Chapter 475 474   - The Devourer(Part 4)  Point-of-View: Damien Romer


  "Hey, you made it! Come on in!" Grinned Isla, opening the door after I rang the bell.

  "Oh, um, thanks for having me," I responded as I walked in.

  "Ah, there you are, Damien! Good to see you, kid," Greeted her father with a welcoming smile.

  Good, by their demeanors, it's quite apparent that they didn't find Scipe, I had been a little paranoid and nervous that they might have, but looks like I was just overthinking it.

  This is perfect, everything's in place for me to get, but the food smells good, guess I'll eat a bit before I begin.


  "I appreciate you inviting me today...and the food smells amazing," I replied with a smile.

  "Glad to hear it, here's hoping it tastes as good as it smells!" He grinned, patting my back before gesturing to me to take a seat.

  As we all sat down around the table, we began eating, and I had to say, the food was great. It's to die for.

  Good for them...they get to enjoy a pretty scrumptious final meal, before they die. I should be careful not to fill up too much...after all, I need to save room for their hearts.

  I've made sure to get this body accustomed to eating large meals, so it shouldn't be a problem.

  Now, then, we've more or less finished should I go about doing this? I'll need to strike them both down simultaneously, otherwise things could get messy.


  "That was so good," I sighed contentedly, as I set down my utensils.

  "Wasn't it? Dad's such a great cook, isn't he?" Grinned Isla in response.

  "Well, I do try," He chuckled with a smile, before standing up, "I'll go get the dessert now."

  "Oh, let me help," Replied Isla, as she stood up and followed after him.

  Nice, they've both turned their backs to me...finally, it's finally time!

  "Thanks, but I'm full," I smirked, as I fired out powerful lightning bolts from each hand, one striking Isla's back and hitting her spine, while the other one struck the back of her father's head, killing him instantly.  "H-huh...?" Gasped Isla weakly, as she collapsed onto the floor, her body trembling in pain while she struggled to get up, her legs not moving, "Wh-what...what just happened...?"

  "Whew, finally! I can drop this insufferable act for good!" I exclaimed gleefully, as I walked over to her father, flipped him over and tore out his heart as I partially unleashed my True Anima around my hands, ripping open his chest.

  "D-Damien...? Wh-what...what is this? W-wait, who are you, some kind of imposter or something!?" Stuttered Isla in denial and disbelief, tears streaming down her face as her eyes trembled in shock.

  "Oh, actually, the Damien you knew was just a fake personality I came up with after coming to this world. But now, I can finally stop that stupid act. I've been waiting for this for way too long," I grinned, as I fried the heart with my lightning and chomped into it, scrunching up my face as I swallowed it, "Ugh, disgusting. Cannibalism is so not my thing. But this guy's relatively strong for a non-Reincarnator, so hey, might as well, right? And besides, I need to make sure Devour still works if the heart is cooked a bit, before I eat yours."


  "Ugh, this is so gross...what's with that look?" I inquired with a smirk, as she stared up me with a broken expression on her face, "Heh, even in my previous life, I've never seen such a delicious look of betrayal on one of my victim's faces...and it's been a long, long time since I said this, but...I was just playing you, you were nothing but a toy for me to enjoy, and're gonna die."

  Her eyes widened in shock, as she let out a horrified gasp...

  ", it can't be...those words, I've...heard them before.'re the...Phantom, aren't you?" She stuttered in terror.


  "No...fucking...way! Holy shit, were you one of my old victims!? Damnn, that's fucking wild! What are the chances!?" I exclaimed in surprise, before letting out an amused laugh, "Wow, you've got some seriously rotten luck! Oh, come to think of it, you really didn't like talking about your old life, did you?

  Now, I, who were you? One of the celebs? A government official or maybe royalty? Or were you a journalist or reporter? Well, whatever, I don't really care. Heh, I bet this is gonna give you some MAJOR trust issues in your next life, huh? You should probably wipe the slate clean and reincarnate without your past memories intact in your next life."magic

  "A-all these was all an act? Th-that can't be...n-no, you can't be the same person as that monster, you just can't! This i-is a d-dream, right? Right!?" She cried in anguish.

  "Well, if it is, I hope I never wake up. It's been such a pain...playing nice with these idiotic villagers, acting like a timid little shit, all of it. But most of all, you were the worst part of it...I had no choice but to get close to you, because I just have to have your powers if I'm going to terrorize this world the same way I did in my previous life. You really got on my nerves, you know...but, well, I guess it wasn't all bad. The sexual stuff was fun," I grinned, as I finished eating her father's heart.

  Sweet, it worked, I gained his abilities...I now have Wind Magic, along with the boost to my power level. Now, then, it's time to shut her up for good...

  "N-no...this isn't real...this isn''s can't be...," She muttered to herself with a wide-eyed look on her face...oh, guess I broke her.

  That's no fun.

  "Well, goodbye, Isla. For the sake of your sanity...and like I said, if you reincarnate again, don't retain your memories next time," I smirked, before breaking her neck and killing her.

  As I ripped out her heart, fried it and began eating it, I started humming cheerfully as I walked over to the rug, pulled it aside and removed the floorboards...sure enough, he's still here, fast asleep.

  I dragged him out of the floor, before putting the floorboards back in place and pulling the rug back above that spot.

  Still, I gotta say, this is absolutely disgusting...the taste of their hearts. I thought human meat was supposed to taste really good, that's why cannibals exist in the first place, and why carnivorous animals who've tasted human flesh can't be satisfied with the meat of other animals after that.  But these taste awful. Guess I'm not cut out to be a cannibal. That said, these definitely won't be the last hearts that I eat...I'm far from done with getting stronger. By the time I'm done, I'll be the strongest being on this planet, and I'll be able to do exactly as I please.

  I'll have to sneak around for a while, until my power level is a fair bit higher, and then I'll have to hunt down stronger and stronger prey.

  That'll probably take a while. But it's fine, I'm more than willing to be patient. And once I'm satisfied with my power level, I'll be able to do exactly as I please.

  Hm, maybe I'll terrorize a ton of people to start with, and then go quiet for a few years, and then strike again once people start to forget about me again.

  Yeah, that sounds like fun!

  Alright, time to eat the third and final heart. Fortunately, since this one's a kid's heart, it's smaller than the other two.

  My power level should be close to 30,000 after this, with ten percent of each of their power levels being added to mine.

  Isla had Fire and Earth Magic, while her dad had Wind Magic, so I now have all five Elemental Magic types, with my Lightning Magic stronger than before. And I also have a total of seven Support Magic techniques...I previously had invisibility, sensory and healing.

  Isla had healing, transform and defense, so I gained the latter two...her transform Support Magic was one of the main two abilities I was after from her. And Scipe had defense, teleport and intangibility, the latter two added to my arsenal.

  And finally, the Extra Magic techniques...Scipe had Devour, just like me, so that didn't make any difference. But it's Isla's Extra Magic that I've been targeting the most all this time...Nullification. A barrier field that nullifies all non-physical powers...except for the caster's.

  That's right, in other words, if I activate this power, I'll still be able to use my abilities just fine, but anyone else within that range won't.

  My axolotl Anima provides me with healing powers that let me grow back limbs and heal any damage to my organs, with limits of course, but it's still super handy. Plus, my healing Support Magic further strengthens my regenerative capabilities.

  And with my other Support Magics, invisibility, intangibility, teleport and defense, I'm basically untouchable against the majority of opponents, especially when those abilities are paired with my new Extra Magic, Nullification.

  And then there's transform...when this technique is applied on a living creature, it only lasts for a maximum of an hour. But when it comes to inanimate objects, the transformation becomes permanent.

  Therefore...I'll just go ahead and transform Scipe to look like me, and then I'll sneak away after transforming myself into Scipe.

  I'll hide out in the woods for a few days...I'm sure Adventurers will be sent to investigate this, they'll make for prime targets to consume. And if someone too powerful for me to handle shows up...I'll simply just run away instead.

  "Despite the literal bad taste in my mouth...I feel so damn good right now," I sighed happily, before I finished using transform and headed out.

  The first step to getting myself into a position where I can make this world into my plaything is now compete. And, of course, I'm just getting started here...


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