"Take this!" Exclaimed Iro, as he leapt at me while forming a massive, spinning energy drill between his hands.

I turned intangible in response, the drill phasing through me, before I turned my fist tangible and struck his face, sending him flying back as Altan sprang up behind me, unleashing a shockwave of distorting sound.

That's seriously annoying, I feel a bit dizzy...I swiftly spread my wings open, my left wing hitting his chest and sending him rapidly flying back, before I teleported out of the way as a couple of white energy blasts came shooting towards me.

Alright, time to end this, I think I've seen enough of what they can do. I then shot towards Iro at my top speed, his eyes widening in alarm as I closed in on him in an instant, before I swung my fist towards his head with all my strength.

Right before I could make contact, he got teleported out, my fist whiffing through the air as he disappeared. Wow, that's some pretty good technology, his head would've gotten smashed in if I hit him, I was planning on stopping short if he didn't get teleported out upon impact.

I then glanced back as Altan came zipping towards me, firing out a rapid Destruction Magic blast at him.

He halted and began to try and get out of the way, but was far too slow to react, getting teleported out before my blast could blow a hole through his body.


I win. Well, not that there was ever any doubt about it. Still, that was fun, despite being pretty one-sided. Though, the ringing in my ears is not so fun, if I'm being honest.

I should be back to normal in a few more seconds or so, thanks to my Healing Factor. Oh, wait, I can just use Restoration Magic. Which I also could've done during the fight...man, guess I really have gotten rusty.

"Dude, that burst of speed at the end was so not fair, there's no way I could keep up with that?" Sighed Altan with a wry smile, as I walked over.

"Yes, I could barely react at all," Nodded Iro in agreement.

The fact that they were able to respond at all was impressive. But pointing that out would probably only be rubbing salt in the wound.

"I wanna fight again, my duel wasn't really a fight so I want a real battle!" Exclaimed Belia eagerly, but everyone on the other side looked hesitant.


So far, they'd lost every single round against us, even the tie between Persia and Kilella had been in Persia's favor before they ran out of oxygen.

"Alright, I'll indulge you then, let's see how strong you are," Suddenly spoke up Kilella, stepping forward.

Guess she wants a win...but she probably stood a better chance against Persia than she does against Belia.

"Awesome, hope you can put up a better fight than the woman I spanked into submission!" Laughed Belia eagerly, as she skipped over to the Duel Field area.

"She's really free-spirited, huh?" Mused Altan wryly.

"That's putting it lightly, I honestly doubt a more impulsive creature exists in any universe," Sighed Az in response.

"She actually used to plan things out a bit more in the past, but that's pretty rare these days," Added Persia with a shake of her head.

The Duel Field then formed and the countdown began, as Kilella triggered that Manifestation Surge technique again, flaming armor forming around her body as she chanted. The instant the countdown ended, she shot towards Belia in a fiery blaze, before Belia swiftly opened a portal right in front of her. Kilella was going too fast to stop in time, her head and shoulders going into the portal...before emerging from a connected portal that was a few inches above the floor.

Her face slammed onto the floor with immense force, as Belia let out a stifled snort of laughter, looking amused.magic

"Ow, that's gotta hurt, even with her armor...," Frowned Ciel warily.

Kilella then flew back to get out of the portal with a trickle of blood running down from her nose, and burst out an intense wave of flame and heat, Belia stumbling back as it reached her, before she quickly put up a wall of Weathering Magic in front of herself as beads of sweat ran down her face.

"Uh-oh, don't wanna run out of air, another tie in the exact same manner would be boring...but that's an easy fix," Grinned Belia, as a portal suddenly opened outside of the Duel Field, with a connected one inside the barrier.

Oh, I see, she's drawing in air from outside the barrier. Not bad, that's actually pretty smart.

"Tch...then how about this!?" Exclaimed Kilella, as she blasted out several swirling fireballs all around her.

Belia fired out her Weathering Magic in response, dissipating the fireballs that were coming her way in the blink of an eye.

"What type of magic is that?" Inquired Kilzachs in fascination.

"Weathering Magic, it basically rapidly accelerates time on anything it touches. Without fuel, fire doesn't burn for long...so Weathering Magic is highly effective against fire. It has pretty much no effect on water though," I explained in response, as Kilella continued blasting out flames in vain.

"Yeah, that makes sense, water doesn't fade away, after all," He nodded with a look intrigue, before adding, "So, does that mean my sister doesn't stand a chance in this fight?"

"Well, the odds are pretty heavily stacked against her. That said, while Belia's making sure that the barrier doesn't run out of air, there's still gonna be a pretty immense amount of heat in there...so the longer this drags on for, the better your sister's chances are," I surmised, after mulling it over.

"Actually, I don't think that's going to work. Belia can cast any spell that she can imagine...a counter spell to deal with the heat is probably pretty easy for her," Chimed in Az objectively.

"Oh...right, yeah, since she always just messes around, I forgot that she's got even more tricks up her sleeve than I do," I sighed wistfully.

I then glanced back to the fight, to see Belia firing out ice projectiles, but they were melting before they could even reach Kilella.

Most of the ice was evaporating into steam, but thanks to the sheer number of projectiles Belia was firing off, a fair bit of it was pooling on the floor inside the barrier, steadily rising.

Belia then flew up as the water level reached her ankles, her feet looking burnt before she healed them...that water must be absolutely boiling, and the barrier is filling with steam.

Kilella was staying grounded, several bubbles popping up in the water around her feet as Belia continued her relentless barrage of ice attacks.

Belia then formed a powerful bolt of lightning and fired it down at the water, Kilella's eyes widening in alarm as she quickly flew up, narrowly avoiding getting electrocuted before unleashed a wave of fire from her armor.Visibility was rapidly decreasing inside the barrier, as the amount of steam grew denser and denser with each passing second.

Belia was showing no signs of stopping, forcing Kilella to respond in kind and continue unleashing her flame attack to evaporate the ice projectiles coming her way.

Kilella was straining her eyes, it looks like she can barely see anymore at all...but Belia can use a variety of sensory spells, so the lack of visibility isn't affecting her nearly as much.

I'm only able to see what's going on thanks to my heightened sense of sight, but any longer and even I'll start struggling to make out what's going on in there.

I then noticed a triumphant smirk appear on Belia's face as she quietly slipped her left hand into a portal, while continuing to let off ice projectiles with her right hand.

Her hand emerged behind Kilella, before firing out a lightning blast at Kilella's back at the spot below her neck, blowing away some of her armor.

Kilella let out a startled gasp and began to react, but she was too slow, as Belia managed to touch her. The instant she did, Kilella froze up, her body stiffening...a paralysis spell, I'm guessing.

She then plummeted down and landed in the water with a splash, breaking free from the paralysis right as Belia fired lightning down at the water.

Before Kilella could fly away in time, the lightning struck the water, eliciting a cry of pain from her as she got zapped, right as Belia emerged behind her from a portal and fired out a blast of Weathering Magic.

Kilella got teleported out before she it hit her, and as she reappeared outside the barrier, it faded...and a stifling blast of hot steam erupted out from it.

"Ahhh, that's much better, I was sweating so much! My undies are thoroughly soaked!" Laughed Belia, as she swooped down towards the floor.

"Damn it...I lost," Sighed Kilella, looking completely drained.

"Hey, I wanna shower, I don't think I've ever sweated this much," Remarked Belia, tugging at her clothes, which were clinging to her skin.

"Can't you just use a spell to dry yourself?" I suggested in response, as Az shot out a cold breeze to cool down the room.

"Well, I can, but I'd rather take a shower, that'd be a lot more satisfying."

"I think it's time we wrapped this up. Our side is only gonna end up losing confidence at this rate," Sighed Kilzachs wistfully.

Yeah, I've just about had my fill too.


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote, and feel free to leave a comment, I appreciate any and all feedback and criticism!

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