Chapter 478 477   - The Devourer(Part 7)  Point-of-View: Damien Romer


  Two down, one to go. The gold haired guy I knocked out is still there, and based on my sensory ability, he hasn't moved an inch. Good, he's probably still out cold.

  Ugh, but eating hearts is still kinda sickening. Wish Devour worked more conveniently, like just killing someone being enough to activate the power, or at most, drinking a bit of their blood or something. But, no, I have to eat the hearts of those whose powers I want, what a pain.

  Anyway, I should go find myself a pair of Power Reader glasses after this, I really wanna know what my current power level is. I felt a pretty substantial boost after eating Lily's heart, but it was her trident that gave me an especially significant boost in power.

  And this weapon is seriously awesome, and helps balance my offensive capabilities. My abilities were kinda skewed more on the defensive side, but with this boost to my attack options, I'm a lot more balanced.

  Alright, done eating the second heart. Sweet, my Water Magic feels stronger now, and I've also gained Corruption Magic.


  Now, then, let's see what powers I can reap from my other victim. That one also had Demonic features, hope he's got a different power than Corruption Magic, ideally multiple ones. Well, Mimic Magic is pretty damn useless, but the others, Chaos, Obliteration and Alchemic Magic, I want all of them.

  I didn't get to see him fight at all, so I don't know what his Elemental Magic type is, but it doesn't matter. I've got all five already, so whatever it is, will only boost one of my existing types.

  Too bad I can't get Support Magics from anyone who isn't a Reincarnator below twenty years old. Well, from what I've heard, they've been popping up at a increasingly frequent rate lately, so I'm sure to encounter some sooner or later.

  Ah, here he is, the third one...well and truly out cold. I raised the trident and drove it down, piercing it into his neck and then yanking it out with a twist, tearing his throat open, before slicing a hole through his chest and swiftly ripping out his heart.

  As I did, a black mist suddenly burst out from the fresh corpse, forming a dark cloud above me, with two red spots that kinda looked like eyes. So, this is a Demon's true form, huh? Well, then, is he going to try and possess me? I'm a bit nervous, but I welcome the, come at me!

  It hovered above me for a second, before suddenly flying off. Oh...well, that's disappointing. Guess he decided not to possess me, after all.


  Too bad. Because since the Demon had successfully possessed this body, that means I probably won't be getting whatever Demonic Magic he had.

  Oh, well, might as well get a boost to one of my Elemental Magics, if nothing else. This human couldn't resist the Demonic Possession, so he must have been pretty weak. I doubt I'll be getting much of a power boost from him.

  Still, every little bit counts, I guess. So, down the hatch. I then fried it and took a bit, letting out a slight groan of disgust. Ugh, so gross.  Hm, what should I do after this? I've got plenty of options. Oh, maybe I'll head over to one of the trade center towns, I can kill someone there and then use transform to take their place, before gaining someone's trust and making them my next victim.

  I can only use transform for an hour per day, but that'll make it more challenging and fun. Alright, then, it's decided. That's gonna be my next move. I can't wait to-...huh? What is this? This...this isn't Elemental Magic.

  Hold on...that golden hair, and possessed by a Demon...ahh, now I see, this is the former king of Goldway! And that Demon was called, uh...Druj, I think.

  That means...I have Light Magic now! Well, now, this is an unexpectedly delightful bonus.

  With this, I can replenish my Mana endlessly using the natural energy around me. And with the Light Magic's healing capabilities coupled with my axolotl Anima's regenerative abilities and my healing Support Magic, killing me is now that much harder!

  What's more, once I learn to properly harness all these various healing powers and maybe combine them somehow, I might even be able to halt my body's aging process and maintain my youth. Meaning...I can terrorize and play with this world forever!

  Man, am I glad that I came to this world! Heh, maybe getting nuked to death in my previous life was a blessing in disguise, there's no way I could've got to this position in that world.

  I can go almost anywhere I want in this world and do exactly as I please. I should probably avoid Abyss, Idyll and the Democratic Republic of Rustlands until I'm more powerful, each of those nations have got people that might be a bit too powerful for me to deal with at my current level.

  Shiro Blanc, the Earth Sage, the Demon Jhin and Rai Rumel are the ones I'm most wary of at the moment. It's possible that I might be able to handle the latter two, but I'm taking no chances.

  As for the Reincarnator detection barriers that are all over the place, I've got a way around them...earlier, when I used my Nullification, I vanished from the screen-like devices that were linked to the detection barrier around this village.

  I made sure to initially only surround myself with my Nullification barrier, before then expanding it to block off their powers. But the red blinking dot that was indicating my position disappeared the moment I activated it, meaning that by surrounding myself with a small Nullification barrier, I'll be able to avoid being detected.

  Both my Nullification and sensory techniques have maximum ranges of a one kilometer radius, which is plenty to work with. They do consume a fair bit of Mana to use continuously, but now that I have Light Magic, that's no longer a concern.

  I can easily just replenish my Mana instantly as I please, simple as that. And with all my healing techniques, it's like I'm playing a game with infinitely restoring HP AND MP!

  I've got all five Elemental Magic types, plus Light Magic, Corruption Magic and the two Extra Magics. I've built up a pretty solid arsenal of abilities, and it'll only keep growing with each and every person I target.

  Slowly but surely, I'll kill everyone who could end up getting in my way, and once that's done, there'll be no one left who's powerful enough to stop me...


  Point-of-View: Shiro Blanc  ———————————————————————————

  "Huh? You mean all three of them were killed?" I remarked in surprise and disbelief.

  "Yes...perhaps Lidui was right, I should have sent you instead, I should not have been so stubborn in my decision to not over-rely on you," Grimaced Cusana with a look of regret, clenching her fist in frustration.

  Today's the 12th of June, 1697, and last night, three of our most experienced Adventurers, one X and two S-Ranks, had been killed by a Reincarnator they were sent to eliminate.

  It was currently 8 AM, and I'd been summoned to the throne room, along with the other high ranking Adventurers.

  "Well, technically speaking, Druj wasn't killed, he's inhabited the body of a jailed criminal, but it's safe to assume that the culprit now has Light Magic, in addition to all five Elemental Magic types," Frowned Agatha in response.

  Seriously? At this rate, this guy's gonna develop an arsenal of powers even larger than Kuro's. But I doubt he can reach Kuro's power level though...not that it matters right now, since Kuro's sealed away.

  "He also gained Poseidon's Trident, so who knows how strong he is now. At worst, it may very well be that Siterra and I are the only ones who can take him down now without too much trouble...for now, anyway, if he keeps using Devour, who knows how strong he'll become?" I frowned in concern.

  "That's an unpleasant thought. Hey, we should keep this thing under wraps...worst case scenario, other Reincarnators get inspired by this guy's actions," Pointed out Cusnai grimly.

  "One thing's for sure, we can't carelessly send people after him, they could turn out to be nothing more than fodder for him to get stronger," Added Minise apprehensively.

  "I'm guessing we have no idea where he is now, huh?" I asked them.

  "Correct, unfortunately. It is possible that the Extra Magic technique Nullification allows him to conceal his presence as a Reincarnator from the detection barriers," Surmised Cusana in response.

  "So, in other words...he could be anywhere in the world right now, and we'd have absolutely no idea? And with powers like transform and invisibility, he could potentially avoid capture indefinitely," I pointed out.

  "Yeah, I agree with Cus, we should definitely keep this a secret. Just imagine the unrest and paranoia that'll spread if people start thinking that a murderer is among them," Remarked Minise with a worried look on her face.

  I gotta agree, publicizing this will only make things worse. This Reincarnator...he really knows what he's doing...


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