'Has he finally done that?'

Space, Time, and Death stared at the purple-haired man's golden glowing body. Two angels wings and two demon wings were coming out of his back. The wings shone brightly despite the white-colored room all of them were in.

Kai's hair were curled up and his eyes were closed. His body was floating above the ground while his hand was producing a constant golden glow that had moved through his entire body.

While looking at this scene, all three of the entities were reminded of the time they could use their powers with fewer restrictions.

Kai would soon be burdened with these retractions but till the time that didn't happen, he would be able to freely use some of the most dangerous powers in the world.

"Rewind." A single word escaped his mouth as he opened his eyes. They were shining bright gold as his appearance slowly started to change.

His clothes were replaced by a bright white cloak with golden, black, and gray-colored patterns. His hair had turned golden too though the rest of him remained the same.


To nobody's surprise, Kosma's black hair started to turn white again. The loli woke up and growled in Kai's direction.

Though no matter how hard she struggled to move, she remained rooted to her spot.

"She can't move even if she wants to." Space muttered as she realized that Kai was using space manipulation to keep Kosma in place.

"Then this means that he can use my powers too?" Death asked in a neutral voice but on the inside, he was ready to go ahead and punch Kai in the face for being too overpowered.

"No, he cannot use your powers since you are the only person with them. He can use time and space manipulation because of us both but like you, he has a special ability too." Time replied as the three of them continued to look at Kai and Kosma.

The latter's hair had completely turned back to white and so did her eyes. From her expression, they could tell that the old Kosma was back.


Slowly, the glow around Kai's body vanished and his wings folded back. However, his eyes and hair still remained the same.

He freed Kosma from the Space manipulation and allowed her to set down without any worries."What happened?" The white-haired loli asked while rubbing her head as she looked at Kai's face. "What the hell is wrong with your hair and eyes."

"I am missing my old hair and eye color…" Kai muttered as he brought his hands up to his hair and made them settle down.magic

Space wanted to say that he resembled someone but decided to not say it. But she instead decided to talk about his new powers.

"Kai, now that you can manipulate time and space to some extent, what are you going to do?" Space asked as the golden-haired man turned to stare at her.

Kosma on the other hand looked as though someone had told her that she would stay a loli forever.

"What are all of you doing here?!" She asked as Time and Space chuckled. Death on the other hand just waved and turned to look at Kai.

"Hey, Kai, I want to battle you." The black-haired young man suddenly said but Kai shook his head.

"I have to first make sure that Yingxi and Lin are freed from the Darkness's control," Kai replied as he turned to look at Time and Space who were talking with Kosma and were tel[ling her about everything that had happened.

"It's weird how you don't remember being another version of yourself. The white-haired loli then turned in Kai's direction and gave a small bow.

"Thanks, Kai."

"You saved me, I saved you. This will probably happen again so there is no need of thanking me."

"You are going to call me for help again…"

"Good thing you realized that so soon."

"Fuck you.""SO we remove our clothes?" Kai asked with a grin as the white-haired loli sighed and shook her head.

"I can't beat you there."

"But that doesn't mean that you should give up. I can give you some suggestions if you want." Death interrupted as Kai rolled his eyes and looked at Time and Space.

"My powers are going to be restricted soon, aren't they?"

"Yes." The orange-haired woman replied though she had a small smile on her face. Even though it had taken a long time, he had finally unlocked the true powers.

"Then we are fighting the Darkness before that happens. How long would it take anyways?" Kai asked but neither Time nor Space knew the answer to that.

"It takes 15 days for that to happen if you use your power regularly but if you use it like once a day, it will take you a month. Those are the only two results that will happen so you either use it once a day or use it for as many times as you want." Death explained since his powers had been restricted at one point.

But he had been able to gather this data which would help both Kai and a whole lot of people too.

"Then let's go back and start forming a plan," Kai said and was about to snap his fingers but Space beat him.

"You don't get to do that in my presence." The black-haired woman said with a wink as everyone in the room, including Kosma, were teleported to Death's library.

"Try making everything normal." Time said as they returned to the frozen library.

Kai then closed his eyes and imagined that everything was back to normal. When he opened his eyes, everything unfroze.

"Good job." Time said while clapping as Kai quickly turned around and placed his hands on Lin and Yingxi's head.

"Rewind." Their eyes suddenly went blank as Kai made their minds and bodies return to the condition they were in before he was teleported.

"They will take some time to wake up now." Time commented as Lin and Yingxi suddenly crashed down on the ground with their eyes closed.

"What in the world just happened?" Sahara asked with a slightly open mouth as Kosma raised her eyebrows.

"I don't think taking my name was really necessary there."


"Don't worry Sahara. We have a lot of things to discuss." Kai said with a smile and summoned everyone in the library to tell them about his plan.
