world as hostages, munya!"

Mu-Nyang's broadcasting screen changed into a triangle map with three factions at each corner. The center consisted of roads, jungles, and a three-way river.

"In this world, all buildings of your faction will be teleported there, and your King Piece can still control your structures even though he is not participating in this game. Therefore, the side without system structures will not get to enjoy the bonus buffs and help from the buildings, munya!"

Everybody gazed at Miaomiao as they appreciated how he had created so many buildings and the sect building, which continuously produced system combatants to fortify their defensive walls. Now, they expected them to do the same and assist the chosen representatives.

"However, I will have to remind you something. Every time a representative dies in this world, they will be resurrected at their base's Healing Fountain area, munya. However, one of the hostages of the dead representative will die in their stead! Therefore, if your side dies a total of 100 times, all the hostages from your side will die, munya! Once all the hostages died, none of the representatives can be resurrected, munya!"

Hearing the strange rules, everyone grew concerned.

Ma Moxi walked toward Miaomiao. He whispered, "So, it's LOL or DOTA death game?"

Miaomiao had a wry smile on his face, "Probably."

"Then, you and I will have to join this game. We can't leave it to noobs, or they will feed our enemies."

"I might be the weakness on our team, though. My official cultivation rank is an immortal, remember?"

"But your strength is comparable to an unrestrained sage, no? If they use MOBA template rules, our strength will be reset to level 1 and we will have to farm and raise our levels. We should be able to abuse the scale and growth restrictions."

"But at max level or late game, our opponents might recover their original strength. What if they send all five great dao sages?"

"Then, we'll have to stomp them on early game and rush their base before they scale."


Miaomiao pondered if sending a team of game experts with a low cultivation base might be a good idea. He glanced at Devil and the archangels.

Devil didn't hide her contempt glare at Miaomiao. She also stopped pretending to be broken.

"I heard you. I can join the game if Mu-Nyang allows a sentinel to participate. However, Miaomiao, I only manage to regain my original power a few days ago, and my cultivation base is still stuck in the pseudo-sage realm. I cannot be your ADC or APC."

ADC and APC were game jargon terms, which stood for Attack Damage Carry and Ability Power Carry. These were the roles of the main damage dealer of the team.

There were other roles. But for now, Ma Moxi, Devil, and Miaomiao were only concerned about who they should send as representatives as MOBA games required game mechanic knowledge and skills.

Miaomiao raised his brows and stared at Devil. Noticing that she chose not to revert back to the male appearance, Miaomiao grinned from ear to ear.

"Mother, after this, we need to talk… in private."

"More like you're looking for a reason to fuck me again."

"More like I want to see your prideful AHEGAO face after I break you again.""…"

Devil flipped her middle finger, telling Miaomiao to go screw himself.

After Devil and Miaomiao had exchanged their pleasantry, Mu-Nyang explained an additional rule with his sound transmission. Strangely, only Miaomiao, Ma Moxi, and Devil could hear.

'The level cap is 20 as other games that you had played in your old world, munya! Also, the max level strength cap is the deity realm. Even if you send a pseudo sage against a great dao sage, you won't have any disadvantage against stronger enemies, munya!'magic

Miaomiao, Devil, and Ma Moxi widened their eyes. They glanced at each other and smirked.

"It's me, Moxi, and you, Devil." Miaomiao picked three representatives right away.

Ma Moxi cracked his knuckles, "Can I play mid or jungle?"

"Do your skills and techs affect your speed? If you can use stealth, Jungle Role might be better for you."

"Good. I'll be the jungler."

Devil scoffed, "I don't like pressure. I'll play bot support."

"I guess I'll take mid. Let's find someone for the top and the bot ADC role."

Meanwhile, bystanders could hear Devil, Miaomiao, and Ma Moxi's conversation. Everybody was confused about what they were talking about.

"What jungle? What ADC, APC, bot, mid, top? Scale? What are they talking about?"

Among the crowd, Lilith had been observing Miaomiao, Devil, and Ma Moxi's interaction. She secretly read their karma and discovered several games in the modern world of their previous life.

"MOBA game, isn't it? It's quite easy to learn, actually."

The brain of a deity was better than a human's brain. She instantly learned the techniques that Ma Moxi and Miaomiao knew.

But before Lilith could volunteer to join their game, Pangu took over the explanation role from Mu-Nyang.

<Ahem. For the sake of fairness, we do not allow sentinels and non-representatives to join this event. Only sages and representative members are eligible to participate!>


Devil clicked her tongue as Pangu simply disqualified her from joining the event.

Lilith was also disappointed. She was looking forward to taking part in the interesting game.

Fortunately, Mu-Nyang always kept the game balance in check while he abused his authority. He snatched the broadcasting role and announced.

"Although sentinels and followers can't join the game, SAGES CAN, munya! Therefore, sage sentinels are eligible to join, munya!"

Devil and Lilith's eyes gleamed. They turned toward the sacrificial altar right away.

Lilith and Devil looked at each other for a moment and understood each other's intention. They nodded and operated the altar right away.

While the two women used the altar and the clones of Orochi to increase their cultivation base, Miaomiao turned his attention to the announcement, hoping for more information about the game.

Pangu continued.

<The victory condition of this game is to destroy the headquarters structure of your opponents. Since you are fighting two factions at once, you must destroy two headquarters or kill all hostages of your opponents to win!>

In short, there were two winning conditions that every side could choose. One – kill the opponent's heroes until there was no hostage remaining. Or two – destroy their opponent's Nexus.

Miaomiao, Ma Moxi, and Devil understood this rule by heart. However, the others were still clueless about what MOBA was.

But Pangu wouldn't be Pangu if he didn't use any underhand trick.

<Also, I've added a joker in this game. Remember that stupid black cat? I've brought it back and sealed it somewhere in that world. Be prepared for surprises, people. Now, I'll give you 30 minutes to choose your five representatives!>

<Remember that 100 people from your side will be randomly chosen and become the 100 hostages of this game. If there aren't enough people, you will have to fight with a handicap since your faction can be wiped out in this event! Good luck!>

Pangu ended the explanation without telling anybody what they were fighting for and what their prizes were.


<Please select your faction representatives!>

System screens in front of everybody vanished. Only Miaomiao's system asked him to pick his roster.Without hesitation, Miaomiao searched for Ma Moxi's name.

"Alright, Faker. You're up first."

Ma Moxi snickered, "Right after you, Showmaker."

Both men messed around, calling each other by famous pro-gamers' names.

Meanwhile, Devil and Lilith promoted their cultivation base to the unrestrained sage by force to prepare for the worse. Although their foundation was shaky, they were confident that they had enough strength to join the fight.

Both women reported to Miaomiao right away.

"We're ready!" Lilith volunteered.

"Reserve a slot for me, damn clone!" Devil clicked her tongue.

Miaomiao turned around and noticed their chaotic aura and unstable foundation. He shook his head and sighed.

"Both of you, strip!"



Miaomiao used his fingers as a sword. The stripper swordsmanship returned as he cut the clothes of Devil and Lilith to pieces.

The women weren't embarrassed from being seen naked. Instead, they glared at Miaomiao in anger.

"What are you doing?!"

"Shut up and focus!" Miaomiao grabbed their right breasts and injected his Qi into them. His Providence Law controlled their Providence Qi and stabilized their chaotic dantian.

Lilith and Devil sensed that their Qi was no longer theirs. Miaomiao took control of their dantians and forced them to stabilize their foundation.

Within five minutes, everything was over. Miaomiao returned their dantians to them and released his hands.

"Done! Now, you both are proper unrestrained sage!"


Although confused, Lilith tried to circulate her Qi. Then, she discovered that her Providence Qi returned to normal, and a new seed of Providence Law was created. She couldn't use any Providence Law yet, but Lilith was confident that she might be able to use one soon.

On the other hand, Devil didn't bother checking her condition. She frowned at Miaomiao.

"Damn clone."

"What? Oh, you're welcome," Miaomiao grinned.

"Was it necessary to strip our clothes?"

"I need to touch your naked skin to control your Providence Qi and repair your dantian."

Devil slowly brought out her new clothes from her spatial ring. She continued to stare at Miaomiao in frustration.

"I read your memory just now."

"Oh? Is that your Providence Law?" Miaomiao was surprised.

"No. But I can still understand what all my clones are thinking."

"That's quite impressive. Is that how you get stronger?"

"Yeah. And in the past, I learned something useful."

"What did you learn?"

Devil clicked her tongue and kicked Miaomiao's crotch. Unfortunately, his balls were too hard and she ended up hurting her feet.

"Ouch! What are your balls made of?! Why is it so hard?!"

"Why did you kick it then!?"

Devil's face turned red in anger. She screamed.


Miaomiao lewdly smiled. He gently patted Devil's head.

"Don't be angry, mom. I'll pamper you after this, okay?"


Devil was so angry that she was on the verge of exploding. She took out Shuten Douji and smacked his face with its scabbard.

The third and fourth members were chosen. Now, Miaomiao had to pick the last member.
