"So we are going to set out for the Elven realm and make our way to the other realms from there?" Riang asked with a surprised expression as all five of his wives from the mortal realm were sitting on the bed while looking at the sky.

"Indeed, we are going to go and meet the others. While I am going to do that, I will keeping you guys in some other place since I don't want you to witness me getting beaten."

Kai explained as the five of them exchanged a glance and nodded. Kai then smiled and waved his hands over them.

All five of the women vanished from the spot as Kai released a sigh while looking up at the moon.

'Its a wonder how they are ready to leave everything behind for me in one go and go with me on yet another journey.' He thought silently before stepping away from the Mortal realm.

He then made his way to the Elven realm while directly appearing in the capital to check up on Laofen and her sister Laoxiao.

Kai had already checked it before and was happy to see that Laoxiao had returned to her home some time after he had supposedly died.


Laofen would have definitely crumbled if she didn't have her sister to help her. Kai now wondered what their reactions would be if he suddenly appeared in their lives and surprised them.

'I guess I should keep in mind that wherever I will go, I am about to be hit hard…' Kai thought as he took a look around the entire elven realm the same way he had taken a looking around the mortal realm.

The changes there were also similar but there was one surprising thing that hadn't been present in the mortal realm.

There was a book on his life going around the entire market and it seemed to be hit.

"Harem Overlord…" Kai muttered as he read the title of the book. His picture was also depicted on the cover but it was from behind where his demon and angel wings were coming out.

Kai turned to the back of the novel appearing back at the palace as he read the name of the author. He suddenly started chuckling before storing the book in the pendant around his neck.


'Izzy, you still haven't stopped writing I guess.' He thought with a smile while remembering about the writer wife he had.Her talent for writing was something he had never seen before and he was still surprised to see how she could capture a scene into words like no one else could.

For the time being, Kai shook his mind away from such things and instead decided to get to meet the two elf sisters.

Just like his wives from the mortal realm, they had also became ancestors in the elven realm which didn't surprise him that much.

He was ready to meet them as he made his way to the back of the palace which lead to a secluded place he had sensed the moment he had appeared on the realm for the first time.

Kai made his way into the secluded place and inhaled sharply when he realized what it actually was.

It was the same palace from centuries ago where he had met the two sisters for the first time. The entire thing looked exactly same except for the fact that it was surrounded by a beautiful garden.

And sitting in the garden were two beautiful elves. Both Laoxiao and Laofen looked at Kai at the same time but neither of them gave him the reaction he had expected.

"Sis, can you please stop summoning the illusion again and again? Aren't we already tired of this?" Laofen asked with a sigh but Laoxiao looked confused.

"I thought you were the one who had used the illusion…" She replied as the two sisters exchanged a look.

They slowly stood up and looked at Kai with wide eyes. Kai silently stood where he was as he smiled and waved over to them.

The two sisters pinched each others cheeks before looking back at him and directly running up to him.

Kai felt tow cannonballs tackle him down but he didn't mind it as he managed to stay still and not get hit. The two elves suddenly pounded his chest hard with their fist as Kai let them do it.

They stopped it after a few minutes before directly looking up at Kai face and sucking air."How…" Laofen asked in a dazed tone as Kai once again explained everything from the top to the bottom to them. Once he was done, the two sisters were left shocked as they looked at each other once again.

"Kai I think that you should know one tiny thing before we say anything else…" Laofen mumbled as Kai's expression turned hard.

He had a feeling that the elf was not going to be telling him anything good.

"The two half-humans, Kana and Lana died two centuries after you had vanished…" Laofen mumbled as Kai released a sigh.

"Laofen, people die over time. If I had heard the same thing a few centuries before, I would have felt severely guilty. However, the two sisters had managed to live their good lives and left without any regrets."

"They had one regret and that was that they couldn't thank you…" Laoxiao added as Kai patted both of their heads.

"But you both told me about it so now, they don't have any regrets left." Kai replied with a handsome smile as the two sisters exchanged a look.

For some reason, they felt that Kai had matured a lot after what had happened to him. Perhaps he had gotten to know the things that they would never would and those had made him appreciate what he had.

"So now that you are back here, can we, uh, do…" Laofen tried asking in a polite way but she couldn't do it.

Kai on the other hand smiled as he understood what she meant.



An hour later, the three of them were lying in the garden while staring up at the fake sky of the realm.

The two elves had also gotten to know about Kai's plan and they were happy to go with him. But the two of them had requested to spend some time just talking with him about things and that's what they were doing then.

"So are you both ready to go?" Kai asked while standing up as the two women nodded. He then sent them to the same place he had sent his five wives from earlier.

He then looked around the elven realm one last time while thinking of Lana and Kana.

"Rest in peace." Kai muttered while floating above the realm before he took off for his next destination which was the group of ice, fire and moon realm.
