Kai realized one thing when he moved towards the mortal realm. He had no idea what he was going to say or what would even happen.

He was pretty sure that his girls were going to be angry as fuck and were going to beat him up. Even though he was now the strongest man in the entire universe, he felt that even his powers couldn't protect him from the wrath of his wives.

Before stepping foot on the mortal real, Kai decided to hang right above the realm. He then opened the top three button of his shirt before parting it apart to see the symbol on his chest.

He then saw his harem symbol shift to Ayaka's harem symbol. A small smile appeared on his face as Kai remembered the time he had met Ayaka for the first time and then the time he had seen her die.

Too many things had changed since them and both of them had also experienced many changes in their personalities.

Kai felt as though that if they didn't go through that tearjerker of a journey, he wouldn't be standing where he currently was.

But before he could move towards the mortal realm, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest. It was as though someone had grabbed his heart and was tightly squeezing it,


Kai refrained himself from groaning but the attempt wasn't easy. He couldn't control the pain as it spread all across his body and left him completely numb.

Kai suddenly felt his powers going out of control as he started falling down. His eyes moved down towards the mortal realm as he cursed aloud.

"What the hell is wrong with my luck. This is the second time I am falling down on the mortal realm and here I thought that I wouldn't have to go through that again." Kai thought with a sigh while rubbing his temples.

His flow had turned into a slow motion action replay as he wondered whether some elders from some random sect would come to see who he was and he would have to go through everything again.

Kai knew that if he had to go through the entire shit again, he would destroy the entire world and force everyone to live on a single realm.

Though the plan seemed nice in theory, Kai knew that the realm would blow up soon due to the tension that existed between the different races.


'I hope that my powers are with me the moment I land…' Kai thought as the land suddenly came into focus.

Similar to what had happened years ago, his body automatically paused in the air but instead of him falling down, Kai remained suspended in the air.He remained in this position for a few minutes before he finally regained all of his powers and was able to land on his feet.

Kai then looked around while trying to figure out how much the realm had changed over the course of time and where he was.

'I guess I am on some stranded island which is about to be visited by the elders of some me forbidden sect.' He thought while using his name in the statement.

Kai was now the biggest god that existed so he could easily refer to himself in such statements. But despite being such a being, his geography hadn't improved one bit.

After sighing, Kai realized that he had two options. Either wait on his spot for someone to pass by and then use their memories to learn what was going on the mortal realm.

Or he could just explore the entire place and turn anyone who annoyed him into ashes.

"Mhm, the second option is better." He muttered before rising in the air and making his way to the western continent.

If he remembered correctly, that was the place where he would find the Blue Moon sect and get an idea of what was happening on the realm.

Kai knew that he won't get lost this time since he could feel a connection with a few of his wives guiding him to where they were.

He could have easily teleported to their position but had decided to take a look around the entire continent to see how much of an impact had he made.

'Hmm looks like his bloodline is still going strong.' Kai thought with a smile as he saw that the Zian family was still ruling the western continent.

Though Asahi's blood was barely present in any of the current family members, it was still there in a short amount.

'I guess I am back to where I started this journey from. The entire place feels so refreshing yet different at the same time.'

Kai flew around the entire continent and examined it. Nothing much had changed and there was no noticeable change that made any effect.magicHe had realized this long ago but was deliberately roaming around while trying to waste time. He was avoiding the only thing that he was at the continent for.

Despite being such a powerful being, Kai felt something inside his heart that prevented him from doing better.

He felt the pain moving from his heart to his head as he immediately moved away from the western continent.

He had no idea why things had turned out like this but Kai felt that if he kept himself away for some more time, he would do better.

He took a deep breath and decided to take a look at the other continents. The first point of his visit was the Eastern continent which for some reason had been inhabited again though the population was still low compared to other continents.

Kai looked over it for a few minutes before making his way north and south. The north had changed a lot after he had made Azazel lose his control and the entire continent was flourishing well enough.

The same was true for the Southern continent as Haruka had made sure to teach the right things to his successors.

"Now, its time for the Central continent." Kai muttered as he was reminded of the time he had gone on a rampage due to what had happened with Risea as he released a sigh and stepped on the continent.

Since he had cleaned the weeds from the Central continent too, it had turned into a much better place.

Kai then inhaled sharply as he knew that only one place remained.

'I guess I can no longer procrastinate going to that place…' He thought before at last, he appeared in front of the Blue Moon Sect.


Hello readers, this is going to be a long message. I have somehow managed to write this novel again but due to very little time on my hands, it will only be published on weekends and that will include one chapter each day.

I know that 2 chaps a week are very less but that's my mental and physical limit for now. Though I am very happy that I can write Harem Overlord again.

Despite how rushed the entire novel is, I am going out to slow this part. I will give it the ending I had planned long ago and would bring the novel to its end.

I don't think I have more than 5 readers left but even if they are only so less of you here, I will publish this.

I thank you for every kind of support you have given me and would be willing to give me in the future.

Please wish me luck since I need it.

Your Author.
