"I won't lose to you this time. You can count on it," Smirked Kilzachs, as the Duel Field barrier formed around us.

"Sure you want to be so cocky? You're gonna regret it, you know," I grinned in response.

"Yeah, maybe...but declaring my victory ahead of time gives me a bit more motivation, since there's now the added desire of wanting to make sure my words weren't empty," He countered, as the countdown began ticking down.

"Fair enough, I suppose. Hope you're ready for this," I remarked, as I entered Diablo Mode, deciding to go all out right from the start.

Looks like he's got the same idea...that black mist is emanating from him, and his eyes have transformed too. This should be pretty fun. The countdown is almost over...three, two...one!

Massive fireballs and lightning blasts came shooting out towards me instantly, before I swiftly countered with Obliteration Magic to cancel them out, my eyes widening as I lost sight of Kilzachs.

I stiffened as I felt attacking intent behind me, quickly teleporting away, grimacing as I felt a small cut on my back. Not bad, he managed to almost land a hit...he's fighting fully intending to win this.


Fine by me...it wouldn't be any fun if he wasn't taking this seriously!

I then fired out a sticky spiderweb net from my mouth, and as he teleported away to evade it, I followed the line of his gaze to predict where he was going to reappear and swiftly raised my hand in that direction as I caught sight of him.

I activated Beckon to rapidly pull him in towards me, while simultaneously bursting flames out and using wind to swirl them around him, in an attempt to obscure his eyesight and prevent him from teleporting.

As he closed in on me, I swiftly teleported behind him and grabbed the back of his neck firmly, keeping my grip tight in order to prevent him from turning his gaze towards me. With his powers, avoiding his line of sight is crucial...

"That was pretty good...," He remarked with a smirk, as I drove one of my blades towards his back, right as he formed a clone and had it lock its gaze onto me.

I quickly halted my attack and teleported away before his clone could do anything, and free of my grasp, he formed two more clones before rapidly zipping towards me and surrounding me.


I responded by forming my maximum of twelve clones all around myself, four of them disappearing instantly...whew, close one, just another split second and I would've been in trouble.

I then formed four more clones to replace the ones that he'd eliminated, before myself and all the clones fired out Obliteration Magic blasts at him.

I then had my clones split up as I did the same, turning invisible as I flew up towards Kilzachs rapidly. As I closed in on him from behind and slashed at the back of his neck, he suddenly stiffened and teleported away, my blade slicing through the air as he got away just in time."You're invisible, aren't you? Too bad for you, this isn't my first time having to fight an invisible opponent," He remarked, as he warily glanced around while forming an outward-facing circle with his clones.

"Oh, is that so? Then let's see how you do against multiple invisible opponents, shall we?" I smirked in response, as I had all my clones turn invisible and surround him and his clones.

"Come on, now that's just playing dirty," He sighed with a wry smile, before suddenly firing out a barrage of Obliteration Magic blasts all around.

I zipped around and teleported to evade the blasts, as did my clones, but he's firing relentlessly...he can't keep this up forever though, he'll have to stop once his energy starts to run low. Evading these blasts isn't too difficult for me, even over an extended period of time.

And when he stops this assault, that'll be my opening to swoop in and end this. But...is that really how this should end? It's seems kinda, I don't know, anticlimactic, I guess?

I then teleported in close behind one of his clones and slashed his head off, before teleporting towards another of them and driving my blade through his throat, before Kilzachs and his remaining clone teleported away.

"Hey, timeout for a sec!" I called out as I turned visible.

"Huh? What's wrong?" He inquired in bemusement, as he stopped firing his barrage of Obliteration Magic blasts.

"If we keep using our clones, it'll wind up being a battle of attrition, and to be frank, I'll probably win easily if I just bide my time. So, how about this? We both agree to not use our clones anymore, and continue fighting and going all-out with that sole restriction. What do you say?" I suggested in response.

"Hm...you know, what? That sounds good to me," He grinned after mulling it over, dissipating his clones as I did the same, before exclaiming, "And with that...timeout over!"

He then teleported behind me, before I swiftly used wind to slice up a few strands of my hair into a fine powder and then blew it towards his eyes, to force him to shut them.

I swiftly spun around as he swung his energy blade at me, blocking it with one of my Fangs of the Basilisk before he sprang back and got some distance, trying to open his eyes as they began watering heavily.

He may be wearing glasses, but he'd need goggles to have stopped that...I just manipulated my wind so that it would blow around the lenses and frame of his glasses and straight into his eyes.

As I shot towards him, he suddenly managed to get one eye open without immediately blinking, and as I quickly swerved away in response, my right arm disappeared...he must have used Cut or Delete, that was close.

Suddenly, he teleported right in front of me, his mouth moving as he began to chant, before cutting off as he couldn't stop himself from blinking and instead swung his foot out towards my midsection.

But as he attempted the kick in a panicked rush, I was able to easily grab his foot before he could strike and then rapidly spun across and flung him away.

As he zoomed towards the wall of the barrier at a rapid speed, he managed to open his eyes and form a thick wall of water behind himself, splashing through it and canceling out the momentum of my throw as he came to a skidding halt.

As the wall of water began to drop, he suddenly fired out a massive fireball, hitting the mass of water and sending a huge steam blast towards me at an alarming speed.

As I activated a Defense Magic barrier in front of myself, he suddenly teleported behind me...no way, his vision would've been obscured by the steam, how did he-...I see, he must have teleported high up to get a better vantage point, and then teleported behind me from there, this is bad!

No time to teleport, I have to move! As I sprang away to my left as fast as I could, my right arm, shoulder, chest and a chunk of my torso vanished, blood bursting out as I grimaced before shifting my gaze and teleporting away.

I then activated my Restoration Magic to undo the damage he'd inflicted, letting out a quiet sigh as I caught my breath. That was way too close, a few more inches and my heart and throat would have been in his range, which might have triggered the Duel Field barrier.

It wouldn't have finished me off, thanks to my Phoenix Resurrection, but it's possible that the barrier won't take that into account when it comes to its safety feature.

"Damn, that's some healing capability you've got...but it's not enough to stop me!" Exclaimed Kilzachs, as he teleported behind me and slashed at my back with one of his energy blades.

I swiftly spun around and blocked his slash...since his weapons are made of energy, I can't break them with my Fangs of the Basilisk, unless I target the handles.

I quickly turned invisible before he could use his powers, slashing at him with my blades. He quickly reacted by turning his gaze away and teleporting away, my slash only managing to graze the side of his right arm.

I'm not giving him a breather! I immediately teleported right after him, reappearing behind him with my blades poised to strike. But he didn't move, as he suddenly burst out a massive fireball straight at the ground.

What the-...!? As I felt my skin getting singed, I quickly teleported away, activating my Restoration Magic as I my eyes got burnt and blinded me.

"I've got you now!" He suddenly exclaimed from behind me, and as I stiffened in response-...nothing happened.


A thud then echoed out behind me, followed by a pained groan. I turned around in surprise, to see him writhing on the ground, his body starting to spasm.

What's going-...oh, shit! I totally forgot, my blades are coated in poison, he was inflicted with it when I grazed him earlier!


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote, and feel free to leave a comment, I appreciate any and all feedback and criticism!

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