Chapter 501: 500   - Final ShowdownPoint-of-View: Damien Romer


I might be in a bit of trouble here...I have no idea exactly how powerful any of these five are, they're certainly a lot more powerful than I thought possible after I killed Shiro and the previous Earth Sage. Which can only mean...

"Oh, I get it now...I was wonder who you people were, but I see now. You're the ones who were trapped in that barrier, aren't you? I'm sure you all think you're powerful, but just so you know, I'm not even at half my full power right now," I remarked with a smirk.

The Elf must be the Wind Sage...which makes the Halfling the Lightning Sage. The hot blonde is Belia Lasmodeus, I'm guessing, and the guy with the drowsy look on his face is likely Azyl Roake, the Water Sage. And last but not least, the one who's all in black must be none other Kuro Black.

Huh, come to think of it, in my old world, there was an assassin who was infamous in the underworld, I never encountered him myself, but he went by the codename Kuro, and was known to typically be clad all in black.

I wonder, could this guy be-...nah, it doesn't matter, because this guy is about to die by my hand, so his identity is meaningless.


I then unleashed my True Anima, along with's a bit risky since I'll be putting myself in a state of aggression, but...with this, I should be powerful enough to overwhelm all of them regardless!

I then used my Clone Extra Magic, forming my maximum of five clones...there's six with me, meaning that I now outnumber them!

"Two can play at that game...and unfortunately for you, I can play it better," Stated he produced twelve clones.

"Yeah, whatever, I'll kill you all regardless!" I snapped, as I had my clones attack, before teleporting in towards the Wind Sage.

He swung his spear across at me in response, which passed through me as I turned intangible, before I drove my trident straight towards him with a rapid twist of my wrist.

He managed to just barely block it with the handle of his spear, but the force of my thrust sent him flying back and crashing onto the wall of the barrier. Time for him to die!


He fired out wind blasts at me as I shot towards him with a wide, bloodthirsty grin, which I easily avoided by turning intangible, before raising my trident as I began to close in on him, his eyes widening in alarm.

Suddenly, a massive wave of ice came barreling in towards me, which I evaded by teleporting up into the air, before quickly putting up a defense barrier as Belia fired that strange attack that turned my arm to dust earlier.

As it struck my barrier, it crumbled it instantly, before I had one of my clones teleport in front of me to take the hit right in the nick of time, before I zipped away as the clone turned to dust.

If that attack fully envelops me while I'm intangible, I'll die. Grr, damn it, I need to kill her!

"I'm gonna make you suffer before you die," She remarked coldly, as she suddenly teleported right behind me.

I froze for a moment, before spinning around and slashing at her with my trident, which she narrowly ducked under as I grazed her forehead, before I felt a hole crumbling through my stomach as she slammed her palm onto it, coated with that attack from before.

I let out an enraged snarl as I then grabbed her wrist with a furious glare, before slamming my head onto hers with all the force I could muster, dazing her as I began to charge up an Obliteration Magic blast in my mouth, preparing to fire it out at her head.

Right as I began to fire it, she quickly opened up a portal and had it swallow her up, closing and severing her wrist that was in my grasp, just barely avoiding getting hit as I fired out the blast. Tch, almost had her.

I then quickly teleported away as a massive blast of lightning came shooting towards me, but the instant I reappeared, five of Kuro's clones teleported after me and surrounded me.

Shit, all my clones are dead already!? No...there's just no way! They're all supposed to be equally as powerful as I am, damn it, so how can they all be dead!? My power level is over one and a half MILLION, how is this happening!?

"Not too bad, I have to took two of my clones to beat each one of yours, you're pretty powerful. What a waste," He remarked, as each of his clones surrounding me suddenly fired out Obliteration Magic blasts at me.

With my teleportation cooldown not yet complete, I quickly used the Support Magic switch to trade places with Belia, putting her in the line of fire instead.

But Kuro managed to dissipate the blasts before they could hit her, before I fired out my own Obliteration Magic blasts all around me.

Kuro's clones swiftly teleported the others out of the way, with the Wind Sage slicing my blasts in half using his spear.

I then growled in frustration as I teleported towards the Lightning Sage and slashed at her throat with my trident, which she partially evaded before grimacing as I deeply gashed her left shoulder, blood splashing out of the cut.

She drew out a couple of hidden daggers and flung them at me, I quickly turned intangible in response, the tip of one of them nicking my neck a split second before it phased through me.

I then noticed a massive wave of ice barreling in towards me, which I quickly countered by blasting out several Obliteration Magic blasts straight behind me, wiping out the incoming ice.

As the Lightning Sage began to fire out a lightning blast at me, I quickly slashed my trident at her head, which she just barely ducked under, before leaping towards me as I began to try and kick her, blunting my force by letting my knee hit her palms, before firing out a charged lightning bolt from her mouth.

The projectile grazed my left cheek and the top of my ear as I quickly tilted my head away, before she sprang back as I manifested intense flames swirling around me.

The Wind Sage and Belia suddenly appeared on either side of me, the former with wind swirling around his spear, and the latter with that crumbling attack around her fists.

As they both drove their attacks in, I quickly countered by bursting out a powerful shockwave of wind, sending them both flying away before their attacks could land.

I then shot towards the Lightning Sage and drove my trident straight at her sharply, which she evaded as she went low and swung a kick at my midsection, but I managed to turn intangible in time.

As her foot passed through me, she suddenly smirked triumphantly, as she burst out a powerful blast of lightning from her foot, fully engulfing me as I let out a sharp cry of pain.

Before it could kill me, I quickly turned tangible as I struck her with the back of my fist, using my paralysis Support Magic to keep her from moving. I healed myself as quickly as possible to free myself from the effects of the electrocution.

As she collapsed onto the ground, struggling to break free, I let out as amused chuckle as I watched her desperation with glee, as I began to plunge my trident straight down towards her, before quickly halting as a sharp blur shot towards me rapidly.

But in my bloodlust towards the Lightning Sage, I was a fraction of a second too late to react, as it shot past me, and the next thing I knew, my right arm was severed, once again.

"My a-arm...damn it, not again!" I snarled viciously, my anger and rage overcoming me as I locked my gaze onto the one that did this, the Wind Sage, his spear dripping with my blood, "I'll kill you, damn it-...arghh!!!"

A wave of ice burst out towards me and struck my right side before I could react in my immense, blinding rage, piercing into my body painfully as it skewered my torso and legs, before I escaped by turning intangible and teleporting away.

"Okay, all those tricks are really annoying, let me get a sample of your Mana signature," Smirked Belia, as she appeared behind me and I felt her hand on my back.

"Get away from me, bitch!" I yelled, as I swung my left elbow back, but she teleported out of the way.

"You're finished now," She grinned in amusement, as she suddenly activated another barrier, "This'll block your Mana flow, meaning that you can't use any of those several annoying tricks up your sleeve. But the rest of us are just fine."

H-huh? I...I can feel it, my Berserker is wearing off, even though I still have some time before the time limit. Shit...shit, I fucked up, I let myself drown too deeply in the aggression caused by the Berserker state!

O-oh, no...this is bad, I can't use my healing powers, only my Anima's regeneration...b-but it's way too slow without the use of my other healing techniques to speed it up.

Q-quickly, I need to activate my Nullification and-...n-no, it's not working, why isn't it working, damn it!?

I stumbled back in pain as blood poured out of the stump of my right arm, growing more faint as I lost more and more blood by the second.

Suddenly, I let out an alarmed cry as ice burst out around my legs, holding me in place and unable to break free, before the Wind Sage shot towards me again, slashing off my left arm this time.

"D-damn you all-...agh!" I began to snap, before the Lightning Sage then struck me through the middle of the chest with a powerful lightning bolt, severely scorching my skin as let out an agonized wheeze.

No, please no, this can't be happening...I can't be defeated this easily, no way! No way, no way, no way!

I can't die like this, I just can't, not after everything I've done! This...this world is mine, damn it! It belongs to me!

"I'm gonna punch you in the face now," Came Belia's voice, before a powerful force slammed onto the side of my face, knocking out several teeth and breaking my cheekbone, which was piercing into my face.

"Y-you bitsch!" I sputtered as flecks of blood sprayed out of my face, before she slammed her other fist square onto the middle of my face, knocking in my front teeth and breaking my nose.

Stop can't kill me! I'm still not done with this world, damn you, I still have so much more to do! So many more people to torture, break, rape and kill! I'm not fucking done yet, you here me!?

"You sure had a good time toying with this world, didn't you, and destroying the peace that we all worked so hard to bring about? But you're done now. It's over for you. And I'll be taking all the power you've stolen from who knows how many people?" Remarked Kuro in an icy tone, as I felt a sharp prick against my neck.

"Thish ish...imposhible...y-you're all weaker than me, damn it, you can't kill me!" I cried in desperation, as I felt my energy rapidly draining away.

N-no, at this rate, I-I'll be dead in seconds!

"And yet, here you are, dying a pathetic, miserable death. Who knows? Maybe you're not nearly as tough as you think you are, hm?" Suggested Kuro, as everything began to go dark...when suddenly, it stopped, and he added, "On second thought, maybe you deserve to suffer a bit more before you. Have a taste of my Chaos Magic while I drain the last of your life force. This final second of your life...will feel like an eternity."

As his third eye locked onto my gaze, I suddenly found myself in what appeared to be some sort of facility...where is this, where am I? I can't move...I'm strapped down to some sort of operating table.

I then froze as I looked up, to see several men standing around me, wearing gloves and masks, and holding stuff like scalpels and syringes. Not only were my limbs and torso bound, but I was gagged too. Wh-what is this?

I let out a muffled cry of pain as I felt a scalpel pierce into my stomach and then slice me open, before I felt a needle being pressed into my arm, the hand holding it starting to push down on it. I struggled in desperation as another man stepped up with a spinning saw, holding it over my head. N-no, stay away...stay away from me...!


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